The name Sequoia is a good name. I mainly think that because my first name is Sequoia, just spelled Seqouia.
― Anonymous User 4/18/2018
I attend a small school of about 180 kids, yet last year their were 2 kids named Sequoia. Also surprisingly, one of them is a girl and the other one was a boy. As a name, I feel Sequoia is a bit complex, but a nice name. I feel this name fits girls better than boys. I would probably never name a child Sequoia, but it's a pretty good name.
― Anonymous User 11/26/2017
The name Sequoia was given to 70 girls born in the US in 2015.
George Guess’s name has also been spelt ‘Sequoyah’ and ‘Sequoja’, pronounced /se-KVO-yu/ or /se-KWO-ya/. It’s also remindful of the Latin verb “sequi” ‘to follow’, though not really related etymologically.
To the person above, I have actually met a person named Sequoia, but I still think it's a better name for a character or pet (like you said) than a real person.
― Anonymous User 2/12/2011
Yet another species of tree that I think would be lovely as a name. Sequoia is very pretty, definitely wonderful for a fictional character or even a pet, but I don't know how well it would fit on a person; I guess I would have to meet a Sequoia. But nonetheless I like it very much. :)
I think Sequoya is a beautiful name, from the moment I heard the name I loved it and I felt I could easily have a daughter with such a name.
― Anonymous User 4/6/2009
Reminds me of another, unrelated name: Sequana, the Latin word for the River Seine in Paris, and the Gaulish (Celtic) goddess. Sequana was the river goddess of the Celts who lived by the River Seine 3000 years ago, the Sequani (the Celts once ruled Europe, which a surprising amount of people wouldn't know.) She was river goddess, and living spirit of the land, which was incarnated in water; rivers, springs and lakes. The Celts would probably have pronounced the name Sek-ooana, and its meaning is "the Fast Flowing One". (