Now that I think about it, I know a LOT of male Sam(uel)s, but hardly any female Sam(antha)s. I've heard from others online that it's the complete opposite for them.
I love this name- I'm a huge LOTR fan so I always think of Samwise Gamgee. I can see it being a cute nickname, and honestly Samwise is a good name too.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2023
It's alright. I don't like it on a boy, it's better as a nickname for Samantha.
Sam is a very common name for both male and female. But I kinda like it.
― Anonymous User 4/27/2019
I am pregnant. This is anonymous as my secret has not been released yet apart from my husband Mike and my daughter Lily. I did the test today. Over dinner, we were discussing names as we want to get them over and done with as soon as possible. We thought a multi sex name as then it wouldn't matter what sex the child will be. We thought Sam as it is sweet for both a boy and a girl. It is a lovely classic name that Mike and I both love. It is wonderful to be pregnant as it has been ten years since Lily who I gave birth to at 16. She thought of Sam which is amazing!
― Anonymous User 3/26/2017
It is a very simple name by itself, and good for girls.
I was named Samantha, but my mother is the only one that ever calls me that. I stopped going by Samie at age 8 because everyone I knew had a dog or cat named that (or seemed like it). I have gone by Sam since then. All my friends and family agree that Sam suits me much more than Samantha or Samie. My biggest issue is when I introduce myself to someone as Sam, they for some reason feel the need to ask if it is short for Samantha. I doubt that they would ask a male if it was short for Samuel or Samson. I've come to the point of saying that it is short for Saaaaaaaaaaaaaam or Samalamadingadong.
I like this name for both boys and girls. I have a friend named Sam and she is very nice. But I also think of Sam (Samuel) Roth from the Shiver series by Maggie Stiefvater.
I like this name on its own, for a boy!Samuel or samson doesn't do it for me /:
― Anonymous User 9/10/2014
It's an endearing name, but seriously don't like it for a girl. When I hear the name I think of an old man in overalls with a harmonica and a coon dog.
I don't like it because it's a Croatian word for "alone" pronounced SAHM.
― Anonymous User 8/31/2009
I've always thought Sam was such a warm name, for a guy or a girl. I've known some annoying Sams, but they didn't ruin it for me. I still love this name.
It's a great name for girls when it's a shortened form of Samantha. It's an okay name for guys, but it just seems kinda common. However, I like a guy named Sam, so believe me, my impressions of the name are overall good.
― Anonymous User 7/9/2007
I really love this name. It's short yet nice. If I will ever have a son I'll get Sam/Sem into his name somehow.
I frequently call my niece, Samantha, Sam because when she was younger she was a tom-boy, and it also suits her so much better. Almost everyone calls her Sam now. We also sometimes call her Sammie or Sam'r. I absolutely love the name Sam by itself, but I guess my sis beat me to using it.
― Anonymous User 8/18/2006
I love the name Sam for a girl (not short for Samara or Samantha or whatever). I like the nickname Sammi. :)