So many negative comments. This is a beautiful name, and it certainly works for both men and women. My neighbor had a dog named Shiloh when I was young, too.
― Anonymous User 3/8/2024
Pronounced shy low. I had a cat that I named Shiloh. He was a boy and it really suited him. Great name for cats and other pets. Ok on humans. And it actually sounds very much unisex/gender neutral. It sounds cool on both genders and I don't have a biased view just because I named a cat Shiloh and he was a boy. I think it's great for both genders so go for it, boy or girl, pet or human!
― Anonymous User 1/18/2023
I've been working on a story for a long time, and one of the main characters is named Shiloh. In the story, he was being bullied for having a feminine name and voice, and I just want to say, if there are any guys out there whose names are Shiloh, I think that they are wonderful names and should be cherished, no matter what other people say about it! :)
I prefer the name for a girl rather than a boy because for a girl, it has a beautiful sound to the meaning, which is "his gift".
― Anonymous User 12/2/2021
I named my daughter (born in February) Shiloh Anne! Even though it's a traditionally male name, I think it has a more delicate, feminine ring to it, and there's a lot of personal meaning behind it. For one, my boyfriend and I are both named after American national parks, so we wanted to keep the trend going. The fact that it's the name of a particularly bloody Civil War battle was actually a selling point for me because I'm somewhat of a history buff with a penchant for all things "dark," but I didn't wanna saddle my child with anything *too* dark or strange lol. Plus, the straightforward biblical translation is more positive. Perfect dichotomy between light and dark, not too generic, but not too outside the box either. As for the nickname "Shy" that we've already taken to calling her, I don't know who she'll be yet, but she was pretty damn shy in the womb-- always hiding her face and turning her back to the ultrasound techs. So what if Brangelina named their child Shiloh? It means something to us and I find it beautiful.
Shyloh is actually the best and also the correct way to spell it, and people whose name it is not, just sound unintelligent when trying to dictate "how it should be spelt". Additionally only uneducated people with old fart sounding names like Nancy, Brad, John, Ana, Emma, or Sara would think it sounds childish. Some plain, boringly named people aren't very good at hiding their jealousy ^_^ But Shylohs know they have, in fact, a superior name! :D☆ Anyone with a dog named Shiloh sounds like 1 of those weirdo Ceazar fanatics you see at the dog park, telling everybody all about their own dogs. They name their child-dog Shiloh. They're nuts. That is all. Shyloh ^_^ #1984.
There is a little baby boy in my life who's name is Shiloh. I didn't know it was a girl name until I saw this page. I think it could work on either gender.
I think Shiloh is so cute for a young girl or boy for that matter. But the older a person gets with this name the more childish it sounds. I do think this is a perfect name for a pet :). I believe this is the best and should be the only appropriate way to spell Shiloh.
I think Shiloh Joseph is lovely name for a boy and Shiloh Josephine is a lovely name for a girl! Shiloh Joseph is cute name combo for newborn boys and Shiloh Josephine is a cute name combo for newborn girls!
― Anonymous User 11/26/2018
My precious granddaughter is to be named this. I am so very sad, and bitterly disappointed that of all the beautiful women’s names to consider, both in our family history and in all of the world, this name will be placed upon her. I will call her by some other, more beautiful, middle name.
― Anonymous User 4/24/2018
I absolutely adore this name, I would LOVE to name my firstborn son Shiloh! :D.
― Anonymous User 8/22/2017
I'm a transmasculine agenderfluid kiddo who goes by Shiloh. I love how gender-neutral and unisex it is. I personally pronounce it "shy-low" but that's me.
This name was given to me in 1972. My mother loved the Neil Diamond song about the childhood friend that was there for him (which from the lyrics seems to be a girl) and chose that name for me. No h, spelled the same as Neil Diamond did. I did not come to like my name until well into my adult years. I do quite like the name now.
I'd love to say that the source of this name is NOT Brad and Jolie. Shiloh IS with an 'H' and it has very in depth meaning from the Bible. If one decides to name a dog 'snake' and a man 'stone', it doesn't delete the original meaning and source of the name.
I love this name on a male. It sounds so sweet and kind, like the name of a young artist or musician. I've grown not to mind it on females after hearing it used on the main female character of Repo! The Genetic Opera, but I still prefer it as a male name.
I honestly think this is fine as a unisex name. It was never given to a character and it doesn't have a gendered meaning (which doesn't typically dissuade me from liking a name, but I know meanings are important to a lot of people). I personally think it's an adorable name for either gender, but I'd drop the 'h' and make it Shilo. I don't like it when an 'h' is on the end of a name which would otherwise end in a vowel.
I know a girl named Shiloh, pronounced "shy-lo," and I know for a fact that she was NOT named after Brangelina's daughter. It's a beautiful name, and there's more than one person who has this name who wasn't named after Shiloh Jolie-Pitt.
― Anonymous User 2/6/2016
I think it sounds like a dog's name, and it's made worse by the fact that Brangelina's daughter Shiloh is constantly in the news.
Shiloh- from Neil Diamond Amoreena- from Elton John both very feminine and I was born in 1977. I love my name now as an adult, but hated it as a kid because no one knew how to say it! Looking back it was fun to always be the only "Shiloh." Until this page I had never heard of another Shiloh that was older than me :)
I've always thought it was a beautiful name. We recently purchased a Congo African Grey Parrot from a breeder, he is only 10 weeks old. We have been going over names, trying to find one that fits his personality. From the first moment we held him he was calm, peaceful, gentle. We decided on Shiloh, I think it's just right for him.
As a holder of the name Shiloh (spelled Shylo) I will say I love my name. I am 30 years old and still receive compliments on how pretty and unique my name is. I did consider naming my daughter this but did not like the idea of having a "junior". I was named after the Neil Diamond song "Shilo" but have always been aware of the civil war battle, the book and the reference to Jesus as "Shiloh". I have always gone by Shy as my nickname and I feel that my name has always been a factor in my uniqueness. Anyone considering this name should know that at 30 years old when asked if I would change my name if I could, my response is a for sure No! I'm happy my parents took a chance and named me (their first child) something unique and off the beaten path. I also thank God they didn't name me Amanda or any of the other boring names that were popular at my time in 1985!
Shiloh is without a doubt a BOY'S name. The fact that this site has it even labeled as unisex is disrespectful and also laughably incorrect. If I ever came across a female Shiloh, I'd feel so sorry for her. Just because some celebrity gave her daughter this name does not make it unisex or any less masculine and boyish. Just because a person gives this name to their daughter, does not make the name any less masculine. You wish to name your daughter, "Shiloh" go right ahead. You are only giving her a male's name and NOTHING will ever change that.
― Anonymous User 6/15/2015
Shiloh is a female's name ALL because some ordinary actress named her daughter this. Makes PERFECT sense. Sarcasm, in case you missed it.
― Anonymous User 5/18/2015
I only think of the Beagle, so it's a masculine name to me. :) A soft, gentle-sounding one, though.
I am a Shilo as well, born way before Brangelinas kid in 1975. No 'h' at the end. I hate always having to tell people no H! And I hate that people ask if its like Branjolinas daughter, ugh. I hated it as a kid. All the adults I knew loved it. I was named after the Neil Diamond song and have a copy of the tape with it spelled without the h. Later copies spelled it with an h. I adore my name now. It's funny, when I was born there was a little boy who was born the same day as me also named Shilo, but with an H and went to my pediatrician. On a side note, when I finally listened to the words of the song, I realized Shilo in the song was an imaginary friend, lol.
I'm a 39 year old male named Shiloh and I live in Las Vegas, Nevada. I have loved my name like no other- it is one of the greatest names that I have ever heard. Of course, being a male I think that Shiloh sounds more like a man's name but I also dated a girl named Shiloh in high school, so I can see both sides of the gender argument! My main point of this comment is to say, to my fellow Shiloh's out there hold your head up high that you're not a Tim or a Jim or Fred or a Bob- you're something & someone special, so do our NAME PROUD!!
My name is Shiloh and I love my name. I'm a 38 year old woman and I was named after the Neil Diamond song which my parents interpreted as a song about a young girl with fire named Shiloh.
I think it's a really cute name for a girl. Not the best because it sounds quite childish, but it's nice anyways. In my opinion it's too feminine for a boy.
I think Shiloh is a BEAUTIFUL girls name! I like it much better as a girls name because of how soft it sounds. It was one of MANY names I have suggested to my daughter and out of all I sent my Sister In Law likes Shiloh the best... Now a middle name if they use it, hmmmm...Maybe Grace? ;) The only thing I don't like is that the Pitts used it... but oh well!
I named my daughter Shiloh Faith in 2000. The meaning of the name from the book I used is "behold the glory of God". Shiloh was born with a rare genetic disorder, but is amazingly comfortable with it. She is truly an example of God's glory. Everyone who has ever met her loves her name. I think unless you know someone by the name Shiloh, you should not judge whether or not you like it for either boy or girl. It's a beautiful name with a beautiful meaning. I wouldn't name my child Kelly or Janice or Sally... But I do not condemn those who like those names.
― Anonymous User 7/24/2014
Shiloh is a males name! I'm sick of people taking all these male, clearly masculine names and labeling them as *unisex* Just because some dumb celebrity named her daughter Shiloh, doesn't automatically turn the name unisex or make it any less masculine.
― Anonymous User 7/10/2014
Name's alright, as long as it's for a male.
― Anonymous User 7/10/2014
I love this name and it seems not too popular, and super adorable.
Dear god, are people really this easily manipulated? I don't understand... We all know celebrities give their kids some pretty messed up names. That doesn't mean you have to follow their every move! This is a person, and they're going to have to go through their entire life with the name. The celebrity with the name will at most, have 20 years of fame. Even longer lasting impressions come from the bible and especially the book, which is about a DOG. As if bailey and Bella weren't bad enough as human names, now the trendies have moved on to Shiloh?! My friend has a dog named Shiloh. I really like this name for a beagle dog, but not a human! And if you really want to give it to a human, at least use it for a boy! This should be a boy name! I think it sounds better and ages waaayyy better on a boy. But here in America, we like to give our daughters boy names. So that's not gonna happen.
― Anonymous User 3/15/2013
It seems rather blasphemous to use it at all, and when I think of Shiloh in the Bible, I think of it as the site of the infamous mass gang-rape by the tribe of Benjamin. So the name has really horrible associations.However, if it is a human name, then it is male, not female.I am in the group who can only think of this as the name of a dog or a town. (I had a dog called Shiloh, whose subsequent history proved so tragic that the name now seems too sad for anyone else to use).
As far as Brad and Angie are concerned, America's addiction to celebrity fame allows for them to exist, as well as for them to make and break conventions. Our fascination with them allows for their blatant obliviousness to or respect for conventions, traditions. Just imagine naming your daughter Romeo because you simply loved LeonardO deCapriO's modern interpretation of Shakespeare's play. William would roll over in his grave to think that we now miss the point of the name he chose for the male role in his marvelous tragedy. Don't mean to come across snobbish or self-righteous, just can't stomach such misinformation in an age where information is at our fingertips.
― Anonymous User 12/18/2010
This agrees with the previous post. It's just so weird and probably a phenomenon of our time that this name has become unisex. Whether one looks at the place name or the use in Genesis 49:10, the name/word is Hebrew in origin. So how ever the place name or the term in Genesis is interpreted, it simply cannot be a feminine noun. There is no way around grammar, regardless of how popular usage shapes trends and warps the sound in one's ear over time. (To me) it just sounds silly - even ignorant - to insist that this word/name has a "feminine" ring. I could perhaps concede to "smooth", but feminine? In the Genesis text, the "o" at the end in Hebrew here most likely refers to the masculine possessive, "his"; exactly the same is still true for modern Hebrew language. And as previously posted, the place name refers to an ancient site where the Ark of the Covenant was kept - which is actually pronounced "shee-lo" not "shy-lo". Sorry to all the dear ladies/sisters whose parents thought this would be a unique name for a girl, but to name a girl by the masculine name Shiloh makes about as much sense as naming her Rodrigo, Eduardo, Umberto, etc.Calling a girl Shiloh is like saying you appreciate the "feminine" ring of the name Stephano, because it reminds you of the "softness" of "Steffy." Someone - in their zeal - got it backwards, and others began following suit without bothering to give the matter due diligence. The fact remains, however, that names like Paulo are masculine, whereas Paula is (conventionally) feminine. Whereas, the grammar of Hebrew language makes a far stronger case for masculine than even these Latino name conventions, since the Hebrew may actually be a possessive masculine noun suffix, not only gender attached to proper names.This whole thing reminds me of the ironic Johnny Cash song, "A Boy Named Sue", except that "Sue" never caught on to general popularity for a boy's name after the song became a hit. Imagine if it had. Would "Sue" no longer be short for Susan or Suzanne, just because some rock star wanted to break a convention for his funny song?
My son, nearly 9 now, is Shiloh. Though I did not name him, it is a beautiful, peaceful name and it suits him well. I do believe it to be a unisex name, but it will always be a boy's name to me because of him.
― Anonymous User 3/18/2010
I think this is a soft, fun boy's name, but to me, it will always be a boy's name, the fact that there are girls named Shiloh doesn't change that. I know girls named Evan and Johnny, but they're still a boy's names.
My niece, who is in my guardianship, is named Shiloh. Ironically she was born just a couple months before Brangelina brought it to attention. I feel bad for her, being around the same age, it will probably be associated with the celebrity kid until people finally get tired of them and stop giving them so much press and forget about their poor kids. Aside from the celebrity association, however, I think it has a nice sound to it.
When I first saw this name I thought it was pronounced shill-oh, and I really didn't like it. Then I heard the real pronunciation, and I think sounds quite cute for a girl. Can't imagine Shiloh on boys, though (blame Brangelina!). I like girl's names that end in "o". I prefer Shiloh pronounced SHEE-lo. It sounds prettier that way, and she wouldn't get "Shy" as a nickname.
― Anonymous User 7/3/2009
This isn't a bad name, though it is too religious for my liking.
Beautiful name, and such a lovely soft sound, it would be perfect for a baby girl. Quite feminine sounding, in my opinion; it sounds awkward as a boy's name for me. I would have second thoughts about naming my daughter this now, however, since all the fans of Angelina Jolie/Brad Pitt will be naming their daughters this. Maybe it'll be better in a few years.
At first when I think of this name I think of a dog, then I think of a boy. I think it is not so bad on a boy, but better on a dog, and it is hideous on a girl.
― Anonymous User 12/19/2008
Love this for a middle name, but wasn't there a battleground call Shiloh? It's lovely though.
This isn't a bad name, but remember that it's the name of Angelina Jolie's daughter. I HATE it when people name their kids after celebrities' kids! Don't care about what the celebrities are using and pick other names for your children.
I like the name. It works better for a girl, in my opinion; very soft and lovely. The only thing is, after Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie named their daughter this, there will probably be a spike in popularity, which would make the name's originality go completely down the drain. Oh, well.
This name sounds very foreign in English-speaking countries, and it's not a very pleasant-sounding name. I'd say it's more masculine because of the 'o' sound at the end, even though the first part sounds feminine. It also sounds a bit like a nickname for a high school girl with the unfortunate name Shyla.
I love this name for a boy. I'm not really sure what I think about it for a girl, though.Shiloh Fernandez plays a minor character on the TV show Jericho.
I DO NOT like this name. All I can think of is the book `Shiloh` by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor (don't get me wrong, I love the book.) When I heard that Brangelina named their daughter this, I was like, ``WHAT? They named their daughter after a DOG?`` So yeah.
I definitely like the spelling "Shilough" better than "Shiloh". For some reason it has different meanings sorta. Like Shilough sounds better and looks better. Dunno why.
Makes me think of Shiloh the dog, but that really only sweetens the name for me. :) I can see this on a boy, but not on a man, and don't think of it as a girls' name.
I actually really like this name, but for a girl, not a boy. Just ignore the idiots who are babbling "It's a stupid name." I think it's beautiful and unique. :]
Not a bad name, at first I really couldn't decide whether it was masculine or feminine but I now lean more towards it for a girl. It is a delicate sounding name and the nickname Shy is very feminine sounding to me. I do also see a lot of dogs with this name and would consider it for a dog.
― Anonymous User 3/7/2007
Well, the first time I heard the name for a baby it was through brangelina's daughter. But I find it really unnatural for a child, because it's like calling your baby Messiah, Jesus or Christ, but in another language.
At frist I didn't like this name but now I think it's really cute and the truth is that I was waiting for Angelina Jolie to name her daughter something weirder!
― Anonymous User 12/7/2006
What a ridiculous sounding name. I have no idea why you would want to name a boy or a girl this.
― Anonymous User 10/26/2006
Shiloh is a beautiful name and I don't think it matters what gender the name is supposed to be given to. If it fits the person that's all that matters, my name's Shiloh and I wouldn't be happy with any other name.
I am still not sure if I prefer this name for boy or girl. I have a feeling it will become used more for a girl very soon. I read the name means "peaceful".
― Anonymous User 9/13/2006
I like this name for either a boy and a girl! I don't thnk it's that strange of a name, except when you add a Nouvel to it. That sounds like a computer program I have! Anyway, I named my white German Shepard boy, Shiloh and it fits him perfectly!
When I first found out that Brangalina named their baby girl this I thought it was stupid. It's a boys name. Now that I have heard it a few times now, it does have a soft feminine sound.
― Anonymous User 9/10/2006
Shiloh always makes me think of the United States Civil War.
― Anonymous User 9/9/2006
I know a girl who spells it "Shilo", and as she's the only Shiloh/Shilo I've ever met or heard of the name sounds thouroughly feminine to me.
I could be mistaken but wasn't this the name of a dog character in a popular series of childrens books? Anyways, not a bad name, somewhat unusual but nice sounding with a pleasant meaning. I have a feeling its popularity will skyrocket now thanks to Brangelina. Probably for both girls AND boys.
― Anonymous User 7/24/2006
I think this is a wonderful name since my second daughter is named Shiloh. She was born in 2004 and I hate the fact that we will go through life having to say that she was born much before Angelina Jolie's child! I live near Shiloh Tennessee and my first daughter is named Sydney (Gen. Albert "Sidney" Johnson who led the battle of Shiloh).
I love the name Shiloh. It is my name. I do not think it is a male name. I don't agree with the meaning of it either. I have never heard this meaning for it. I have always found it to mean 'peace of Christ'.