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This is such a beautiful name. I know a couple of Sanders and they have all been nice, warm, intellectual people I respect and adore.
Also Medieval Jewish:
Also Estonian: [noted -ed]
Sander van Dijck is the real name of Dutch DJ San Holo.
This could be a short form for Cassander.
Sander van Doorn is a trance & house DJ.
It's not a common name in Sweden. I've never even heard of a Sander.
Sander Cohen, an eccentrically psychotic artist from the first installment in the Bioshock game series.
This name is so cool! I think it deserved at least a little usage in the US, seeing as all these surnames as first names are becoming so popular nowadays.
I love almost every name related to Alexander but this is one of the rare ones I don't like. It's quite a popular name where I'm from so it sounds very dull and bland to me and the Sanders I've known have all been quite unremarkable people.
Could also be short for the name Lysander.
Common name in Scandinavia. [noted -ed]
I like the way this name sounds much more than Alexander.

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