Sorcha Ní Chéide is an Irish actress who works extensively in Irish-language television, stage and screen. She is most famous for her role as "Ríona de Burca" on the long-running Irish language drama, Ros na Rún.
Sorcha casts a gold-streaked shadow in the brilliant light of dawn. Sorcha stands as a perennial beauty, whose lovely radiance and unwavering innocence captivates the heart. Its yellowish letters trail after one another so naturally and effortlessly that it just adds another touch of magic. Exuding warmth and light, it evokes vivid pictures of the ascending sun over the verdant hills of the Emerald Isle. This wonderful name is a reminder of the beauty found in simplicity... my heart feels as if it has been reborn.
This is my name for reference! There are numerous ways to pronounce this name, depending on the country or region which you are in! It is a traditional Gaelic name meaning “brightness”. My family is Scottish & the way the region my family is from pronounces it as “SOR-ra” kind of like “Dora” with a heavy focus on the R. Other pronunciations are correct, this name differs a ton! But at least for me it’s “SOR-ra”.
― Anonymous User 10/24/2021
This is a Scottish name, as well as thought of as Irish. Meaning 'brightness' Saoirse is certainly Irish.
So much ignorance...just because you, your family, your culture has butchered for many years the pronunciation of an old Irish name into something modern, English, or otherwise doesn't mean you are pronouncing it correctly. Go to the origin of the name and find out how to properly pronounce it. It is not pronounced sor-sha.
― Anonymous User 5/12/2020
Not bad, but it sounds kind of harsh.
― Anonymous User 3/27/2020
My name's Sorcha and we've been pronouncing it with a hard "c" forever. But one of my Dad's friends is a professor of Gaelic language and said it's meant to have 3 syllables and should be pronounced "sur-uh-kah". Also, the way my name is pronounced means twat in Italian. Don't name your daughter Sorcha.
My name is Sorcha Danay _____ and I am 14. Sorcha is originally spelled Sorsha, which is why so many people get confused. The 'c' in my name is supposed to be 's'. My mom got my name off Willow and wanted my name to be special, while my dad wanted my name to be spelled correctly. But if Sorcha is spelled with an S or a C it is still pronounced the same.
― Anonymous User 3/21/2016
This is not and never should be pronounced Sor-sha or Sur-sha. It's either Sor-kha or Sor-u-kha. Just because you are pronouncing your own name wrong does not mean it's an acceptable alternative. You do not say Pierre as Pyre as an alternative. You do not say Jose as Joe's. You do not say Sorcha as Sorsha. You are not entitled to change a Gaelic language because of your own ignorance.
The name Sorcha can be pronounced many ways but one of the ways to pronounce Sorcha is actually SORSHA I know this because Sorcha is my name and I pronounce it SORSHA. So anyone who is saying that SORSHA is the wrong way to pronounce Sorcha is wrong.
― Anonymous User 1/26/2014
This is my siblings name, however, we pronounce her name: Sorr-kha.
― Anonymous User 3/25/2013
My friend is named this and she says it's pronounced like sarah-ka but I suppose the pronunciation would vary.
Here for pronunciation: Sorcha meaning "bright, radiant, light." Popular in the Middle Ages, the name has become popular again in recent years partly due to the success of the Irish actress Sorcha Cusack in Britain.
It's pronounced SOR-sha. Very silly how people are coming up with surr-ik-a and other things- there's not even an I in there! I love this name, however.
― Anonymous User 1/27/2009
The "ch" in Gaelic is always pronounced "kh" as in "loch", never as in "Charlotte"; I speak Gaelic and I can say that it's pronounced "SOR-kha" or "SOR-i-kha" depending on the speaker. And the added (and actually half-pronounced most of the time) "i" sound is found in many Gaelic words to soften the pronunciation; "dearg" (JER-uk), "Donnchadh" (DAWN-ukh-a), "garg" (GAR-uk), "garbh" (GAR-uv), "doirbh" (DUR-uv), and the like.
Gaelruadh19 is right, though it's more of a SOR-ik-ah than SOR-ka.
― Anonymous User 1/29/2009
Incidentally, Sorcha does not mean Sara(h), or anything Hebrew or Latin. We Gaelic speaking Irish had our own, unique names, the meaning of which is often lost in the mists of time. When the English forced us to learn English (after emancipation in 1823), they renamed us names in school that usually sounded similar to theirs. For example, Donal became Daniel & yes - Danny boy might have been Donal boy, or more probably, anglicised as Donny Boy.
Well, my name's Sorcha and I can confirm that there are multiple pronunciations of the name used all the time! All are pretty much acceptable too! I use the version as if phonetically spelt SOR-A-KA, and then I usually use SORKA as a nickname.
Well, isn't this funny? A dozen people claiming THEY know the right pronunciation of the name. There seem to at least six correct pronunciation until now.
― Anonymous User 5/7/2008
What posessed my parents to call me this (it's my middle name) I don't know.
It's not Sor-ka, that is a very, very wrong pronunciation and it annoys me. It's pronounced Surr-i-ca.
― Anonymous User 10/27/2007
The name Sorka is the protagonist's name in Dragonsdawn, by Anne McCaffrey. It is also the name of a main character in the Keltiad novels 'The Throne of Scone' and 'The Copper Crown', by Patricia Kennealy-Morrison, with the spelling of Sorcha.
Virtually unknown in this country, Sorcha is an old Irish name that has become very popular in contemporary Ireland. It means "shining bright" and is pronounced SOR-ra.
The meaning is lovely but the whole look of the name makes me screw my face up and when I say Sorcha it gets stuck in my mouth and comes out sounding horrible.
I think this is such a pretty name - one of my (few) favourite Irish names (even though I'm Irish myself!) A girl in my class has this name but she is the only person I have ever heard with this name. There also used to be character called this on the Irish soap-opera "Fair City". You can pronounce it like SOR-SHA, but I much prefer SOR-KA, with a hard CH.
YES! Wonderful book, and a lovely name made more-so by the character! Since names tend to take on more than their original meaning through usage (and some are begun as literary devices), it would not surprise me to have the additional meanings of "brave warrior, courageous lady", etc. added as the result of the literaty usage!