Naming your kid after killing is not good.
Why do people value violence in their sons? Seriously, though. There's plenty of Riot/Rhyatts and Arsons out there not to mention the children named after brands of guns. Why is this desirable? A name like this really tells you the parents are a couple of basic trashy people who want to stand out and seem rebellious and because they never outgrew their own angsty, attention-seeking phase in their teens because they never matured past 15. These are the people raising the next generation of druggies, violent offenders and creeps because they clearly wanted their son to be violent from the get go. For the love of God, just go with Archer.
Seriously, this is considered a name? Out of all the violent boys' names like Hunter, Gunner, and Cutter, this one is without question the worst. The poor kid's going to get bullied relentlessly, especially if they live somewhere where there are lots of shootings (like the USA for instance).

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