Sheila Wanyoyi is a Kenyan Paralympic athlete who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
Also Spanish (Modern)Pronunciation: /'ʃ, /' Spanish it is usually pronounced SHAY-lah or SAY-lah, not SHEE-lə. In fact, there are two spellings of this name in use in Spain: Sheila and Seila. The reason for this is that the sound [ʃ] isn't typically found in monolingual speakers of Spanish in northern and central Spain, but it is more commonly known by younger generations due to exposure to the English language. Speakers from Latin America, Andalusia or the Canary Islands might find the sound of [ʃ] closer to their /tʃ/ than to their /s/, so they may use the variant Cheila. Finally, bilingual regions such as Galicia and Catalonia do have the phoneme [ʃ] in their languages (represented by letter X), so they ocassionaly use the variant Xeila.According to National Institute of Statistics of Spain, there are 19945 women named Sheila, 1475 named Seila, 158 named Xeila and 63 named Cheila.(Information from name #429235 originally submitted by user navarretedf)
Sheila Birling is a character in J.B Priestley's play "An Inspector Calls". The play was written in 1946 and set in 1912, and about the importance of social responsibility. The character of Sheila starts off naïve and ignorant, but as the play progresses, Sheila is one of two characters who change their ways and become truly compassionate towards the hardships the working class face as well as accepting responsibility for their parts in Eva Smith's death. By the end of the play, Sheila is a mature young woman who doesn't hesitate to stand up for what she believes is right.
(Dame) Sheila Hancock (born 1933) is a celebrated British actress, the widow of famous actor John Thaw (1942-2002) who starred in the "Inspector Morse" series on television.
Sheila Aza (born 1924-2006), sister of popular actor Sydney Tafler (1916-79) was a British actress. She had parts in the movies Scarlet Thread (uncredited, the beautiful brunette at the pinball arcade early in the film, whose boyfriend is bullied by the Laurence Harvey character) Shirley Valentine, Doctor in Love, and Time, Gentlemen, Please! Her brother starred with Harvey in the Scarlet Thread; her husband was a theatrical agent.
I have to say that I love this name; how sad that it's not really used anymore.
Not a fan, make's me think of a drag queen.
Sheila is also used in Brazil.
Fun fact: Sheila is often used as a term throughout Australia referring to women. Sort of like another word for it such as Gal, lady, lassie, girly, chick, Jane Doe and whatever else.
In my opinion, it's so gorgeous and a very nice name. It is more common in the Philippines. I like it.
This name is really pretty to hear but actually my name is Sheilamar and my nickname is Sheila. People in my town say that my name was misspelled by my father wherein it wasn't and they don't believe me that my name is the true spelling of this name because they spelled it as Shiela.
Nobody in this comment section is Australian and it shows. Here it's used as a slang term for a woman, and I was actually surprised to learn (when I was very young) that it's also a given name. Even more surprised to learn now that it's quite popular elsewhere. While Sheila is a pretty name, it probably wouldn't be wise to name your child it if you live in Australia. Great middle name though.
I think Sheila is very pretty! As I am Spanish, the name is pronounced something like Shay-la and honestly I love it.
It's lovely. I love the pronunciation because it is so feminine.
It's pretty.
Might name my daughter this if it doesn’t already get used by another family member, it’s my grandma's name, but there are 5 of us so there is a high chance it will be used.
This is an old-fashioned name in my opinion but it ages well.
Sheila is well pronounced, it is pronounced SHEE-LA. I love this name!
My nan's name. Quite pretty for an old person.
Also used in Spanish. Its pronunciation is SHAY-la.
Sheila, honey...where are you? song by Ready for the World
I keep seeing this name spelled Shelia and want to smack their parents with a baby name book and knock some proper spelling into their heads.
Sorry people named Shelia, but your name is spelled wrong. Shelia is not She-lah. It's She-lee-ah. Learn phonetics.
I'm not a fan of this name. It isn't terrible, or even bad really, but it just doesn't appeal to me. Maybe because it seems a bit plain, and kind of dated.
I was born in 1930 in a small town and was the only person in town named Sheila. When I was around 10 a woman stopped me one day and said "Where did your mother get that name, from a movie magazine?" I was very upset until I found out she had a son named Gladstone. I've had the name for 88 years now and some people still misspell it.
Sheila is a character from the third Spyro game. She is a female kangaroo with an Australian accent.
In 2018, 48 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Sheila who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 243rd most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
Unfortunately in Canada, Sheila is often used as derogatory term for referring to nasty, mean and foolish women.
Terrence1989221 said on 3/18/2018 that "Sheila" is often used as a derogatory word for "nasty, mean and foolish women." I'm Canadian and I have never heard that before in my life. I've heard "Sheila" used as slang for "woman" or "girl" in Australian numerous times, but never have I heard anyone anywhere use the word to mean "nasty, mean and foolish." If terrence1989221 has heard it used that way, I'd suggest it must be a highly localized or regional thing, or maybe even used within a microculture, and terrence1989221 believes it has wider use. I wouldn't let his comment put you off naming a kid "Sheila" if you want to.
Sheila Jeffreys, an English expatriate in Australia, is best known as a lesbian feminist scholar and political activist, for her analysis of the history and politics of human sexuality in the UK, and for her controversial views on transsexuals. She was a professor in political science at the University of Melbourne in Australia. Jeffreys's argument that the "sexual revolution" on men's terms contributed less to women's freedom than to their continued oppression has both commanded respect and attracted intense criticism. Jeffreys argues that transsexuals reproduce oppressive gender roles and mutilate their bodies through sex reassignment surgery, that lesbian culture has been negatively affected by emulating the sexist influence of the gay male subculture of dominant/submissive sexuality, and that women suffering pain in pursuit of beauty is a form of submission to patriarchal sadism.
Hi. I'm reading through all the comments and am totally shocked to find that someone is also named Sheila Eileen just like me! How crazy is that? Not only have I been the only Sheila I've known for the last 30+ years but someone else shares the same middle name. Well, If you live long enough, I guess nothing is surprising anymore. I would like to see the name Sheila make a comeback, though, since so many other old names have. I was born in the early 50's so I was around when the original
Sheila song by Tommy Roe was a hit. Never had blue eyes or a ponytail, though.
I personally don't like the name, but I think of a strong willed woman when I hear it.
The name Sheila was given to 124 girls born in the US in 2015.
Hello all. I am Sheila Eileen, both are unique names. The only thing I don't like is, when I first meet someone I, of course, tell them, "I'm Sheila." Well, the next time we meet it's "Hello Sherry or hello Shirley." Of course I reply, "I'm Sheila, do you know anyone else named Sheila?" Mostly I am told, "No I don't think I know anyone named Sheila, but I have heard of the name." Bingo, they know my name the next time I see them. My own brother can't pronounce my name correctly! He calls me Shell-uh. That's the only word in the English language, as far as I know, that he doesn't pronounce correctly. I have the nicknames She, She-She, She-lala, which, to me are names of endearment. I truly love my name Sheila!
This name reminds me of the character from A Chorus Line, who starts out as a snob with an attitude, but ends up having a pretty dark backstory. After she sings "At the Ballet," she becomes a very likable character. I relate to her a lot, but I feel like I would use the original Irish spelling, Sile.
My name is Sheila but it's written as Sheillah. I really love my name. As I grew I wished I had a short cut or nickname for my name, now I've got two. Some friends call me Shishi and others Shillo, this actually make me love it more and more.
My given name is Sheila. I'm of Irish descent and I absolutely love the Gaelic origins of my name! It's actually got a very long and interesting history behind it, unlike many of the made-up names you hear today.
My mom's youngest sister is named Sheila. I don't really care for the name, since it's kinda outdated, but I don't think it's too bad since my aunt Sheila is one of the few relatives that I get along with.
My name is Sheila. I've known several other Sheila's in my life with many spellings. Including a step mother. My mom wanted an h at the end to make it more unique. But she decided that the traditional spelling was better. She named me after the Buddy Holly song which is appropriate since she was named after Glinda the good witch in Wizard of Oz. As a child I always wanted a nickname but Sheila doesn't have one. I was a teen when Prince had the hit song Oh, Sheila and hid every time I heard it in public, usually at the roller rink where I worked. What's funny is when I got married my last name begins with an E, so now I am Sheila E. I love my name now that I know it means heaven(ly) and contented heart. It's someone in tune with the Spirit of God and I like that.
I'm not too bothered about the meaning of this name anymore. This name has grown on me. I find the sound of this name pretty now. (:
Bleh. I do not like this name. Sheila isn't even remotely beautiful. The meaning "blind" is horrible.
I like this name. The first time I heard it was from Sheila the kangaroo in Spyro Year of the Dragon, so it always makes me think of that. I do think it's a little too outdated now though.
My mother's name is Sheila, but it is spelt with an "h" like Sheliah, which is very uncommon. I like the name Sheila a lot, very old fashioned, but pretty and strong.
My name is Sheila, & growing up I always wanted my name to be something else, however, now that I'm older, I like my name because I rarely come across others with it, & I worked in a field where all I dealt with were names. Most of my friends, or people I've dated, even my husband haven't come across another person with my name, it makes me feel unique! In Australia a "Sheila" is just a woman, they use the term positively as well, not as a prostitute just for women in general. Working in health care, I've never even heard it with the middle aged or older women here in the states, so I'm not sure of people saying it was very popular.
When I had children, & started to name them, I thought of names that had meaning to us, & to them not to a teacher they may have 10 years down the road, or a person who would comment on it who we'll never meet! I find people are way too opinionated about what other people call their children, you have way too much time on your hands, & really should put some thought into your own lives, & your family's lives, you'll be happier for it! What a ridiculous thing, a place for people to comment on others names, get a life or a job, something, but leave people alone!
I watched too many soaps back when I was younger, so I immediately think of Sheila Carter from The Young and the Restless and The Bold and the Beautiful. She was one of the best female villains on daytime!
In the USA Sheila was a popular name for girls in the 1950s. It's kind of nostalgic in a retro-modern kind of way. I like it.
Singer and drummer, Sheila E.
Sheila Chandra, English pop singer of Indian descent. You may remember her voice from LOTR: Two Towers (Breath of Life), or from the Queer as Folk series (Sacred Stones).
Being Australian, this name only reminds me of the derogatory term for a woman. Sounds like a name for a middle aged prostitute.
Sheila Tubman, an annoying character in Judy Blume's Fudge books.
I like this name, but I don't like the fact that this has a slang meaning in Australia. It's also kind of dated, but not as badly dated as Donna or Shirley.
Sheila is the little-known name of Doctor Girlfriend, a villain from the TV show The Venture Bros.
The name Sheila has a pretty sound, but is very old fashioned.
Sheila Marquez, Spanish model.
Sheila Franklin is one of the main characters in the musical Hair.
British band The Smiths wrote the song "Sheila Take a Bow".
My friend's name, but she spells it Shela.
Pretty name, but this name used to remind me of Sheila Tubman, the bossy character from Fudgeamania and other books from that series.
My eldest sister's name is Sheila, I don't know the proper meaning of the name but to me it's always made me think of someone who's bossy and loud as in the book 'Sheila the Great', that character shows up in all of Judy Bloom's Fudge books and she's very loud and bossy. So is my sister for that matter.
There's a song about Sheila. Here's the chorus:
Oh, oh Sheila
How I really really love you oh, Sheila.
There are authors named Sheila O'Flanagan and Sheila Quigley.
Grace Kelly's character in Hitchcock's "Dial M for Murder" is called Sheila.
Sheila Browflowski is Kyle's mother on South Park.
In Australia, Sheila is a generic and somewhat derogatory word for a woman.
I like this name a lot, it's definitely underused and deserves a comeback.
This name is derived from the ancient Gaelic goddess of Fertility and death, called Sheela-Na-Gig.

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