The name Soleil (pronounced so-лей) is a beautiful French name that instantly evokes warmth and radiance. Its simple elegance and rich meaning make it a popular choice for parents seeking a name that reflects a bright and sunny disposition.Soleil directly translates to "sun" in French. This celestial connection imbues the name with a sense of light, warmth, and life-giving energy. Imagine naming your daughter Soleil, picturing her as a beacon of positivity and joy, radiating warmth to those around her.A Touch of Latin: The name Soleil is believed to be derived from the Latin word "sol," which also means "sun." This connection adds a layer of depth and history to the name, linking it to the Roman world and its rich mythology.The sun holds significant meaning across various cultures. In many traditions, it symbolizes:Renewal and Rebirth: The sun's daily cycle of rising and setting represents the constant cycle of life, death, and rebirth. Strength and Power: The sun's immense power and ability to sustain life make it a symbol of strength, vitality, and leadership. Hope and Optimism: The sun's warmth and light bring hope and dispel darkness, making it a symbol of optimism and a positive outlook on life.By naming your child Soleil, you're not just giving them a name; you're imbuing them with these positive associations and symbolic meanings.While not as common as some other French names, Soleil has graced a few notable figures:Soleil Moon Frye: An American actress best known for her role as Punky Brewster in the 1980s sitcom. Soleil Borda: A French professional golfer who has competed on the Ladies European Tour.Choosing Soleil: A Few ConsiderationsIf you're considering the name Soleil for your daughter, here are a few additional points to ponder:Popularity: Soleil is not a super common name, but it's gaining popularity, particularly in France and French-speaking countries. Pronunciation: The pronunciation of Soleil is straightforward for French speakers, but it might require some clarification for those unfamiliar with the language. Nicknames: The name Soleil lends itself well to nicknames like Sunny, Sol, or Soli. Consider if you like these potential nicknames.Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to choose Soleil is a personal one. But if you're seeking a name that embodies warmth, light, and a positive outlook on life, Soleil is a beautiful choice bathed in sunshine. source:
When I first heard this word used as a name I cringed because it sounds like another American who romanticizes France trying to sound French by making a random French word into a name. I've kind of gotten used to it now, and I wouldn't say I hate it. The meaning's not as random as 'deja', and at least it's not 'Bonjour'. Also, "Soleil" is a masculine word, but whatever. Basically, it's a little weird but it's alright.
I think Soleil is a very unique and a pretty name, I actually have a friend named Soleil and the teachers keep on pronouncing it wrong since for hers it's a silent S. But anyway it's very cute but hard pronouncing.
I'm highly offended by the amount of people on here who said the name Soleil looks horrid on a female. I don't identify as either gender, as I am agender, but I was born a female and my name is Soleil. I'd say it has a nice, soft feminine touch to it, and I cannot imagine it being on a male, though I do respect any males out there who are named Soleil. Why does this name look so horrid on me? I grew up with it, I lived with it, and I still do. To me, it dances ballet in the corners, it reaches sunshine at the end, it has a soft, vibrant touch in the middle. I don't get the many people on here who say it's for a boy. It can be for anyone. *moodswing* I love this name so much~ all my teachers said it was beautiful, too! When I was in 3rd to 7th grade, I hated this name because of the pronunciation issues, but now I see that it's absolutely beautiful~
The name Soleil gives off a soft touch and so many of my teachers have said it was beautiful! (And yes, my name is Soleil-) I grew up hating this name because of the pronunciation issues but now I just love this name~
Used by people who associate France and French with "classiness" and so use a French masculine noun as a given name with the hopes that their child will seem more "classy". A bit like calling a child Paris or Diamond. Sun - English Sonne - German Soleil - French. As unusual to an English speaking person as the idea of a Frenchman called Sun or Moon Bernard.
― Anonymous User 2/12/2023
I love this name so much! It's very unique. This is actually my best friend's name, except the spelling is modified.
What a gorgeous, sunny, and bright name Soleil is. It’s really pretty and seems fun to use. I am pleasantly surprised it made it to the US Top 1000 last year considering mispronunciation issues it may have. It also reminds me of Soleil Moon Frye, which is an okay association. Let’s see how long it last.
Soleil is the name of a character in "Pokemon: Master Journeys". Her first appearance is in the episode "Night and Day, You are the Ones!" She is the liege of Eclipse Castle, alongside her relative, Ilunas.
I've never encountered this name on its own in French-speaking Canada, but I've met a few people named Marie-Soleil. Possibly inspired by Marisol? I think it flows better as a two-part name or as a middle name, personally. I wonder why it's particularly common as a girls' name, given that the noun "Soleil" is masculine in French.
Soleil is also frequently used as a masculine given name, though usually not in France. Many users in the comments below have named both their daughters and sons Soleil and have met members of both genders with this name. However, Soleil is more common for females. So, I think that the "Gender" of this name should be changed from "Feminine" to "Feminine & Masculine". Source:
If I were to have a daughter, I would definitely name her Soleil! I just love the way it sounds, and there wouldn't be three other Soleils in the school or class, unlike my name.
I have a Soleil, she was born in 2007. Her and I both love her name and I chose it for her because she looked like a little warrior. She was strong, pushy, determined and fiery, like the sun. I had named her Willow but after five weeks I knew this wasn’t suitable for her so I called the registry and arranged to make an amendment to the forms.When she was about three we went camping on Fraser Island. There was a group of French people in the camp kitchen. They asked her name and I told them. One girl scoffed and said ‘it’s a word, it isn’t a name!’ I said it is her name and I am very happy with it. People call their kids Ebony, Diamond, Asia and Jasmine. These are a colour, a compressed bit of coal, a continent, and a plant.
Soleil Belmont (aka Soleil Belmondo or Soleiyu Belmont), son of Christopher Belmont in the in the 1998 re-release of Konami's 1991 'Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge'.
If you like the sound of this name but want something that has a bit more of a history as a given name in its country of origin you could also consider the Icelandic name Sóley. It sounds similar but the emphasis is on the first syllable. It is the Icelandic word for buttercup which consists out of sól = sun and ey = island. I found this name and its meaning on this site here and fell in love with it.I'm from France and Soleil is not really used as a name here. You can also check the statistics on this site and will notice that it never made the French top 500. It's a masculine word. Even though it feels a bit weird as a name to me I don't really have problems with it being used as a name. It brings up a nice image and it has a beautiful sound. I would never use it but I think it would be nice to meet someone named Soleil.I can confirm that it is sometimes (very rarely) used as the second part of a hyphenated name. Parents seem to be a bit more adventurous when it comes to that, but the first part of the name is usually very classic. I have met a handful of girls named Marie-France, for example, and a couple of decades ago it wasn't completely uncommon to use masculine names as second parts of a hyphenated name for girls such as Marie-Paule or Marie-Josephe.
― Anonymous User 8/23/2017
My name is Maria Soleil, and I've gone by Soleil since I was a kid. It has its ups and downs. I think I've grown into it now, at 23. I worked somewhere I had to wear a nametag and I had multiple comments daily on what a beautiful, unique name it is. It's definitely a conversation starter! Growing up in Canada I took French immersion, which was useful because lots of people ask me if I speak French because of my name (I do, I'm fluent). Sometimes "Soleil" would be on a spelling test and my classmates would wink at me. When I was younger, especially in school, a lot of people found it hard to pronounce ("sol-eel? Sol-ee-ay?") but no one's had that problem in a few years. I still wish I had a more normal name, but I guess I can appreciate its uniqueness.
My name is Soleil and this is the first I've ever heard such negative comments on this name/word what have you, ever! This name is very beautiful, brings character to the person whom it's named upon. It is a happy, bright name and very positive as it means sun. Growing up, as I am 20 now, I have always got compliments on how beautiful and unique my name is. Sure, I suppose you can use it as a boy name but honestly this name in my opinion is more feminine than masculine. Whether it is used as a first or middle name, I believe if this is your name or one of your names, be proud. You're unique and all those people making fun of you are just jealous they're stuck with a name that half the world probably has. I hated my name growing up, and love it because I don't know a single soul with it and it makes me unique as a person, when people use my name I don't care if it's negative or not, everyone knows who they're talking about. BE PROUD THIS NAME IS AWESOME, it means sun- like make that your nickname, it is so cool, lol.
I think this makes a lovely girl's name! I love that it means sun! I don't think it really matters that it is masculine and not used as a name in France.
My name is literally Soleil Marie. I wish I was kidding but I'm not. My name is in full Soleil Marie R. K_____ and I live in America and here's the thing- not only am I normally called Soleil I have strawberry blonde hair. And I'm sick and tired of all the highschoolers in my algebra class saying mean things about my name (most take french) because when I go back to the middle school for the rest of my classes I'm told how pretty my name is. It upsets me because I get made fun of for it when it's a very pretty and unique name, especially seeing as I have never met another with the same name. The name can be considered masculine I guess, but it is more popular as a girls name, but what some adults who have years on me (I'm only 13) don't understand is it is all about perspective and the way someone looks at it. I mean, think about it it's not popular in France itself even though it's French and more popular in places such as the US. Why? It's all about the perspective and mindset even you could say cultural mind set that we get growing up in the places we do.
My son's name is Soleil, his father (my husband) and I met by chance in front of Cirque du Soleil and found a lucky (lost) ticket on the ground. Years later we decided to name our first child Soleil. We get plenty of positive comments on my son's unique name and everyone loves it, including French people, Canadians and what have you. Another perk is that everyone can pronounce it (once told to silent out the L). Not everyone can spell it, often people spell it Soliel.
Marie-Soleil is not as common in France as it is in Canada, but yes, some people have this name. Maybe it is inspired by Spanish Marisol, or made its way across the Atlantic. Anyway, you can check directories and see that it has been in use, as adults are listed.
Well my name is Soleil. And everyday I get a comment on how beautiful my name is. I would appreciate it if u people wouldn't be so sexist with the name. It can be used for both genders. Mostly a girl though. I'm 12 years old. And Soleil Luna is a perfect name. If u want ur daughter to feel special everyday name her that!
The combination Marie-Soleil is used as a feminine name in French Canada (there was a 1980s childrens' TV show called it) but it is not common in France.
I'm all right with the name Soleil but not names like Cerish, Precious, Honor/Honour, Piety, Treasure, etc. Ugh. Soleil is not a "real" name therefore it doesn't hold any gender. You can't base the gender on where the word came from. Otherwise, we wouldn't have any explanation for names that almost completely switched genders like Kelly or Ashley. Many languages are genderless. Even though this comes from a French word, it is not a French name.Oh, and Luna Soleil does not sound cool. It sounds like you want your kid to come home from school with bruises every day.
I love the name Soleil. I don't care if it's a word, because I'm a fan of SOME word names. I don't even care if the word is masculine. I agree with one of the above users. Luna Soleil sounds amazing for a character. A real baby? Not so much. But an amazing character in a story.
I'm kind of surprised at the numerous negative comments surrounding Soleil. Then again, maybe it's because I'm American and numerous words have been turned into names over here that *shouldn't* be names (Cherish, Precious, Honor/Honour, Piety, Treasure, etc.), that Soleil isn't bad at all. I am also currently in my fifth year of studying the French language, and do agree that Soleil has some masculine qualities, and wouldn't use it as a first name. (I think it should be listed on this site as unisex.) However, I think Soleil has a lot of charm in the middle name spot, or in the second slot of a hyphenated name.
Oh, brother. Pseudo-French names don't reflect very well, and the French are probably laughing at them. Since this is technically a masculine word, it sounds bad on a girl.
Hello? Has everyone forgotten about what ruined this name? Soleil IS A SHAVING COMPANY. Don't forget that you will almost be naming your child after a shaving company if you have forgotten.
Ah, qu'est-ce qu'est arrivé. That means "what happened here?"The word "Soleil" is grammatically masculine, and should not, therefore, be used as a feminine name, as it never would be in an actual French-speaking country. That being said, the old English word for sun, sonne is grammatically feminine. Odd, is it not? Also, the old English word for moon, mona, was masculine. Wonders never cease, I suppose.
It sounds weird to anyone who speaks or understands French. I only took French for three years, and this definitely appears like a weird name, sort of like a hippie name with a foreign twist.
The German spelling for "Soleil" is "Sonne". Both mean, in English, "sun." If anyone, anywhere has used the spelling Soliel instead, it is incorrect. (Unless Soliel is its own name in and of itself, which I don't believe it is.)Also, Soleil is pronounced "so LAY."
Soleil directly translates to "sun" in French. This celestial connection imbues the name with a sense of light, warmth, and life-giving energy. Imagine naming your daughter Soleil, picturing her as a beacon of positivity and joy, radiating warmth to those around her.
A Touch of Latin: The name Soleil is believed to be derived from the Latin word "sol," which also means "sun." This connection adds a layer of depth and history to the name, linking it to the Roman world and its rich mythology.
The sun holds significant meaning across various cultures. In many traditions, it symbolizes:
Renewal and Rebirth: The sun's daily cycle of rising and setting represents the constant cycle of life, death, and rebirth.
Strength and Power: The sun's immense power and ability to sustain life make it a symbol of strength, vitality, and leadership.
Hope and Optimism: The sun's warmth and light bring hope and dispel darkness, making it a symbol of optimism and a positive outlook on life.
By naming your child Soleil, you're not just giving them a name; you're imbuing them with these positive associations and symbolic meanings.
While not as common as some other French names, Soleil has graced a few notable figures:
Soleil Moon Frye: An American actress best known for her role as Punky Brewster in the 1980s sitcom.
Soleil Borda: A French professional golfer who has competed on the Ladies European Tour.
Choosing Soleil: A Few Considerations
If you're considering the name Soleil for your daughter, here are a few additional points to ponder:
Popularity: Soleil is not a super common name, but it's gaining popularity, particularly in France and French-speaking countries.
Pronunciation: The pronunciation of Soleil is straightforward for French speakers, but it might require some clarification for those unfamiliar with the language.
Nicknames: The name Soleil lends itself well to nicknames like Sunny, Sol, or Soli. Consider if you like these potential nicknames.
Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to choose Soleil is a personal one. But if you're seeking a name that embodies warmth, light, and a positive outlook on life, Soleil is a beautiful choice bathed in sunshine.