If you don't like "Stevie", don't call your kid "Stevie". Pretty simple. I'm a man, almost 50 years old, and my friends call me "Stevie". I don't take it as diminutive; I take it as a term of affection. I am proud to be called "Stevie".
Who in the actual heck would call a little girl this? Use Stephanie, heck even Stella, or EVEN STEVE would work better than this for a girl, better on a boy, but still not a fan of it. Please, use Stephanie, Steven, Stephen, Stella, Ste- name in general, but please, don't use Stevie.
I find this name repulsive. It sounds like the name of a smelly old guy who hits on young girls.Stevie Nicks can't even save it.Please use Stephanie instead. You can still call her Stevie but she won't have to live with this immature name for the rest of her life.
― Anonymous User 6/30/2021
The fact that they have the audacity to put in a category of Fleetwood Mac members, and not put Stevie Nicks in namesakes, upsets me greatly.
My name is Stephanie and I was a 70s baby. My mom was a big Fleetwood Mac fan and when she found out that Stevie Nicks' full real name is Stephanie I was nicknamed Stevie at 4 years old, and I've been Stevie ever since. Sucked as a kid I was teased about it... But as an adult I get a lot of compliments.
NOT a fan for a girl. It's too boyish. If I heard it on a girl without seeing her I'd think she was morbidly obese with social issues. On a boy I just think pudgy.
Stephanie Lynn "Stevie" Nicks is an American singer/songwriter. She is known for her work as a vocalist with Fleetwood Mac as well as her prolific solo career.Nicks is currently the only woman to have been inducted to the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame twice - first for her career with Fleetwood Mac in 1998, and as a solo artist in 2019.
Stevie Kathleen Ryan was an American actress and YouTube personality. She starred in the VH1 series Stevie TV. She was born and raised in the city of Victorville, California and graduated from Silverado High School in 2002. She moved to Los Angeles at the age of 19 to enter the entertainment industry. Throughout 2006 and 2007, Stevie continued to book various commercial projects while also filming, editing, and acting in videos which she posted online.
My parents are music fanatics. Dad's name is Steve and he's a HUGE Stevie Ray Vaughn fan, uncle's name is Nick so my mother (who can sing just about like Stevie Nicks) naturally went with Stevie for me. Being a little girl with this name was horrible to be honest. "Oh your named after Stevie Wonder, huh?!" "Did your parents want a boy?!" "Is your real name Stephanie?" *sigh* I DID attempt to go by my middle name once. My mother went with "Nickole." She wanted to make sure that if someone stole her first and middle name for her first born, that they surly wouldn't get the spelling she had. Plus, it follows where my name came from in the first place that much better and tied my uncle right in there as well. Kudos Mom! I have grown to love it in my recent years. Yeah, I could never find my name on those tiny license plates you would proudly sport on your bike, but by golly that was just showing me that I was never meant to "fit in." When you meet me and hear my name, it all seems to make perfect sense- people have actually told me this in person. I don't see it as any more masculine than feminine. I know (of) and have met many incredible souls who carry this unique and pretty uncommon name. Some don't care for my first name and prefer to call me Nickole or even Nick. Whatever makes your day, I can deal. I'm not here to make anyone remember me but I guarantee you will never meet another Stevie or person like me and without even trying you will never forget me!
My name is Stevie, and everyone thinks it's a masculine name but I'm extremely feminine so it's kinda like an oxymoron for me. But I stand out, and everyone remembers my name so it works out for me:)
Sorry, but "Stevie" is not a strong masculine name. It's not even close to that. It's definitely unisex, but more feminine than masculine in my opinion.
I always thought that Stevie was a boy name used as a nickname for Steven, but when I transferred to a different middle school in the middle of the 8th grade, boy was I wrong. There's like three Stevies, and all of them are girls.
Sounds a little weird on a girl, at least as not as irritating as Frankie.
― Anonymous User 7/6/2015
I think it's cool when I meet girl that has a nickname (or simply just their name) that's usually associated with boys. I find it unique, and that it almost sets a certain precedence for a girl's future - I mean from my experience I've found I cannot judge a book by its cover, but I can definitely get a vibe from someone just by knowing their name. Truthfully, all of the girls that I've met that are called Frankie or Stevie have always been rock stars in life and successful (in their careers or personal happiness). Maybe it's the down to earth vibe of the name that sets the tone, or uniqueness. Stevie Nicks was actually a rock star, although I must admit I like it as a name and not a shortened version of Stephanie. Stephanie is a beautiful name too though, all the Stephanie's I know are wonderful and hard working people (never call them Steph though, as they all say..)..My name is Cecelia, by the way, but everyone calls me CC (initials for Cecelia Catherine). I'm throwing that out there because I get curious about people's names based on their comments on any website and if their username is different. Like when I read a nasty one, I'm always wondering who are you? Why are you hiding behind a made up username? Don't be a coward and hide anonymously on the internet just so you can lash out without judgement. If you're going to be a d*ck then own up to it. For anyone that has browsed the yahoo comment section on the daily headlines for example *eyeroll* who raised those people?Whew I just used a name website to rant about people on the internet via the comment section. Irony sort of..? Just bringing that up if anyone can relate to feeling a bit discouraged in humankind by such negativity seen across the Internet. Choose your name/username/nickname/etc wisely I guess.
I love my name (female born Stevie). I get a lot of flack from people that I meet for the first time (doctors, teachers, mostly older people), because Stevie is such a 'masculine' name. We name kids before we know their personality, so it's unfair to judge someone's character based on a title given at birth. Besides it's nice to have a name that nobody else does in school and at work; this way people don't need to pronounce my difficult last name. Why I was named Stevie: My mom decided to make me and my older sister have a cutesy two part name, she's Danielle. So it's like Danny and Steve from Hawaii Five-0.
Personally, as I am named Stevie, and I am a woman, I find it odd that people find it difficult to see it as a female, or a males name. Admittedly, I see it as quite feminine as I am female, but it is quite a nice name for both genders. Some peoples view that it is only for a man, are quite wrong, it is a unisex name, and pretty much always has been. It is not a nick name, but a name in itself, it's just those with the name Stephanie or Steven, have had it shortened to such -I also know a guy who goes by Stevie, but his name is Steven - and as it is not the most common of names, people confuse this matter.
― Anonymous User 12/22/2014
I'm a woman and my name is Stevie, not a nickname, it's my birth name and I'm very proud of and with my name. People always think I'm named after Stevie Wonder, so they're surprised that a woman can have that name. Most of them don't know Stevie Nicks tho ;)
― Anonymous User 5/30/2014
A famous bearer is American musician Stevie Wonder, born Steveland Morris.
My name is Stevie and my middle name is Nicole (Nicks was too masculine apparently). My mom's father was an incredible Stevie Nicks fan, so I was named after her. I had short hair when I was younger, so people definitely thought I was a boy, so it was hard. But it's unique and I'm growing to like it!
Despite some of the negative comments about this name being "too masculine for a girl's name" and such, I would definitely name my future daughter this as a tribute to Stevie Nicks (yes, I am a HUGE Fleetwood Mac fan) and if she didn't like it or if she was girly and wanted a more girly name, she could go by Eve or Evie like one of the above comments said.
My name's Stevie-Jo, I used to hate my name but as I've grown older I've come to love it and if a girl named this feels it's too boyish or masculine she can always go by Eve or Evie as I did for part of my childhood.
My name is Stephanie, and I personally hate the nickname Stevie for this name. I'd never even heard of that. Sounds way to little-boy/masculine, and even on a girl I just see a tomboy girl aged 7-11 or something. Definitely not something I'd ever want to be called.
I love Stevie as a nickname for Stephanie (can't stand Steph). I think it's spunky and a little different. Plus, my father's name was Steve and I'm a huge Stevie Nicks fan (thanks to my mother who nearly named me Rhiannon).
I love the name Stevie for a girl. I like Stephanie, but I really don't like the nickname Steph, so I think Stevie is a great alternative. It still sounds girly to me, actually I have trouble picturing a man called Stevie.
@angelsariel - I am Stevie and I am a guy. Why would anyone have problems seeing a guy have that name, since it sounds masculine? Just coz poor Stephanie (Stevie Nicks) couldn't pronounce her name, she (unluckily and unfortunately for the other male Stevies) choose the nickname Stevie. So it doesn't make it a girl's name. People are just used to seeing Stevie Nicks all over the place and so they assume it's a girl's name! If they wanna name girls, they can always use Steffy, Stephanie or get creative and go with Stevanie or Steva or whatever.STEVIE IS A STRONG MASCULINE NAME, WHETHER THEY SPELL IT AS STEVY (WHICH I HATE) OR ANYTHING ELSE!If a girl's called Stevie, You better check if she really is a girl! Might be guy or a tom-boy!
My name is Stevie. I love it! And Stevie is my name, it's not my nickname, although that's mostly how I use it. To me Stephanie is too girly and popular. And I hate being called Steph.
On the Saddle Club, one of the charater's name is Stephanie but she grew up with brothers so she goes by Stevie.
― Anonymous User 1/31/2006
I personally love this name because of Fleetwood Mac's Stevie Nicks. Stevie Nicks couldn't say "Stephanie" (her real name) as a child so she just shortened it to "Stevie".