While I don't appreciate the unnecessarily negative comments about my name, I admit that being named Scarlett has caused a lot of headache for me. There are too many other Scarletts. My self esteem has definitely been affected by it. This is disappointing, because it was quite rare when I was born. Please choose a unique, special name for your child.
― Anonymous User 12/18/2024
My sister is called Scarlett. My opinion: It's a beautiful name! I like it. My Scarlett looks often at TikTok and there are more and more persons named that. It's the age of 17.
― Anonymous User 9/8/2024
I still don't understand why people hate this name. Whenever people talk about their least favorite names, I swear this one constantly comes up, and I just don't get the hate. I'm not the biggest defender of this name ever, but the hate is wildly exaggerated and ridiculous. Nobody in real life would blink twice at this name.
Scarlett is my name and I really don't understand any of the hate it gets. It's so pretty especially when you double barrel it with something like Rose (Scarlett - Rose). It's far from tacky and your nickname wouldn't be Scar either, bc it's horrible it'd be something like Scarls.
― Anonymous User 4/5/2024, edited 4/5/2024
One of those names that peaked in the 2010s and is just getting old now. I don't really understand the appeal, it's kinda harsh sounding. 'Scar' at the beginning is unpleasant and the 'liht' ending doesn't make it any more enticing. If I'm being totally honest, the only thing tackier would be Crimson, like scarlet and crimson upholstery. The double Ts at the end of a typically one T word only make it more so. I don't have anything against girls named Scarlett, I just personally find the name to be unattractive. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, okay?
My name is Scarlett and I wouldn’t want to choose any other name than this. Only my close friends call me Scar and I love it! A baby nickname was Letti which is cute for a baby. So many people on here hate on the name but nobody I know has it and I am so grateful for the name.
I think Scarlett is a very pretty name. I think this name’s rise in popularity is probably because of Scarlett Johansson, and other color names like Violet, Amber and Ruby. For some reason, the double t spelling is a lot more popular than just one t, Scarlet is a color and a word, but almost everyone spells it Scarlett. I think if I was naming a girl, I’d be tempted to go for Scarlett, as most people assume Scarlet is the color, and Scarlett is the name. I think both spellings are beautiful and it’s a little hard to choose between the two. It is very popular where I live (I’m from the UK), but I guess not ridiculously popular so you could still use it. I have heard this name many times. Almost all the people I’ve met called this spells it Scarlett, but I have met a few with the Scarlet spelling. Red is my favourite colour, which is perfect.
I really like this name. It fits any girl at any age too.
― Anonymous User 12/9/2022
This name is awesome! It's cute and edgy at the same time. I’m surprised people dislike the nickname “Scar”. It feels cool, edgy and smooth if that’s what the kid is into. I love this and might use it since Charlotte is off my list. Anyone who has this name is lucky, it’s a gorgeous name which bears imagery of the color. If Charlotte is as popular as it is, I don’t see why Scarlett is any different! Both are very pretty.
I love the name Scarlett - I named my daughter Scarlett Rae. The only issue I had with it is that even her grandparents called her Charlotte way too many times! And I don't really like the name Charlotte.
Skarlett Klaw. A famous music artist creating the hit “Boss B****”.
― Anonymous User 4/2/2022
I know a little Scarlett. If it hadn't been a friend's daughter, I think I would have had more negative thoughts about this name. The "scar" part is a bit harsh sounding, as well as the meaning. But then, given for the symbolism of the red color or even of the scar meaning itself, I think it can be a powerful choice. For some reason, I tend to think of this as a UK name. Not sure if that's at all true. However, I also think of Miss Scarlet/Scarlett of the CLUE/Cluedo games, - the sort of a glamorous but not entirely wholesome woman who, of course, isn't above committing murder like the rest of the characters.If the symbolism of this color is not associated with prostitution or shame, then it is still very often associated with blood. Sometimes this is meant in a positive sense (like soldier's bloodshed for a country) yet at its heart it is still something painful, even if it had a good outcome.But as I said, my friend's daughter has helped me to see the name a little differently. Was it chosen for the blessings-through-pain meaning? I think so. And somehow it works for her, despite its weightiness. I would give it a chance.
I really WANT to like this name but it’s so harsh sounding and there are so many negative connotations I would never ever use it. I’m really baffled it’s so popular. One…the word scar in the name, two The Scarlet Letter, three scarlet fever, four the prostitute connotation. The overall sound is not bad but I do not personally find this to be a classy name and I could not imagine giving it to a little baby.
― Anonymous User 11/1/2021
I really don’t like the name... something about it is off putting.
― Anonymous User 7/18/2021
I think Scarlett is cute. I quite like this trend of color names like Violet, Ruby, and Hazel. As long as they're not crazy colors like Cyan or something. I like the nickname Ettie, I guess Scarly is also kinda cute too.
I've known since I was 6 that I wanted to name my daughter Scarlett from the first time watching Gone With the Wind with my mom and sister. Leigh's character was a strong, resourceful, determined, complex and flawed lady who took her experiences and her nature and learned and made the most from them. The name suits my daughter so well. She's only 4 and her name is Scarlett Abigail... and my parents call her Abby because my dad kept calling her Charlotte (which is so dull and pedestrian). Even at her age she carries it well. She's so gorgeous, sweet, bright, independent, and full of life. It is a lot of name in those few letters and people are never ambivalent in their reactions to it. It is classic and refined but still sounds new and lively and fairly unique. I hope she won't be teased, but she's very forgiving, positive and confident, I don't think it will be an issue. It often turns out that I find the people who dislike it are not usually people I enjoy being around anyway. I've let her choose what I call her. She's okay with her grandparents calling her Abby, but she likes me to call her Scarlett and so do I.
My name is Scarlett, and honestly I'm not a huge fan of the name, especially after reading these comments. I don't really like being related to sexy just because a Scarlett woman is a prostitute. These comments make me dislike it even more, seeing as other people don't like my name. I have nothing against any other Scarlett's but for me when I think about it now all I can think of is that people don't like my name, and think about how my name is associated with a prostitute.
I agree, this name annoys me for some reason and the nickname "Scar" is absolutely awful!
― Anonymous User 1/17/2021
There is a nickname I’ve thought of for Scarlett which is “Carlie” because sCARLett, the name Carl is in it, but obviously it’s a masculine name, so why not Carlie?
I really do not like this name, sorry. The only nickname I can think of is "Scar".
― Anonymous User 1/8/2021
My name is Scarlett! I’ve loved it ever since I was little! I think it’s cool that the word “Scar” is in it! Adds a cool factor to it. I also don’t let nicknames get to me so I don’t mind what people call me! It might be a little annoying... but that’s just what people do. I really like this name because I think it sounds really pretty! Lol, very biased comment :)
Not a fan of this name. Something about it just bugs me!
― Anonymous User 10/9/2020
I like this name, and I'm not sure why everyone hates it for a kid. As it is my name, and I am under the age of 18, I would know. You don't need a nickname!
― Anonymous User 10/4/2020
I think of Gone With the Wind. Would never name a child this. Awful name!
― Anonymous User 9/28/2020
Please don’t do this to a poor little girl! I would absolutely hate being stuck with name! Would the nickname in school be “scar”? Strongly dislike!
― Anonymous User 9/26/2020
Nice name. Don't listen to the annoying commenter below me. Or don't even listen to who said: Please don’t do this to a poor little girl! I would absolutely hate being stuck with name! Would the nickname in school be “scar”? Strongly dislike!
I love the name Scarlett, but keep in mind I'm very biased here XD...because that is my name. I like it a lot. It sounds strong and mature. I love this spelling way more than Scarlet.
My name is Scarlett and to be honest, I do not mind if people call me Scar. I am mainly called Sky, but please do not call somebody named Scarlett Letti or Lette. Personally it just doesn't work.
I first became interested in this name in 1997 when I read an article with then 'up and coming' actress Scarlett Johansson. I loved how pretty and unique the name was! By the time I had a baby in 2015, it became quite popular! But, I was still in love with it all these years. I sometimes call my daughter Scarlie, Essie, Ettie, or Etta.
My name is Scarlett, and I don't see why people are bullied for it. I mean, I was not!
― Anonymous User 1/2/2020
My name was Scarlet Franklin and this name was the worst name EVER. I had to change it when I was 22. First off, it was RIDICULOUS competing with myself for nicknames. There’s a choice between Scar and Let. Or “Scarry.” Hideous, right? Also, I would get bullied in middle school and get called “Scarry Night.” All the time, people say those stupid “Frankly, Scarlett” or “Franklin, Scarlett” like I starred in some crazy musical or something. Literally the worst experiences of my life were during my gain of the name Scarlett. In 2000, when I was 22, I changed my name to Charlotte. I am pleased with such a relaxed name and a way prettier aspect to it. NEVER name your kid Scarlet. Also, in the Bible, she was associated with sin and evil.
― Anonymous User 11/24/2019
My spouse Fabian wanted to name our little girl Scarlet. I explained why I didn’t like the name. It is not refined and it was rough to us. He understood that it simply didn’t work. Last minute.. oh! I thought Charlotte was pretty and refined and close to Scarlet. We knew we both had to agree on the name. Charlotte was also a classy, 1900s classic name. We loved it. Fits perfect.Scarlet(t) and Charlotte are both good names. However, Charlotte suited us better personally.
― Anonymous User 6/6/2019
Scarlett is a beautiful, strong, feminine name. I love the colour, I love Will Scarlett from Robin Hood, I love this name so much. When I hear the name Scarlett, I think of a strong, fiery girl with bright red tattered robes and a dagger at her belt, ready to stand up for what she believes and the people she loves. However, I can also see it fitting a sleepy toddler, a cute seven-year-old in a fairy dress, a quiet teen/ preteen, a business-like lady and an old woman. My point is: the name will fit any personality and it grows well. Scarlett is such a lovely name for a girl.
This was the name I was given. Hated it, hated it, hated it. Chose another name and had it legally changed when I was 19. I'm 40 now so the name certainly wasn't popular or trendy when I was growing up. But its uncommon-ness wasn't the problem. It has such a strong flavor and such a singular association that it almost doesn't allow its bearer to have their own personality. As a child I couldn't understand why people had such a strong reaction to my name or what this "frankly Scarlett" crap was all about; it was like an inside joke (about me) that I wasn't privy to, which was sort of infuriating. Plus, I was a tomboy and having such an overwhelmingly feminine name was suffocating. There is no suitable nickname and my parents didn't give me a middle name so there was no way out. (As another poster mentioned I was also called "Scar" as a method of taunting or teasing.) When I was 12 I read as much of Gone with the Wind as I could stomach, hoping to find some redeeming value in the name. Instead I found the character truly vile and couldn't understand why anyone would feel compelled to name their child after her. I would strongly recommend NOT giving your daughter this name. Go with a boring, standard, "out-of-ideas" name before you slap this on her.
― Anonymous User 4/6/2019
In the Bible Scarlett is associated with sin and immortality.
― Anonymous User 2/23/2019
Scarlet fever. The word scar in it. Ugly name.
― Anonymous User 12/27/2018
Scarlet fever. Awful name.
― Anonymous User 12/9/2018
My husband and I wanted to name our daughter this for ages since our last name is the same as the beauty from Gone With the Wind. We don’t call her by any nick names. The only annoyance is how popular it’s getting.
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Scarlett who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1, 623rd most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/15/2018
Rhymes with harlot.
― Anonymous User 10/10/2018
The colors of The Ohio State University are scarlet and gray, and people in central Ohio are very fanatical about their Buckeyes. I have known at least three women who were named Scarlett Ann Gray or Scarletta Gray.
Scarlett is a simply fantastic name! Anyone who says otherwise probably has a dumb name! I'm appalled! I'M CALLED SCARLETT!
― Anonymous User 8/19/2018
I love the name Scarlett. I do not care for the nickname Scar. That’s the only downfall for this name to me. I think the name Scarlett is very sexy, sultry & passionate!
I think this is a beautiful, classy name! Ignore people who are saying it's "slutty" they are just jealous of such an exciting and unique name! I think it's unique, without being absolutely ridiculous. And I think most people have heard the name before really and know how to pronounce it. It's not ridiculously long so no nickname required, really.
I love this name! I want to name my daughter Scarlett Ruma after Hollywood actress and singer Scarlett Pomers!
― Anonymous User 11/1/2017
I think Scarlett is a beautiful name. I love the nickname Letty, or Lettie, that someone mentioned earlier.
― Anonymous User 9/27/2017
My name is Scarlett Rose. I have never liked the name. One, people would call me Scar, which upset me in elementary school but doesn't now, and two, do you have ANY IDEA how obnoxious it is to be asked 'Oh like Scarlett O'hara?' Five times a day? Plus whenever you go to share an opinion it's always 'Frankly Scarlett, I don't give a damn.' And the person always acts so smart, like I haven't heard it a million times before. It's like naming your kid Forest and not expecting Forest Gump jokes. And the awful thing is that if you're named this, its impossible to escape it because there are No! Good! Nicknames! And I know because Ive been trying to find something else to call myself for the last twenty years cause I hate this name so much. Also now it's become ridiculously popular since ScarJo came around, so don't pretend you have any originality at all when you name your baby this. It was rare when I was a kid, but now every other baby girl is named it. Do your offspring a favor and spare them the whole 'Scarlett J, Scarlett M,' thing. Every single kid I knew growing up that had a common name hated it, because they hated being reduced to '___? No not that one, the other ___!' (Shout out to all the kids named Alex, I feel for you guys) Side note, no one knows how to spell it? You wouldn't think it would be that hard, but I've gotten Scarlet, Scarlette, Skarlet, just about every weird variation you could think of. In short, it's one of those names that sound nice unless you're actually named it.
― Anonymous User 9/14/2017
A name like Scarlett needs a good middle name like Ray. Scarlett Ray has a nice ring to it.
I love the name Scarlett! It sounds and looks really pretty and makes me think of a talented, intelligent girl! It's also a less common & prettier name than Charlotte. I'd defiantly name my daughter this! The only thing is that Charlotte has better nicknames (Charlie/Charley & Lottie) then Scarlett (Scarlett & Lettie). I'd say if you're planning to use the name Scarlett, stay away from nicknames. Scarlett is GORGEOUS on it's own!
Scarlett Johansson is an American actress, model, and singer. She made her film debut in North (1994). Johansson subsequently starred in Manny & Lo in 1996, and garnered further acclaim and prominence with roles in The Horse Whisperer (1998) and Ghost World (2001). She shifted to adult roles with her performances in Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003) and Sofia Coppola's Lost in Translation (2003), for which she won a BAFTA Award for Best Actress in a Leading Role.
Named my daughter Scarlett Jane. I absolutely love her name and after receiving her birth certificate and seeing it officially registered, I cried a little.
― Anonymous User 9/23/2016
Scarlett Beauregarde is Violet Beauregarde's mother in Tim Burton's adaptation of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. (She is unnamed in the book.) In this incarnation, she is portrayed as a stereotypical stage mom/soccer mom.
I absolutely love this name, as I feel it's very pretty. I love names that have to do with the color red, like Scarlett or Ruby or Rose.I have actually named a character of mine Scarlet (yes, with only one t) and I absolutely love the character. I'm actually starting to regret deciding to kill off her friend and turn her evil :PBut anyway, I recommend this name for a pretty, classy girl with a kind heart.
― Anonymous User 5/27/2016
I used to think this name sounded weird, but now I like it.
Scarlet is so steadfast that it was one of the most difficult dyes to remove from clothing. The firmest of dyes, not easily washed out.
― Anonymous User 4/16/2016
Scarlet has symbolized wealth and power, both politically and religiously since ancient Bible times. The color was a status symbol in the Roman Empire.
― Anonymous User 4/16/2016
The Bible states that warriors wore clothes of Scarlet.
― Anonymous User 4/16/2016
Scarlet is a sensual colour and in my opinion it makes the name Scarlett really sexy. I strongly associate the name with Miss Scarlett, who is a character in the board game Clue.
I really like this name and I think Carly would be a cute nickname.
― Anonymous User 3/15/2016
My name is Scarlett. they call me "Scar" and "Star" I like both because I have a scar and star was given to me because they say I'm the center of attention.
I think Scarlett is such a pretty name :) Scars are marks you get after suffering through pain, and making it to the end with courage! It sounds feminine and strong, too. The colour is so pretty as well.
Scarlett is (and has been for some time) my most hated girls name of all time. It makes me think of scars, scarlet fever, and scarlet red blood, and it rhymes with "harlot." Even without the rhyme and the media references, Scarlett sounds slutty to me. It's one of those names that sounds pretentious in a lustful sort of way, and when you add in the other things it's an association I cannot shake. It has a harsh sound to it as well, and I really can't see it on anyone younger than 80 at least. Definitely cringe-worthy all around.
― Anonymous User 8/15/2014
It's such a pretty name but I love meanings and every time I try to combine it, the meaning sounds to me like a fancy nail polish color or a really bad job position. It's not worth it to me because it doesn't have that many good nicknames, it's so popular, and I really love this name, Juliette and even though they're two different names I don't like that they share the -et sound because I want each name to sound different. I chose Juliette. Maybe it's nice for you because it's Gone with the Wind but really, are you going to determine your baby's name by one book that not many people read anymore or watch? Gone with the Wind is fading from pop culture but if you still like it then that's you and I understand because I can't deny Scarlett has that sensual allure to it.
I really like the beautiful sound and look of the name, as well as the image of a sophisticated gorgeous spirited woman (like Scarlett Johansson) that comes with it. But I also can't help but think of the term "scarlet woman" and The Scarlet Letter, which also makes me think of adultery. I also think of the color scarlet which gets me to think of the color of blood, and scarlet fever- yeah, not very good associations. That is what stops me from completely loving this name and having it on my name list, but I do love to see other parents use it for their kids, those who don't have the unfortunate associations as I do. Scarlett is a name that stands on its own, but I love having the nickname Scout for Scarlett. It pays homage to Scout Finch, one of my favorite literary characters. Letty is another nice nickname option.
― Anonymous User 6/27/2014
I love the name Scarlett. It sounds so proper, elegent, and I would be proud to have that name. I got picked on a lot because my very unusual name, India Wren Dye. I don't think my name is near as pretty as Scarlett. P.
Scarlett is my all time favourite girls name, and Scarlett O'Hara is my all time favourite fictional character. However, its starting to get more popular and I really hope this name doesn't get too common.
My name is Scarlett Elizabeth and I have grown fond of this name over the years, the meaning of deep red gives signs of being strong willed and thoughtfullness. Although this beautiful name is often referred to Scarlett O'Hara and sometimes this is not wanted- but I was named after this character so it does not phase me- Nicknames for my name vary alot- depending on who I am with- my nickname changes from Scarlotta, Scarlettie, Scarlie, Carlie, carla, Lottie, Lotta, and for a joke a couple of friends call me Scar but it is said in such a jokey way- I don't care, also nicknames for Scarlett have a very wide variety as nicknames for charlotte may also be used for people named Scarlett.
― Anonymous User 11/20/2012
Very nice name, though I don't know if it would work where I live. I read Gone with the Wind last year and found Scarlett O'Hara to be an interesting character - I prefer to think of her instead of Johansson when I hear the name Scarlett.
Scarlett Sperduto is an American child actress. She was born in 1999 in New York City, New York.
― Anonymous User 8/10/2012
Scarlett Ingrid Johansson is an American actress. She was born in 1984 in New York City, New York.
― Anonymous User 4/30/2012
One of my biggest pet-peeve names. It's just another surname co-opted for the girls, only it has a literary reference therefore comes across as trashy, trendy and pretentious at the same time. I like to think of it as a distant cousin to Harper, which is also a monstrosity on a girl.The sound is so ugly, and the fact that it's a shade of red (okay, Scarlet is, but the only difference between the two is one letter) would probably bring on some unfortunate bullying when the bearer becomes old enough to have that "special time" of the month.
I used to love this name, but now for some reason I don't like it as much as I used to. It is a very pretty name. Scarlette is a prettier alternate spelling, one I'm fond of, much better than Scarlet or Scarlett. I don't know. Sometimes alternate spellings of names I hate make them look nicer. It's just getting to popular nowadays.
I like Scarlett, though I don't love it. I think it's a nice, bold name, but I'm sure it's becoming more common in part because of the actress, Scarlett Johansson. I hate what the media has been calling her (ScarJo), that just sounds so ugly and it makes me think of Scarface, ewww. The name Scarlett doesn't need to be shortened.
It's true what two anonymous users (10/3/2006 and 10/27/2006) said, people with common or classic names do get jobs and grades more easily. It is true that grades don't appear out of thin air, and a right answer is a right answer and vice versa, there is that extra 5 to 15% that is based on classroom behavior that is somewhat more flexible than the majority made of test grades, etc. Also, in some schools (especially colleges) grades are based on a curve, meaning that in a class of 45, maybe only 5 could get As, 10 could get Bs, and perhaps 5 kids would fail no matter how well they did. Your name could be the difference between an A or B in these cases. I got most of that information from Muse, a children's science magazine. Anyway, I don't think that Scarlett is all that strange, and I've known at least one Scarlett, maybe two. I like it a lot as a name, and I like the color. On the downside, scarlet is the color of blood, and it has the word scar in it. But I don't have a problem with that. The name also reminds me of crescents, for some reason.
I think it's way too pretentious and look at me. It's probably why the London Telegraph set like it so much.
― Anonymous User 1/15/2011
It's a gorgeous name. I'm not put off the Scar in it but then I like Oscar too and that's primarily SCAR. I have a great, great Aunt Scarlette (with an E). I might consider it for a future daughter of mine.
― Anonymous User 1/12/2011
I've never read Gone with the Wind, but I think this name is really pretty. It reminds me of Scarlett Johansson.
I'm a Scarlett and when I was little my granddad used to go round calling me Scarlett O'Hara. I thought for years that was my real name and have it written on all my old schoolbooks *cringe*...
Sure, it has the literary connotations -- Gone with the Wind and The Scarlet Pimpernel -- but I can't understand how so many people adore this name. It reminds me of a little scar, like a little star is a starlett. Scarlet was my nickname, given to me by a friend of my mother's, which was something to do with the Scarlet Pimpernel [don't ask, I don't know]. I suppose the name has grown on me, but I knew a nasty girl who tainted the name for me. Plus, it's too popular in the UK.
This name is dark and mysterious to me, and that's a good thing in my mind. It gives me the image of a pale girl with long red hair and a loving, passionate spirit. A very lovely name.
I think this name is feminine and pretty. I kind of like Scar as a nickname, too, LOL. But the spellings some people offer, I feel, take away from the beauty, rather than enhance it. "Scarlette" might be an interesting twist?
The meaning of Scarlett isn't red, although it has that association via the Scarlet spelling which refers to the red colouring. Previously scarlet just denoted a very expensive type of woolly cloth which came in a variety of colours, the most prized being red.
― Anonymous User 4/26/2009
My name is Scarlett. When I was younger I really didn't like it, but now that I've gotten older I think it's really cool because no one else that I know has my name. It's original without being super crazy, and I think its really pretty. My middle name is Victoria so I have the whole English-elegant sound going on. Also, I have red hair, so the meaning of "Scarlett" is red and it helps people remember what it is. Overall I LOVE my name! =)
It's lovely. Very vibrant.However, I don't understand the need to annihilate the spelling. Skarlette, Skarlotte, Skarlytte. I've seen them all. May as well tattoo CHAV or BOGAN across the poor child's forehead.
― Anonymous User 3/3/2009
I love the name Scarlett. As a matter of fact 4 years ago I named my daughter that, except I decided to make it original. I spell her name Skarlette and her middle name is Rose. So her name means Red Rose.
I love this name, because I love Scarlett O'Hara. However, I think that association is way too strong for some people. I don't care for Scarlett Johansson, so I don't worry about that.
I find it very snooty and upmarket but in a bold and brash way.
― Anonymous User 6/3/2008
Love it but the second t looks superfluous.
― Anonymous User 5/30/2008
In South America, people started to use a variant of Scarlett, they're using Scarlatt or Scarlat in Latin America because of Latin.
― Anonymous User 5/23/2008
This is an awesome name, and I would use it myself if it wasn't so obnoxiously popular because of the inspiration of Scarlett Johansson. The name sounds cool and spunky as well as classy, sophisticated, and mature, with a sort of exquisite feel to it. This spelling looks nicer somehow.
Fire and class. Think further back than Margaret Mitchell's modern novel. I prefer Scarlet as it has longer use on both sexes as a name and it was also the name of the expensive woolen cloth used in Medieval England. Interestingly, Scarlet cloth was not always red. The colour connection came later.
This name is just sooo beautiful! I love how sophisticated, lady-like it sounds. A classic. It also makes me think of the scarlet fever but, oh well, nothing is perfect. I love the name anyways!
― Anonymous User 11/19/2007
I don't know why, because it looks like 'little scar', but there's something very likeable about this name - the two Ts are cute. I think it would be better on an American, though, as 'scarlet woman' is a term for prostitute in the UK, which is rather off-putting. It also makes me think of Captain Scarlet. :)
― Anonymous User 11/16/2007
Scarlett Thomas was the name of a character in the Sarah Dessen teen novel, "Someone Like You". She is the best friend of protagonist Halley.
Contrary to some previous comments, Scarlett was in use as a girl's name long before Margaret Mitchell's novel. Scarlet even longer. It's rich and beauteous and a bit of a upper class choice here.
― Anonymous User 10/19/2007
My name is Scarlett Elizabeth. I never had a nickname. People have always called me Scarlett. I can see how it wouldn't fit a certain personality but it suits me and I've always carried it well. I had a daughter a few months ago and named her Lily Scarlett.
― Anonymous User 10/11/2007
Yes, Scarlett is a beautiful name but it is just too closely associated with Gone With the Wind. Since it wasn't used as a first name before that book was published, it's obvious if you use this name that you lifted it from the book. And for some reason I find that embarrassing.
Since English is not my native language, I always thought it odd that the name was Scarlett, with the double T instead of Scarlet, as in the color. Can anyone tell me why it is? Also, I think Scar is an awful nickname!
― Anonymous User 9/21/2007
I think this is a bold, vivacious type of name. It would fit the person if they were strongwilled and headstrong (although not too much.) :)
I love the name Scarlett - I've always loved the way it sounds, to me it seems like an edgier, more passionate Charlotte. But I've never met anyone who goes by Scarlett whose parents gave her the name.
― Anonymous User 8/22/2007
I love this name, it is my favorite, and I love Scarlett O'Hara. I don't think of a "slut" when I hear this name.As a side-note, Margaret Mitchell originally named her main character "Pansy O'Hara" but the editor (publisher?) suggested she change it to something that fits the character's personality better. I think that Scarlett does just that. Pansy would hardly have been the same.
I love this name but there is one downfall. It was the name of Scarlett O'Hara in Gone With the Wind. I thought of her as a wild "hartlet" of a girl. I'm not sure I would want to name my child something that would remind me of that. But again, I do think it is a pretty name and who would really think of Scarlett O'Hara now days?
― Anonymous User 6/6/2007
This has always been one of my favorite names. My fiancee and I have decided that if we ever have a daughter, her name will be Scarlett Bell ______.
I would like to add something about the name of Scarlett. In the famous story of Robin Hood, there is the character Will Scarlett to be considered. He is often portrayed as being 'hot-headed', and a lover of fine clothes. He is commonly described as wearing red silk and it may be these things that gave him his name. One of the most famous depictions of Will Scarlett is played by Christian Slater in Robin Hood: The Prince of Thieves. He is portrayed as Hood's illegitimate younger brother, and in folklore and legend is often a nephew of cousin of Hood, though it is not known if he was a relation or not. Anyway - Just an interesting person who does justice to the name Scarlett that I thought would be worth mentioning!
I like this name, it doesn't seem trashy to me. I don't like the nicknames, but not everyone needs a nickname. It's only two syllables, after all.
― Anonymous User 4/3/2007
I actually like this name. It gives off a kind of sophisticated feel and how can a name be slutty?! I always thought it was the person who has the name that is slutty, not the name itself. Anyway I personally love this name and think it is quite unique compared to the names of Emily or Brittany.
― Anonymous User 3/31/2007
I personally love this name because it is my name Scarlett Emeline. My name is very classy and kind of femme fatale but it's unique and strong. I love my name paired with my twin brother's, Rhys Desmond.
― Anonymous User 3/14/2007
The only reason why Scarlett seems slutty is because of its use in media to portray sluts. I think it's a beautiful name.
I know a girl named Scarlet and eveyone calls her Scarling (Yes, like the band). Her dad came up with it from a mixture of Scarlet and darling. Everyone loves it.
This is a classic and a lovely. Some people think of "Scar" or negatively of the name since it has a cold/negative appeal but, I believe it's a beautiful name and any girl should be proud to have it - it ages nicely too. It sounds like a exotic, firey and a passionate name. It will always get my vote.
Elegant, youthful and exuberant classic. Scarlett has been in moderate use as first name since the 1840's in England (some recorded even earlier)The courageous and determined Hester Prynne (The Scarlet Letter) just increases my affection for this antique. Vivian Leigh's Scarlet O'Hara is another lovely association. A tempestuous, headstrong, stylish and courageous beauty.
― Anonymous User 11/6/2006
In the board game Cluedo, Miss Scarlett (Miss Scarlet in the "Clue" edition of the game) is the stock femme fatale character. She is typically portrayed as young, sinister, and beautiful. She was played by Lesley Ann Warren in the 1985 film.
I have to agree with the other posters, no offense intended, but I find the name cold and I think Scarley is a horrible nickname. If anything, Carley/Carly would be the best nickname. I also have to agree with the above poster who said "it's easier for a person to get a job if they have a common or classic type name." I have also read about this and it also applies to kids in school when it came to teachers assigning grades and marking papers.
― Anonymous User 10/27/2006
It is ridiculous to say that teachers are influenced by the name a person has when marking papers and assigning grades. Either an answer is right, or it is wrong. Also, teachers just don't pull grades out of thin air. I think a girl named Scarlett would do just fine.
I like this color name. I like color and flower names. They add variety to names. However, I don't like the nickname "Scar" or "Scarley". Those are just plain ugly.
I asked my friend if she liked the name "Scarlett" and she said "No, Scarlett is such a slutty name." I kind of have to agree with her. I think that it's weird naming your child after a color. I think that kids should have normal names (Michael, Elizabeth, ...) But they could have cooler nicknames. I've been told that it's easier for a person to get a job if they have a common or classic type name.
― Anonymous User 10/3/2006
I love this name! The name "Carley" can be used for Scarlett, which I think is much prettier than "Scarley".
This is my name and I've never gotten teased or had the nickname Scar or anything related to Scar. My nickname was Star. Scarlett rhymes with Starlett=Star. Why does every name need a nickname? I don't get that. I've always loved it as my name. I was always the only one. Maybe some girls can't carry it well which leads to teasing but I have since day one! Suits me great.
You don't hear this name enough, it's beautiful. =)
― Anonymous User 6/22/2006
I find the name a bit cold and harsh. Not really any good nicknames either.
― Anonymous User 5/24/2006
Wrong, there is a really good nickname for Scarlett, Scarley. I think good names for twin girls would be Charlotte and Scarlett. You could call them Charle and Scarle! Cute. I don't see why people don't name twins, triplets and so on really cute names that nearly sound the same, I think it's cute.
The reason people don't name their twins and triplets cutesey names that sound almost alike is because twins and triplets are individual people, and the names could get confusing. Though I love both Charlotte and Scarlett, and could see myself using one of them, I would never name one child Scarlett and the other Charlotte.
I think this name is sooo beautiful, but I despise the nickname Scar! That's why I think it's better for a middle name. One combo I love is Anastasia Scarlett.
This is my first name. Nicknames for this name are Scar, Scarly, and Letty. It gets annoying when people automatically think Gone With The Wind when they hear my name.
I think Scarlett is such a strong name for a girl. Scarlett is deep red, and with red you think passion. It's a name for a passionate, strong-willed girl. I love the name.