It doesn't mean if you don't know the pronunciation, you can make fun of it. Go learn some Irish or search about it on the internet.
Haha, I could predict that you come here from the (sur)name Sloan(e)(Correct me if I'm wrong) By the way, I think it's pronounced as sloo-AHN, as the "aghadh" part is silent. The "gh" and "dh" are mostly silent in Irish, and the accent on the "á" part means that it should be pronounced.
Oh no. Let me try...Slua-Sluag-No, Sluagh-Sluaga-Sluagadan-(Sloo-au-ga-dhan?)I'm honestly not sure...but I think that's right. If I'm wrong, someone speak up. Please.
It sure is long...
Me: ugh, I hate it when people give their characters ridiculous unpronounceable namesAlso me: *uses this name*
Sl-Hold on, let me control myself, Slu -uh - gand - hadan...?Slu- AH - gnad - hand?What?Slah - ah-Nah man, I give up.
Aside from being an absolute mouthful that 99% of people wouldn't be able to pronounce-- the first immediate things to come to mind are "slug" and "slag". This name is better suited to some obscure fae or Eldritch being than a real person.
It looks like 'slug'. Not very pleasant.

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