Taborah Johnson, also known as Tabby Johnson, is a Canadian singer and actress. She is the sister of actor Clark Johnson and rock and jazz singer Molly Johnson.
I actually don't think this is weird at all. I think it is an amazing, cute, and adorable nickname for Tabitha and I think it would work for a grown lady as well.
Tabby is such a cute name! Much better than Gabby and Abby!
― Anonymous User 10/29/2020
My daughter's name is Tabby, just Tabby. It's not short for anything so obviously I love the name and my dear Tabby loves it too. Because the name sounds silly to the naked ear I gave her the middle name Camille so she can go by that if she wants to. So far she has kept Tabby and is now 8. Before my daughter came into my life when someone said Tabby I thought of cats, but now I think of love.
― Anonymous User 4/30/2017
Like Felix, this is a better name for a cat than a human.
I like Tabby as a nickname for Tabitha, but only as a nickname. As a name on its own, it seems rather odd. Though, I think it would be a little funny if someone named Tabby liked cats.