A name for a dog rather than a child.
A name for a cartoon character or a dog, not for a human. This name is so embarrassing.
Cool as a nickname, but never for a real person. I am always reminded of Spike the dragon from My Little Pony when I hear this name.
It’s alright for a pet, but I’d never actually use it.
Hey, it's Spike Milligan! Ying tong iddle I po.
Awesome lizard name!
Two Super Mario characters have this name, the first being the foreman of the demolition site where Mario and Luigi work in Wrecking Crew, and the second being a Koopa that throws spiked balls or rollers from within the mouth.
Very cool name but not for a real person. Spike is the main character's name from Cowboy Bebop and the name of a character from Final Fantasy. This name will work great only on fictional people and pets.
My surname is Spike and I personally really love it! As a first name I don't but it's really cool to have as a surname. My first name is really girly and so with Spike being quite masculine it just adds something to my name.
This is up there with Fido and Lucky as the trifecta of dog names.
Spike is the dog on Tom and Jerry.
Totally stupid, and won't get him anywhere in life.
On Buffy the Vampire Slayer, James Marsters portrayed vampire Spike, a recurring character from season 2, guest star season 3 and main character seasons 4-7.
Yeah, with the middle name Pierce you'd have the perfect name for a goth/emo/punk kid!
Okay. Who the h-e-double hockey-sticks would name their poor kid this? This is a downright retarded name, I'm sorry. Name your lizard or dog this. Not some poor kid that's gonna have to answer to "Spike". Since it originally refers to a person with spiky hair, let's all go naming our kids "Spike" and "Curly" and "Straight". Or just name them "Blond", "Brown", "Black" and "Red". Yeesh. Can we give actual NAMES to kids these days?
Spike, a baby dragon, is one of the main characters in the hugely popular cartoon My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. He is Twilight Sparkle's assistant.
This was also a common name for dogs, due to the practice of equipping fighting dogs with spiked collars, which later became a popular "tough" look for pets. The name connotates either the "toughness" attributed to fighting and protecting, or the "loyalty" and "trustiness" of a family pet.
Spike Jonze is a director and producer of film, music videos, and television.
Mike "Spike" Scarlatti is a character on the TV show Flashpoint; played by Sergio Di Zio.
Sounds like a good name for a male stripper.
Spike Spiegel was the protagonist of the awesome anime Cowboy Bebop. Other than that, this name is for dogs. And obnoxious bleached vampires that ruin my favorite shows.
Christine 'Spike' Nelson was a great character from Degrassi Junior High, a Canadian program for teens that ran in the 1980s.
Spike was the name of one of Snoopy's brothers in the comic strip "Peanuts." He looked the same as Snoopy, but he was tremendously thin, had a mustache, and wore a hat to protect his head from the sun. Spike lived in Arizona, among the cacti.
This is the name of the dog on Rugrats.
Like in the cases of Ryder and Slade, a movie from 1985 comes to my mind. Unlike in the cases of Ryder and Slade, this movie is about the coolest, most popular, and relatively attractive guy in middle school, not in high school. The name isn't merely unserious, but it's immature, and more infantile than the names Ryder and Slade, but all three sound like the names of guys who are, or were, popular in school, but wound up working at gas stations or something else that sucks. So, when you fast forward to a time 20 years later in this imaginary movie, you find poor Spike working a low wage job and looking like he's really let himself go. Not a very dignified name.
Who in the freakin' hell would name their kid this?
First of all, it's a dog's name, in my opinion.
Second, it's pretty ugly. Come on, SPIKE.
And third, it reminds me of some buff tattoo-parlor owner. If you're going to name your child this, I hope that you are DAMN sure that your kid's going to become something like that; not a neat, clean, geek.
Ooh I like this name, very spunky.
Sounds like the name of a dog or a monkey.
All hail Spike Milligan, creator of the Goons! Yackaboo!
Spike Lee is a movie director.
Jason Marsters portrayed the character of Spike, the bleach blonde vampire in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series.
Spike (aka William the Bloody) was played by JAMES Marsters, not Jason. And he's from Modesto, CA FYI.

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