In the 1985 anime series 'Magical Emi, the Magic Star', one character's name is Shou Yuki/ Yuki Shou (結城 将). In this case, the kanji used is 将 (leader, commander, general, admiral, etc).
― Anonymous User 1/8/2021
Shou Tucker is a character from the anime Fullmetal Alchemist. In FMA, his name rhymes with "cow".
Shō was used as a girl's name back in the olden days. Based on some research that I've done (gathering names from passenger lists and US census data), Shō was uncommon in the late Edo period and the Meiji period. Those that do have the name were more likely to have theirs written in kana.This goes back to the fact that 2 syllable names were preferred at the time, more so before the Meiji period. Towards the 2nd half of the Meiji period and the Taishō period, those types of names were quickly shunted out in popularity by names ending in *ko.
The name Shou can be feminine, but when written differently. In the case of Shou Toramaru from Touhou, her name is written as (星), which means "a star."
Shou is the name of one of the lead characters in the 2003 movie, Moon Child. He was played by the Japanese musician Gackt, and was the human best friend to a vampire named Kei.
Sources: (I think)ō_(given_name)