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Gender Masculine
Scripts Στασικράτης(Ancient Greek)

Meaning & History

The first element of this name is derived from the Greek noun στάσις (stasis), which can mean "standing, placing, setting" as well as "a standing still". It basically refers to a state of standing (still). It is ultimately derived from the Greek verb ἵστημι (histemi) meaning "to stand, to make to stand" as well as "to stand still". Compare Anastasios (see Anastasius) and the modern English word ecstasy, both of which are etymologically related. The second element of this name is derived from Greek κρατος (kratos) meaning "power". One could then say that the meaning of this name is roughly "a standing of power" or perhaps "the power of standing still".
Added 11/28/2014 by Lucille