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Gender Feminine
Pronounced Pron. /sə.ˈmæn.θi/  [key·simplify]
Other Forms FormsCemanthe, Cemanthie, Cemanthy, Cimanthy, Cymanthe, Samanthie, Samanthy, Semanthe, Semanthy, Sementhe, Seminthe, Simanthe, Symanthe, Symanthie

Meaning & History

Samanthe and its variant spellings, including its most common variant Semanthe, are relatives and possibly predecessors of the name Samantha, which were at their peak use in the 1700s and 1800s in the United States, mainly in New England, though there is also some evidence of Semanthe being used in 1700s England.
The usage of Samanthe, Semanthe, and the other variant spellings of this name before the popularity of Samantha lends credence to the theory that these names originate as an anglicization of the name Sijmentje, which is said to be the feminine Dutch form of the German name Sigimund.
Added 6/6/2024 by anonymous