Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine
Usage Biblical
Scripts שִׁמְרִי(Ancient Hebrew)
Other Forms FormsSemri, Simri

Meaning & History

This name is comprised of two parts: שמר (shamar) meaning "to guard" and י (yod) which can make the word an adjective, make it possessive, or can be an abbreviation of Yahweh.

There are 4 men named Shimri in the Bible. The first, in 1 Chronicles 4:37, is a descendent of Simeon. The second, in 1 Chronicles 11:45, is the father of Jediael, one of David's warriors. The third, in 1 Chronicles 26:10, is the first son of Hosah the Merarite. The fourth, in 2 Chronicles 29:13, is one of the Levites who worked to clean the temple.
Added 3/16/2020 by Claystarfire