My name is Sariah and I always had issues with the name to be honest..i would get made fun of and get called psoriasis as a nickname bc it sounds so similar in English, I even went as far as to changing my name for a year in 2021 due to embarrassment but eventually I realized that not only is it a beautiful name it has deep meanings in history, although Iβm not religious in any form I appreciate the nameβs origins and I also noticed how all of us Sariahβs get called Sarah at least once in their life so Iβm not alone π.
Boy, I told someone my name is Sariah, and they thought I was adopted! It's ridiculous how many times I'm called Sarah, and yet there is an I in there as clear as day. I mean, they can at least TRY to pronounce it. -_- Mine is pronounced Sa-rye-ah.
My name is Sariah and I used to not like my name. I thought it was always dumb and I got jealous because other girls had pretty names like Emily, Bella, Rose. But once I got started to get older (I'm 12 now) I started to do research on my name. I learned that's it's a meaning of a princess and my name is also in the bible. It's pretty cool looking in the comments seeing that other people also have the name Sariah! I've also met a few people online and in real life that have my name. I like how my name is very unique and very few people around the world have the name.
My name is Sariah Lily, but to be honest, I usually go by Lily. But whenever I introduce myself to someone new, I say my name is Sariah, Lily. And whenever anyone I haven't talked to much, or someone new, whenever they see my name, written down, or anything, they always say "Sarah". It's like I need to capitalize the "I", or something! XD But I love my name. So few people seem to have it in the world, and it's a wonderful reminder of my beliefs and values, and it's such a pretty name! :)
β Anonymous User 9/25/2018
My name is Sariah and I have never met someone else named Sariah. It is pronounced Sa-R-I-Ah. Riah is a common nickname.
My name is also Sariah. I love my name. Almost everyone I meet loves my name and tells me how beautiful it is. I personally get annoyed when most people pronounce it wrong more than twice after I tell them how to say it. I have been call Sara/h, Sierra, Sororia, Soraya and tons more. People from other countries sometimes have a hard time the first couple times but they usually get it (until next time they see you). It will not affect her from getting a job or any other opportunity. At least I'm not a Jennifer, Stephanie, or a Sara/h... I have known 15-30+ people with each of those names. I have only meet 2-3 other Sariah's.
β Anonymous User 1/31/2018
The name Sariah was given to 322 girls born in the US in 2016.
β Anonymous User 6/7/2017
I want to name my daughter Sariah but I get some raised eyebrows about the name. Most people will say it's pretty but then I have a couple of people in my family that say they don't like the name or prefer a different name over that one. Their main concern is my daughter not able to find a job because the way her name sounds and I don't get it. To me the name sounds so sweet when I say it but when other people say it, it doesn't sound right and it makes me want to change her name. I don't want a generic common resume name for her. I would like her to have something that has meaning. People don't understand it can be very frustrating naming a baby and also it can hurt people's feelings, especially when you're so stuck on a name and someone comes out and says they don't like it. That can be a little hurtful. However, I do agree with the fact of giving a child a name that they will be able to move ahead in life with and not held back because of their name. Sad to say it is the world we live in that people will judge you by your name.
β Anonymous User 5/8/2017
The name Sariah is my real name. I used to hate it but the day I started knowing its meaning "princess", I changed. I now love it passionately. GOD bless all the people with the name Saria in the world.
β Anonymous User 2/24/2017
My name is Sariah pronounced as Suh-rye-uh. I love the fact that it's unique. It makes me feel special and I also appreciate the compliments my friends and loved ones share regarding how beautifully rare it sounds, and definitions of it.
This is my name and I love it. Everyone I meet tells me it's a beautiful name. I have only met one other Sariah in my life.
β Anonymous User 1/31/2015
This should be pronounced sah-REE-ah.
β Anonymous User 8/2/2009
Sariah is my grand-daughter's name, and I think it's a beautiful one. It has the same pronunciation as the name "Soraya" (alternatively spelled "Suraya"), a girl's name of Arabic origin. The name is also related to "Thurayya" (meaning "the Pleiades"), also a name of Arabic origin borrowed by the Turkish. The Pleiades are a physically-related group of seven stars in the constellation Taurus. In myth, the seven stars are sisters. Her Imperial Highness the Princess Soraya of Iran (1932-2001) was a beautiful and glamorous bearer of the name.
I like this name. It sounds like something someone made up for a story. And the fact that it could translate to "Princess of God" makes it even greater.
Sariah is my name, and it is very unique. I've only met one other Sariah in my life. Most teachers get it wrong and say Sarah. I swear I need to capitalize the "I" or something. It's suh-rye-uh.