Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Samantha is a pretty name in my opinion.
Samantha is a pretty name and the nicknames Sam and Sammi are cute as well.
My name is Samantha and I love it! It's classic and beautiful.
I love my full name, Samantha; I think it's beautiful and feminine. I hate that everyone wants to turn it into a nickname because it's "easier". Names aren't for YOUR pleasure -- they're for MY formation of identity.
I always think of a praying mantis when I hear Samantha. Sorry.
Sam is so much worse than Samantha. I wish people would stick with Samantha.
A bit frumpy.
Yes, my name is Samantha and I don't really like it I get bullied because my name has "man" in it I get teased of that but I have started to love my name it means "god has heard" It's a very modern name.
Ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly ugly.
I think Samantha is a very beautiful and cute name especially the nicknames, Sammy, or Sam. I love the actual definition how it describes “God has heard” and basically the name of God which also gives the detail of flower and blossom. My friend has this name and everyone adores her own name especially the teachers calling the nickname Sam or, Sammy!
I really like this name. I like that it has the "flower" meaning and I think it sounds very feminine.
I've always liked this name. I remember in the 90s the American Girl doll and a lot of tv characters having the name but I've never actually met a Samantha. I don't understand how people say this is an "old lady" name or outdated. When I think of outdated I think of Ruth or Mildred. It wasn't in the top 1000 names until 1958 and it didn't even become very popular until the late 70s. It was most popular from the late 80s through the early 2000s. It was still on the top 10 in 2006. Most Samantha's are in their 40s, 30s, 20s, and many even in their teens. I guess maybe if you name your kid Samantha now it would be an old lady name by the time they're older. Some actual old names are popular again anyway.
Samantha is a 90s name, it doesn't sound dated to me at all.
I love the nickname Sammy.
My name is Samantha. I go by Mant exclusively, because I don't like Sam or Sammy. It was very very popular in the US the year I was born (I was one of four Samanthas in my small high school class) but is less so now.
Way too much of a old lady name, and it has man in it.
It's way too old for me.
My name is Samantha. I used to not like the name, but now I do. I think it sounds dignified. I don't like it as much as other names, and I wouldn't give the name to my child, but it's still nice. The length has never bothered me.
I like Samantha for a name. I think it's really strong, classy and elegant. It also ages beautifully, as well, and I love that it has the cute tomboyish nicknames, Sam and Sammy. I love long feminine names that have boyish nicknames, I think they're really cool.
Samantha is such a beautiful name! It’s classic, simple yet strong and very feminine without being too frilly. I like that it’s faded in popularity a bit, makes it a more refreshing choice for those who want to use a popular name that’s not super-trendy at the same time.
It sucks to have this be my name…Boys make fun of me before I hit them. I’ve seen it in insults before too!
Pretty and maybe timeless.
It's a very pretty name, mature, natural, and formal without being too old fashioned like Elenoar. I love its meaning.
Pretty and classic!
This name is fine, I like the nickname Sammie.
Such an amazing name. My name is Samantha, and I'm proud of it. I saw one person saying "How sexist, it has a man in it!" Shut up. People just like the name. It's a strong, long, and powerful name that makes a statement. I'm named for my grandmother's parents. Samuel to Samantha, and Harriette to Harper, my middle name. We need more Samantha's out there!
Feels quite boring. I don't like it much. No strong sound in it, too dry or something like that. Just boring!
One of my all time favourites! The sound makes me think of a springtime breeze.
I think of a snobbish, white girl from Pennsylvania. It's also plain and quite boring, don't like it.
I know a few Samantha’s and I just think it’s plain. No offense. I think it’s cool, but there are much more unique names I prefer. Overall, a good name just needs a little more spice to it. Like maybe if you added a middle name such as Samantha Clare or Samantha Lynne.
Well I learned that my name is In Aramaic and Hebrew but I got baptized and now I can continue with this culture. Even in Greek language, a flower of god.
A trans boy I know was called Sam, just Sam and he decided to name himself this.
To be completely honest, it sounds a bit bland to me; a bit overused.
My name is Samantha Turner, and honestly, it sounds very plain and a tad bit boring.
My name is Samantha and I used to hate my name but knowing that it means flower I feel like I just need to bloom. I am called Sammy and Sam. I am fine with being called Sam but since I never liked long hair and being called Sam many people think I'm a guy at first and some people since I'm called Sam so much, think Sam is my first name.
Another thing I would like to say is I pride myself on being a hard worker. Also, I think I am a nice person and I do make mistakes all the time but not all Samanthas are jerks. I wish less people had the name at my church- there were 2 other girls with the name. I don't like people picking on the name. I don't care about myself but my friends sometimes have the name and I am super defensive of my friends, I don't like people picking on them.
So SEXIST, a girl's name with MAN in it.
Great meaning!
Very pretty. I've always loved this name and now it's my favorite.
It’s pretty!
My name is Samantha N. I am sometimes called Sam, Sammi, Sammie, and even Zammi. :) I used to not like my name- actually a couple of times I wanted to change it. But I did not and here I am, commenting on my name and what it means to me. It means beauty and flower. It is a commonly used name for some people. I love this name and if you are considering using this name for a child or someone that would be an honest great choice. I grew up strong and the name helped people it's not tomboyish and it's not girly it's PERFECT for someone looking for something not girly and tomboyish. Thank you.
My name is Samantha too! But I'm more a tomboy and like to be called Samm or Zamm, just because it sounds a bit more boyish than Samantha, but I still think it's a cute name, I also like being called Samii sometimes, even though it sounds a bit more feminine. Like I said though, it' s cute name and I like it. I also believe it means listener in some form, I just can't remember which one though, and it also means gold flower in another, back me up here. :))
Very pretty name.
It’s interesting to hear someone else with your name. When I hear a Samantha being called, I get a tiny glimpse into their life— we have the same nicknames so they’ve heard the same name-jokes.
There are quite a lot too: I’m surprised I never heard the comparison to “ham” or “salmon” but there are funny ones like “Sampire” haha. When in doubt about a nickname, just wear it proudly. I like to add flair and go by “Zam” when making usernames and “Z” is a rare letter that I envy but glad it's similar to “S”.I think my impression of Samantha is about the same as most others'; It sounds older, mysterious, and feminine despite the “man” part which funny enough is not present in the male name Samuel but “mantha” makes for the feminine quality.My parents liked “Samantha” so that’s all that matters haha.Hearing your own name called during good times, if you can tolerate your name, just feels good and it might not sound remarkable but I always love hearing or reading: “Hey, Samantha” or “Saaaam! What’s up” I’m happy to be their Samantha.
I like Samantha!
I like its floral and witchy vibe.
My name is also Samantha too. The pronunciation of Samantha is Suh-MAN-thu in Aramaic, but in Hebrew it means God hears.I like to be called Sham or Mantha or my last name.
I’m a Samantha Kay too! I’ve never had any issues with my name, and I’ve always loved going by Sam.
My name is Samantha Kay and I love my name. I was and is the only girl in my town with this name and it made me stand out in school. The boys would tease me but I knew they liked me and I had one boy that loved my name so much that he got a tattoo of it on his leg, I married that boy and I have been very happy since. I think the name Samantha is very feminine and sweet. Lucky Me.
Samantha, beautiful, powerful, the best you can get, smart, goofy, friendly, sometimes annoying, and most of all loved. She hides but deep down she knows everyone can see her, she is so clueless sometimes, she loves the ones who don’t know how to love, but most of all she loves honesty, so be truthful, and love yourself first, and ignore the haters, because if you don’t have haters you're not doing it right.
At times, I've thought about changing my given name to this because I used to think "Mollie Jean" sounded too close to a certain tennis player. But since I'm bisexual, that's become less of an issue. I still love it very much; especially when paired with names like Victoria or Marie.
I knew a girl named Samantha when I was in school and she was a total snob who never talked to me. She was worse than that witch on Sex & the City. Girls with this name are usually b****es. What I really hate is that it is almost always shortened to Sam, which is a man's name and inappropriate for a woman.
Samantha is a very pretty name.
My name is Samantha. And, honestly, I like my name. I'd like it even if it wasn't my name. My grandfather's name is Samuel. He always told my father that he had to have a son named Samuel. So he named me after my grandfather. And here I am, 12 years later, and I think the name sounds modern yet classy enough to sound good.
This name was almost my name, but my parents decided on Karen. Samantha is a nice name too. I love the fact that it is long so you can get nicknames out of it like Sammy and Sam.
My mother has told me often that if I was a girl I would've been named this. My sister is named Sydney, so female me and her would go together as... Syd & Sam! (but anyway, this name is cute. I like it.)
I don't like my name, I get made fun of it because I hang out with guys and it sounds like I should be highly feminine or something like that.
Can't seem to get over the fact it has the word "MAN" in it.
My name is Samantha and I've always hated it. But my opinion is tainted because whenever my parents were pissed at me they'd scream "Samantha," but whenever they were kind they'd call me something else. So I only heard my name in a negative light. I'm not sure what I'd think about it if that wasn't the case though. I try to hear it objectively but it's hard. I've gone by Sam since I was young because of this. I think it's pretty cool. Gender ambiguous names for both men and women I find cool and cute (for girls: Danny, Sam, Jordan etc.) (For boys: Avery, Mackenzie, Jessie (love Jessie)). Sam also fits me well. I always thought Samantha sounded like a sassy blonde cheerleader from the south. I'm a dark haired, artistic, intellectual type from Oregon... haha.
Samantha is a nice name. Not a fan of Sam on a girl though. Samantha is a great alone.
One of my favorite aunts is named Samantha, though she goes by Sam. She's a total Sam! Name your daughter this if you want her to be super unique and fun.
Why can't Samantha go by Mantha or Antha? If she doesn't like Sam, she can.
I like this name, it's just extremely common among people I know.
It's not a bad name, but I'm so used to hearing it that it sounds boring and bland to my ears. I prefer the similar sounding but much less common names Amarantha and Melantha.
I love this name because it is my name and it is a unique name to me.
"Samantha" is my given name. As I am living in Asia, this name is not as popular as in the western world. Actually, even my boss and my family doctor had never heard of this name until they met me. I love this name. But not because of its uniqueness in my place. I can feel my mother from the name. My mother wanted me to be a listener. That is why she gave me this name. She said she wanted me to listen to God, to people, to my own heart. She hoped God would set my feet on the path to wisdom, and I could become a caring and considerate person. She wished the world would be better because of me as she loved this world. She loved the people living in this good Earth, and she loved me. And she wanted me to love myself. There is so much love inside this name. I miss my mother, and I love my name, very, very much.
This is my name and growing up I hated it! Until I was in high school I had only known 2 other girls that had this name and as a child, most of us (myself included) just wanted to fit in ("oh your name is Ashley, me too, let's be friends!" lol) Now that I'm 28 this name is WAY too common in the younger generation. When I'm in a store and hear someone call it out I don't even look; they're most likely calling to their age 9-14 year old daughter. I have always gone by the nickname Sam or Sami. And I like that it may sound a bit Victorian.
Not quite a favorite of mine but I do have a friend named Samantha (though I call her Sam) and she is nice and polite.
I think the name Samantha is a nice, friendly, sweet, pretty & classy name for a girl. I knew a Samantha and she was a kind and polite girl. :) Not really a favourite of mine but overall, it's not a bad name. =)
My name is Samantha Rae and I really do love and appreciate my name. Many close family members call me Sammy or Sammy Rae. The whole "Sam I am" gets VERY old after the first time (try to refrain please).
A lovely name, but it's always shortened to Sam which does not sound special.
Samantha isn't the most common name, but I still like that it's mine! =)
This is my name. It was widely popularized by the television show Bewitched. Which is where my parents got the name for me.
Normally names such as this are not my style, but I really love this one. Samantha is such a pretty name. I like a it a lot more than Sabrina which is so popular. Sounds great on a baby, little girl and even adult woman.
It's not my usual style, but I just love this name. It sounds mature and classic even though it wasn't commonly used 100 years ago, and its so sweet and elegant. I wouldn't use it, but even though its common I would be much happier to meet a baby named Samantha over something childish like kaylee or gender confused like Avery. I actually only know two Samantha's, one goes by Sami and one goes by Sammie. I personally think these nicknames take away from the beauty of the name, although for some reason I really like the nickname of Sam on a girl, its so sweet :-)
I love this name but my last name is Samuels so when I grow up I'm going to legally change my last name so I can use this.
This is really nice. You don't hear it much these days. Whenever I hear it I think of Bewitched :P
I think it's a very pretty name, but too common.
Pretty boring and overused, but at least it's good to grow up with.
My name is Samantha, and to be honest, I hate my name because of how mature it sounds. I don't like to be thought of that way. I've always shortened it to Sammie, or especially Sam. The name has become very popular, but I have come to like it a bit more because of the Sammy Keyes book series by Wendelin Van Draanen, and "All American Girl" by Meg Cabot.
I used to think that this name was boring and too popular. Then I watched the film Amélie and heard Mathieu Kassovitz pronounce it in the most singular and attractive way ("Sam-MON-tah") and now it is one of my favourite names.
Ugly, overused name, though it would be interesting to find somebody who uses a nickname other than Sam.
My name is Samantha. When I was younger I always went by Samantha, but as I got older most people started calling me Sam. I haven't found the name to be very popular where I live, and until I was in middle school I didn't know anyone else named Samantha.
I'm not a fan of this name nor its nicknames that are used almost automatically- even if the child wants to be called Samantha, it is shortened to Sam, Sammy, Sami, etc. by her peers. I know of about 12 Samantha's, in a school of about 400 people. That may not sound like much, but considering every other name out there, it is a lot.
My name is Samantha, which I love my name. If I were not named this I would use it for my child. I find it a very female name and one both a child and adult can have. Also the meaning of "listener" is very appropriate for me. I prefer to be called Samantha but it is always shortened to Sam which I used to hate because I am a girl and I think of Sam as a boy but I have gotten used to it over the years especially because I work in early childcare and Sam is easier for young children to pronounce. My dad refuses to allow others to call me this in his presence and goes off saying I was named Samantha not Sam. Lol! A lot of people when I introduce myself ask do you prefer Samantha or Sam which I like. I have also been called Sammy which I also don't like as I am not a child and it sounds very childish! I also got the nickname "Manfa" whilst in school from my friends which I didn't mind. The one like I hate the most about Samantha is being called "Sam the Man" hate it!
This is my name, though I always go by Sam. Although my brother and boyfriend tend to call me Sammy, but that sounds a little too childish for my tastes. I find it ironic that Samantha is such a feminine-sounding name, yet it has MAN right smack-dab in the middle of it. Heh.
UGGH I hate this name! Especially the nickname "Sam" or "Sammy" EWEEE!
I think this name is beautiful and has what a name needs to become classic like Alexandra and Elizabeth.
Samantha always makes me think of a very smart and well-behaved girl with good grades, and a big group of close friends, who has real birthday slumber parties and everything. Like the kind of girl you THINK is perfect and wished you were in school. Has a cool sound too.
God, I hate how common this name is.
Samantha is my name, and I love it because of the fact you can pull a nickname from it easily, it's simple- yet complex, mature- yet silly, and despite its popularity it leaves you with a unique feeling.I wouldn't name my child Samantha (if I didn't have the name) because it isn't one of my absolute favorites, but I still love the name.
Sammie is a really nice nickname, but Samantha itself is very unrefined and rough, not at all feminine.
I hate this name. It is my name and I detest it. It is so common and boring. Like, there are, what, seven billion people in the world? Well, about HALF of them are named Samantha.
And I always get teased about having MAN smack-dab in the middle of it, where it can't be missed.
Everyone says this name is so pretty. I disagree. A lot.
My name is Samantha, and I despise it. It just sounds so snotty and uptight to me. I have always gone by Sammy (and occasionally Sam), and the only time I'm called Samantha is when I'm in trouble or my sister, Christine, is talking to me. She's only allowed to get away with it because I call her Christine instead of Chris or Chrissy.
I was reading all of the comments about how the name Sam is a boys’ name. Personally, I don't think of Sam as a boys’ name. The name Sam, like the names Alex, Chris, Jesse, Pat, Steph, etc. Are short forms for various boys and girls’ names, which means they are unisex. I think of them more as nicknames than as actual names. Personally, I think Sammi/Sammy is more feminine sounding than masculine, and if I had a boy named Samuel, I would never call him Sammy. Samantha is a beautiful name that a young girl can easily grow into, and Sam/Sammi is a cute nickname for a young girl.
I really like this name. It reminds me of the show "Bewitched" in which the name became popular.
I really dislike this name, especially the nickname Sam. I know at least seven or eight girl Sams. Sam is such a handsome and lovely name for a boy, but it's silly and masculine on a girl. Samantha sounds like a clump of peanut butter - it gets stuck easily in your mouth. Too popular, especially for a made-up name!
I absolutely love this name! I love it shortened to Sam, and like that it has a solid and intelligent sound to it. That way, a little girl can go by Sam and still grow up with a professional sounding name. I know Samantha is popular, but I myself know only 1 girl my age named Samantha and no children which is weird because I work with kids.
It sounds like a troublemaker name to me.
Brianna Angela and Charlie Rob - Sam and Sammy, I admit, are very cute. But lately, when you look in a program or something, you will not know for certain of the sex. Samuel isn't as common anymore, and Sams are pretty much commonday for females, thus, Sams are automatically associated as girl names. Samuel is a VERY good boy's name, and Sam for a boy is grand. But Sam is also very cute for a girl. But it ruins Samuel. Otherwise, I love Samantha, I like to see an girl called just Samantha, or how about my own personal invention "Annie" or "Ama"? Sam isn't the only name, nor is Sammy.
I love this name for a girl, especially when you can shorten it to Sam or Sammy.
Samantha is too trendy, too New Agey. People who want to raise Wicca practitioners and "women who run with the wolves" name their daughters Samantha.
I love this name, especially shortened to Sam.
I would love this name if it weren't so trendy and automatically shortened to Sam. Oh well, it's still a good name.
Samantha is the name of my girl friend, and her name fits her because she really is a "listener." It is a very beautiful name and there isn't one that fits her any better.
This is an awesome name!
This was almost my name, and I'm thankful it is not. It's wayyyy too common in my area, in my school there's 5 Samantha's in just one class. It's a pretty nice girls name but how people with it insist on being Sam is nothing short of confusing. Because it's a guys name, like Alex. Plus girls that have it will be Sam G. or whatever for most of their life. Don't name your daughter this unless you've taken an extreme liking to this name.
I don't like the mouthfeel of Samantha - the sibilance of the "s", the flattened "an" and the spitty "th" - it's just not pleasant to say. Having said that I've known a couple of lovely Samanthas!
I think that Samantha is a pretty cool name considering Samantha is my name but I am called Sammie or occasionally Sam.
I think this name is very pretty. I have a crush on a girl with this name, except she goes by Sam. This name is used a lot in my school, but I don't care.
I like the name Samantha. After all, it IS my name! My mother got the name from Alyssa Milano's character on "Who's the Boss?" I think the name can be used for a small, cute little girl or a refined, mature woman. And if you're not the feminine type and you have this name, you can always shorten it to Sam.
I know 2 Samanthas, each from the 1st grade. They are 2 of my best friends and I really love this name. It is very pretty.
I wish this name didn't have 'man' in it. Same for Amanda.
I love the name Samantha. It’s been my favourite name since I was 12, and I always thought if I had a daughter some day, I would name her Samantha. I don’t know if I will do that anymore though, given how popular the name has become. Although I think it’s a pretty name, I don’t want to give my daughter a name that two or three other girls in her class will have. I had a friend named Jennifer (she went by Jenni) in high school, and I remember how she hated her name because every other girl was named Jennifer, and I don’t want my daughter to feel that way about her name.
I don't love this name but I most certainly don't dislike it. One of my best friend's name is Samantha but no one calls her that. She is just Sam. I don't think I ever ever called her Samantha. I wouldn't name by kid this. Too old fashioned (but I love some old fashioned names.)
My name is Samantha (preferably Sam) and I think the meaning is hilarious and ironic in my terms. You see, I'm almost deaf when I try to listen to people speak, however I hear voices in my head. so... yea...
Samantha is a cute name. It is strong and sophisticated and a name you can grow up with. It is no wonder it is so popular.
I like this name! If I have a daughter, I will name her Samantha. It's a pretty, strong, and meaningful name!
I like it because it is sophisticated and can be used till you die.
This name is so beautiful!
My name is Samantha, and the meaning suits me perfectly. I love my name. It's hard to imagine it being anything else. I believe Samantha is a very strong name. My great grandfather's name was Samuel, but I wasn't named after him. My mother was a fan of Bewitched, LOL.
I actually have a niece named Samantha Marie who is the same age as me. But when it comes to school I'm not sure that the meaning listener fits her.
I have a sister named Samantha. I think it is a really good name. And the meaning "listener" fits her well.
Samantha sounds like 'some anthem'.
Samantha was chosen for my second daughter because now I have Alyx (Alyxandria Rayne) and Sam (Samantha Jordyn) my two beautiful little girls.
I liked this name for my first daughter because I wanted a name that would not only sound like a cutsy little girl but would also be a good name for a woman. It's a mature, beautiful name. I have seen it translated as "listener" and also as "told by God". I think of it as "a listener of God".

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