I was given an English version of this name spelled Seglenda and so many people have a hard time pronouncing it. It’s interesting when I go on job interviews and people who may know the origin of the name are looking for someone of German descent. It’s an interesting conversation starter.
― Anonymous User 1/23/2023
Sieglinde Ahrens is a German organist and composer. She is the daughter of (Johannes Clemens) Joseph Ahrens (1904–1997), a German composer and organist. Ahrens studied music and composition under her father. After she completed her studies, she was an organist of Salvator-Kirche and professor of organ at Essen.
Pronounced zee-GLIND-uh. I'm not quite sure which syllable the emphasis falls on, but that is the correct pronunciation.
― Anonymous User 9/27/2008
This name, in modern German, would probably sound simething like [zi:glində], though, were someone to use this name in English, it would probably be pronounced [siglɪnd], as this appears to be its pronunciation at first glance.
In Old Germanic names like Sieglinde, "linde" does NOT mean "gentle." It means "shield." Literally, it means linden tree, but since shields were made mainly from linden wood, the term "linde" was used to mean "shield" just as "ash" (the tree from which spears were usually made) was used to mean "spear." Thus, Sieglinde really means "Victory Shield".
Sieglinde is a character in Die Walkure, the second opera in Wagner's Ring. She slept with her brother (Siegmund), and they had a baby (Siegfried). Then of course everyone died.
(Sources: https://www.nordicnames.de/wiki/Sieglinde