Hi! My name is Sharon. I used to hate my name, but I now think it's beautiful. I love it.
― Anonymous User 8/25/2024
It’s a very pretty and classic name… A bit overused many years ago and I don’t really think it’s coming back, but the bearers of this name are usually kind and attractive people.
― Anonymous User 8/23/2024
I think that Sharon is one of those amazing, no-nonsense names; I have always enjoyed it. If my future child were to bear my surname, Sharon would not work out, unfortunately. Though, I still definitely recommend the name Sharon for your daughters!
Sharon is also used as a masculine given name in English. However, it's more common for females. So, I think that the "Gender" of this name should be updated from "Feminine" to "Feminine & Masculine".Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sharon
I like it. I remember Lucille Ball saying Sharon and Phillip were sophisticated names, on her show, when she was pregnant.
― Anonymous User 12/12/2023
Means plain as in a flat piece of land not plain as in not fancy. Gorgeous.
― Anonymous User 10/24/2023
Dame Sharon White, Lady Chote, DBE, is a British businesswoman. She is the current Chair of the John Lewis Partnership, having previously held a variety of roles in the Civil Service.She was the Chief Executive of the British media regulator Ofcom from March 2015 to November 2019, and was Second Permanent Secretary at HM Treasury from 2013 to 2015. She was the first black person, and the second woman, to become a Permanent Secretary at the Treasury.
The name is pronounced as Share- RON! Like the name Ron! Or Share-Run might be easier for some people. That's how I’ve heard some British folks pronounce it. Sharon NOT Sharen or Sharin! Read it properly and say it properly! There’s an “O” for a REASON! Duh.
― Anonymous User 8/25/2023, edited 8/25/2023
I'd love to see a revival of Sharon. Such a lovely sound and flower.
The name Sharon isn’t actually pronounced like “Sharen” like Americans claim. When you travel you’ll know what I mean and it's also a gender neutral name. Both men and women use the name. I don’t think this name is going to come around for a few generations because of the hate towards Karen. It’s really immature and a shame people seek being hateful to others who haven’t done anything to them over a NAME.
― Anonymous User 10/16/2022
I’m a bit neutral with the name Sharon but I also adore it because it reminds me of the beautiful actress Sharon Tate who was taken too soon. God rest her soul ♡.
― Anonymous User 10/13/2022
Why so insulting. Like Saulaaa rolls off the tongue. Beautiful classic name.
― Anonymous User 9/26/2022
Extremely plain, basic, terrible name just like the name Karen.
I've liked it since I was little when I first watched the original Parent Trap with Hayley Mills- the prissy twin with the long hair was Sharon, and the other one was Susan. I guess that's why I don't necessarily see this name as an old lady name, because the first association I had with the name was positive (I liked HM when I was little), and she was a child actress using the name during the show for one of her characters.
Sharon Marsh is Stan's mom in South Park. She is one of the more level-headed adults in the show and I always love watching her trying to put up with her husband's crazy shenanigans!
I never knew a single Sharon when I was in school, but I worked with a Sharon who was at least 25 years older than me. She ended up retiring from the company. Sharon was really popular in the 50s and 60s, but now it's an old lady name.
― Anonymous User 2/20/2021
I know this is a classic name, but I love it. For some reason Sharon sounds sweet and reminds me of the Rose of Sharon flowering trees. It’s a gentle, soft and flowery name.
My girlfriend's a Sharon, one amazing gorgeous person What can l say I'm going to marry her and share my life with her.An older name but one day it will come back around
Sharon is a pretty name in my honest opinion, and I love that it has both biblical meaning and associations with nature. I may consider using this name someday if I have a daughter, I just hope it wouldn’t sound too plain or “old lady-ish”.
I think Sharon is a beautiful name. It’s cute and mature at the same time.
― Anonymous User 4/30/2020
My name is Sharon Lynn. I was named after my mother. Growing up I disliked my name. Now I am glad to be named Sharon. Not all Sharon's are plain ugly or married to a geek. Some Sharon's are as beautiful as the rose of Sharon flowers. I will always be an outgoing person, enjoying my life with my alpha husband and raising our children. Growing old together is not an ugly thing but a beautiful life.
― Anonymous User 3/13/2020
I never liked this name with the English pronunciation, but I met a Sharon who pronounced her name Shar - roan, and I love that! That's the Hebrew pronunciation, I believe. Though, if it's meant to be pronounced that way, I would spell it Sharone or Sharón. Or Sharoan? None of those look right, though...
All of the girls I've known with this name were blonde. It always reminds me of Sharon Tate and Sharon Stone. Beautiful name.
― Anonymous User 8/5/2019
Sharon is a beautiful name. I am from India. I have been working in a reputed School. Good luck to me to inform that the school name is THE SHARON HIGH SCHOOL. It's located ReddyColony, Hanmakonda, Warangal Urban, Telangana State, INDIA. The name SHARON, I very much like this name.
― Anonymous User 4/17/2019
The name Sharon gives me that relaxed feeling of when you've had a good long bath and washed your hair thoroughly. Maybe because it has that 'sh' sound, like shampoo and shower.
Sharon is another one of my favorite old fashioned girl names, along with Linda! I actually do know a teenage girl with this as her legal name right now, and the name really suits her, but I still think of it as a women’s name, actually sounds more dated than Linda, and I actually can picture Sharon best on an old lady. It’s still a cute name, but wouldn’t use this one either.I also heard that this was used as a masculine name too! Kinda weird for a guy, but not as bad as Adina!
― Anonymous User 1/19/2019
To me this is the name of an airhead who peaked in high school, was a top heavy pom pom girl, married an ugly geeky guy and still keeps in touch with her h.s., though nobody cares to respond to her bragging. She's never had a friend.
― Anonymous User 1/6/2019
Will forever remind me of a bouncing cheerleader, but not in a cheer-y way.
― Anonymous User 12/31/2018
In 2018, 63 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Sharon who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 69th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/17/2018
Means evil in Arabic...
― Anonymous User 8/24/2018
Sharon Needles is the stage name of Aaron Coady, an American drag performer and recording artist. A self-described "stupid genius, reviled sweetheart, and PBR princess," Needles rose to prominence on the fourth season of the Logo reality competition series RuPaul's Drag Race, where she quickly became a fan favorite and was subsequently crowned "America's Next Drag Superstar" in April 2012.
Sharon is the name of a young girl in the 1977 British public safety film "Apaches." The film was meant to warn children not to play on farm equipment; it did this by showing all but one of the six main characters die from horrific accidents. The way Sharon dies is particularly nightmare-inducing; after accidentally swallowing rat poison, she wakes up in the middle of the night calling for her mother while crying and screaming in agony (the poison melted her internal organs). The audience doesn't see Sharon die (thank God), but hearing her tortured screams will be enough to keep you awake at night.
― Anonymous User 6/19/2017
The name Sharon was given to 295 girls born in the US in 2016. More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Sharon are female.
― Anonymous User 6/6/2017
Apparently, this name is considered one of the quintessential "chav" names over in the UK. It definitely sounds that way, since it really does strike me as the name of a chavvy woman who spends all her time watching Jeremy Kyle while her kids are watching Peppa Pig.
Sharon Needles is the stage name of Aaron Coady, an American drag performer and recording artist. A self-described "stupid genius, reviled sweetheart, and PBR princess," Needles rose to prominence on the fourth season of the Logo reality competition series RuPaul's Drag Race, where she quickly became a fan favorite and was subsequently crowned "America's Next Drag Superstar" in April 2012.
Additionally, and likely contributing to the sharp upturn in usage of the name in the 1960s, there was a (presumably) popular shade of Avon lipstick named "Rose of Sharon" that is the source of my mother's choice of the name.
― Anonymous User 10/7/2016
Sharon is a common name but I love it. My mother's name is Sharon, as is my best friend of 30+ years. I would imagine that in the thirties that it wasn't that common (mom was born in 1939).
"Sharon" became popular within the sci-fi-community due to the re-imagined series of "Battlestar Galactica" (2004-2009), where it was the name of 2 characters (Sharon "Boomer" Valerii and Sharon "Athena" Agathon), both of them Cylons. Later all Cylons of the same type (Number 8) were often called "The Sharons" instead of their number.
Like Jonquil said, one of the first famous bearers was an English MALE writer named Sharon Turner, who was born in 1768 and died in 1847.Another, sort of famous, male bearer of Sharon born before the 1920s was Secretary of State of Illinois, Sharon Tyndale, born in 1816 and died in 1871, who took up that post from 1865 to 1869.Some other, less famous, examples of 19th century Sharons include: - Sharon Wright, female, born around 1821 in Essex, England - Sharon Morton, male, born around 1845 in Bradwell, Derbyshire, England - Sharon Field, male, born around 1785 in Northfield, Massachusetts in the US (taken from death index) - Sharon Shattuck, female, born around 1798 in Massachusetts in the US (living in Amherst by the time of the 1850 US Census)So, although it became more popular as a feminine name after the mid-1920s, it isn't fair to say that it has been in use as a given name since the 1920s. What's more, it used to be mainly unisex, sometimes leaning towards being a masculine name.I would also like to point out that it's also used in Israel, where it's given to both men/boys and women/girls.
Here are some lovely songs with the name Sharon.Check out "I Ain't Sharin' Sharon" by Bobby Darin or James Darren or Even Hank Williams Jr. In my opinion, these versions are much better than Jim Stafford's. It's a fun, upbeat track. Also "Song for Sharon" from the timeless Joni Mitchell. Beautiful, interesting song. And S.H.A.R.O.N by Deacon Blue.
― Anonymous User 1/9/2016
A barrister colleague of mine is called Sharon and I think it's a beautiful name that fits her personality so well. She is shy, retiring and always so thoughtful of others' feelings. Whenever the wind blows it seems to whisper "Sharon." She definitely doesn't look like a goat.
I like the history the name Sharon has and it's WAY better than the name Shannon. The name Sharon is a nice name that ages well.
― Anonymous User 2/28/2015
Update: I've changed my mind about what I said before. I think Sharon and Shannon are both equally nice names. Xo :)
― Anonymous User 7/25/2015
Sharon Leal (Born: October 17, 1972) is an American actress and singer.
― Anonymous User 10/26/2014
I think this name is so much better than other similar names. It has more history than 'Heather' another flowering shrub name, more class than 'Cheryl' and has more chance of a comeback than 'Karen' (which I also really like, though it's dated) or 'Shannon' (meaning isn't as pretty, harder to say). Simple spelling and straight forward pronunciation makes me able to see 'Sharon' working for a child. Plus it's a flower name that doesn't look sappy.
I like the Americanised pronunciation Sher-un. Once described as the most powerful woman in rock, Sharon Osbourne; Israeli PM, Ariel Sharon; ground breaking award winning author Sharon Creech; oscar nominated/award winning actresses Sharon Stone and Sharon Gless. Powerful, intelligent and sassy. How many other names can boast of having a biblical place, flower and fruit called after it. A simple, pretty name, still popular in places such as America, Canada and Israel.
This name is also used in The Netherlands, where it is either pronounced in the proper English way or in the proper Dutch way (it depends on which pronunciation the bearer's parents had chosen).The Dutch pronunciation of the name is: shah-RON.
A bit of a strange name to have as a child, but it's not too old fashioned either, and still has a bright, happy feel to it. It reminds me of someone who is a bit airy-fairy and happy-ever-after, but meh.
I think this a fine name. Although it sounds a bit dated, it would still work well for a little girl. In the social life simulator "Real Lives", I was born with this name as a girl in England. She completed collage with a degree in Sociology, married the first man she'd ever dated, and lived to the ripe old age of 81.
Sharon Tate (1943-1969) is a famous bearer of this name. Sharon Tate was an American film actress of the 1960s. In life, she was noted for her beautiful good looks, her sexy roles in films like Valley of the Dolls, and her marriage to film director Roman Polanski. Sadly, she is probably most famous for her grisly death at the hands of the Manson Family in the summer of 1969. She was eight and a half months pregnant at the time of her murder.
Classy, and not as common in my age group (mid thirties) as, say, a Stephanie or Jennifer! To me, Sharon is a step up and slightly more exotic than Sherry, which is lovely too, but softer. Good for a middle name, as well.
― Anonymous User 11/8/2008
My name is too Sharon, some tell me that name is nice, but it's difficult a little to pronounce.
I can't imagine this on males. Unfortunately, this name makes me think of rather unpleasant middle-aged women for some reason. It sounds a bit dated, and the sound is harsher than that of Shannon, which itself sounds a tad harsh because of the ''sha'' sound. It's not a terrible name by any stretch of the imagination, though, and it always beats infantile names like Keeley, Hailey, Poppy, and the likes. Sharon Stone is a rather positive example of a person with this name, as she is attractive and intelligent without being arrogant and mean.
A famous bearer is American actress Sharon Epatha Merkerson, better known as S. Epatha Merkerson (born November 28, 1952). She is perhaps best known for her role on "Law & Order" as Anita Van Buren, a role she has held since 1993 through the present. She is also well-known for her role in the 2005 HBO original movie "Lackawanna Blues", for which she won an Emmy, Golden Globe, and SAG Award. In addition, she has appeared on Broadway in "The Piano Lesson", for which she received a Tony Award nomination, and off-Broadway in "I'm Not Stupid", for which she received an OBIE Award.
Hello. My name is Sharon. When my mother named me she had only heard of one person with that name. This was 1958. There were three Sharons (including my best friend) in my first grade class, out of 22 children! So what she thought was a uncommon was not. Most Sharons I meet are between the ages of 35 and 60 years old. I actually like my name. It's not too fancy, not too plain. Not hard to pronounce nor hard to spell. Mom had other names she considered and I am glad she did not choose all of the other names except one that I did like. I would have preferred a different spelling like Sharron or Sharyn but oh well. :) When I hear the strange names of some children these days I am thankful to be named Sharon. I wish it were used more often. When parents are looking for an uncommon name I think they should realize there is a huge difference between choosing an uncommon name and a name that is downright weird. People should consider how names may affect the child. ~Sharon
Sharon Case plays a character named Sharon on the soap opera The Young and the Restless.
― Anonymous User 8/22/2007
This is my name and I like it. It is pretty and not overused, especially at my age group. I have ever only met one other girl my age with my name, and she spelled it Sharron. And it took me 15 years to find her. It is a really nice name, and it is different.
Sharon Bezaly, Israeli flautist - "'Paganini of the flute' plays likened to David Oistrakh or Vladimir Horovits for her flair and virtuosity (Gramophone, November 2005)"
Sharon is shortened to Shaz in the UK, and Shaz has taken on the generalised meaning of "cheap and nasty, common". As in "Look at that girl over there - what a shaz." Unfortunate for its bearers!