Shelagh McDonald is a Scottish folk singer, songwriter and guitarist who released two albums before her abrupt disappearance in 1971. Nothing further was heard of her until 2005, when she made contact with the Scottish Daily Mail to tell the story of her intervening years. In 2013 she made a low-key return to public performances and made new recordings for the first time since the early 1970s.
The pronunciation is fine but the spelling is awful and comes equipped with both teasing potential and error potential on both spelling and pronunciation. Stick to Sheila.
― Anonymous User 9/20/2016
No. This looks ugly and "kre8tiv"... Sheila looks more pleasant and sounds exactly the same. It's not even that common anyway, so why not just use the correct spelling?
― Anonymous User 5/8/2013
In the US, with this spelling, people will tend to say shuh-lag, which is not very musical to my ear. I'd spell it Shellae if I was in love with the sound of the Irish pronunciation.
My mother is named Shelagh, but pronounces it 'sha-lay', not Shiela. I think because it is spelled with a -gh, instead of a -la, it sounds better as 'sha-lay', and it really doesn't make sense to pronounce it Shiela.
― Anonymous User 1/25/2006
Shelagh Delaney was a unique writer of the late 50's-early 60's, perhaps most famous for the play A Taste of Honey, which has also been filmed.
― Anonymous User 12/13/2005
The name Shelagh is of Irish origin. It means "blind".