Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Hi, as a fellow person who has the name Savanna, I love it! Because any Savanna I have met spelled their name with a "h" and I'm glad to be unique and different name. So if you're a person who's name is spelt Savanna, like mine. Don't listen to those negative comments, wear it as a badge of honor for our amazing name.
Most dictionaries list the default spelling of the grassy plain as Savanna, no H (going off the Taino word "zabana"). It seems like the H-spelling caught on due to similarities with names like Hannah and Sarah, where the H-spellings are more popular. While I prefer the ending H with Hannah (why miss out on the palindrome?), both Sara and Savanna I prefer without the ending H.That aside, Savanna is quite elegant, and I think unfairly maligned due to its "modernity" (as opposed to more traditional names).
I despise this name. To me it sounds bad and is confusing to spell. The name Savannah is overused and since they sound the same, overused goes along with Savanna too.
This is for everyone who says my name is bad, or sounds bad without an H. First of all they sound EXACTLY the same, who cares about the spelling. I think the spelling is beautiful any way you spell it. It is extremely inappropriate to hate on someone’s name. I’m aiming this comment towards the person who said they, “despised,” my name.
Savannah is better in my opinion.
I much prefer Savannah. Savannah is a gorgeous name! Savanna, well...where's the h?
Savanna is a cool name.
OMG! Looks terrible without the “h”. The only name I like without the “h” is Sara. Please use Savannah! It’s way prettier than this!
Very dated!
Not sure how I feel about this name. Seems southern, yet could also be a stripper name.
I love the name Savanna. My best friend is named Savanna. The name fits her. She just looks like someone that would have the name Savanna.
I prefer Savannah because Savanna seems incomplete to me.
Savannah is my favorite name of all time.
My sister´s name is Savanna and I really like it!
I like the spelling Savannah better, but I ADORE this name. It’s so cute but strong too.
This is a pretty name!
To be honest I like this name a lot. I honestly wish I had this name because I know Savanna and she is just so pretty. And smart. And just an amazing person overall!
I like this spelling, it seems like more of a name, something exotic and pretty, rather then a field or area of Africa.
My name is Savannah and I love it. It's a very cool name and has a great meaning.
I can't decide if I like this spelling over Savannah or not. Like the commenter above me, I don't care much for pointless H's at the end of names. It's just this name doesn't feel complete to me without the H at the end, but at the same time I think it's prettier without it. Either way, it's a gorgeous name.
I prefer this spelling of the name, simply because I don't like pointless h's at the end of names. For example, I prefer Sara over Sarah. Hanna over Hannah. I also like the nicknames for this name (in general): Savvy, Sav, Vanna, Anna, etc. I'm not saying that I don't like Savannah, because I do, I just prefer Savanna.
My best friend is Greek. Her name is Savanna Pappas, and we all call her Savanna. I like it over Savannah, it's more modern and looks prettier, almost. Not to be mean to the Savannahs out there: I like the name no matter what the spelling - it's pretty!
I like this name, but it's been used way too much. I think I know like 6 Savannahs.
I love this spelling! Savannah isn't bad, but I think Savanna looks prettier.

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