I think Silvius is a beautiful name. It is strong, charming and unique. It sounds kingly, and I love the alluring meaning. Overall, I think Silvius is a wonderful name.
Silvius Magnago (1914 – 2010) was an Italian politician from South Tyrol.
Duke Silvius II Frederick of Wurttemberg-Oels (1651 – 1697) was a Polish nobleman. He was the Duke of Württemberg-Oels from 1668 until his death.
It's giving D&D sorcerer vibes. Love it :)
Really handsome, I'm a sucker for -us names. I think I prefer Sylvius though, like the composer.
I like how it sounds like silver.
This is my last name and I hate it! Do not let your child suffer with this torturous last name! It sounds like the disease syphilis! You really want to name your kid syphilis?
There's something about this name that I really like, and I'm not sure what it is. :)

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