Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Now that I think about it, I know a LOT of male Sam(uel)s, but hardly any female Sam(antha)s. I've heard from others online that it's the complete opposite for them.
I love the name Sam! It’s a perfect name for a person who is sweet, kind, and intelligent. My guy’s name is Sam and he’s amazing!
It's too boring and overused (particularly for Samuel) in my view. The nickname suggestion for Samantha is a good idea though.
I love this name- I'm a huge LOTR fan so I always think of Samwise Gamgee. I can see it being a cute nickname, and honestly Samwise is a good name too.
It's alright. I don't like it on a boy, it's better as a nickname for Samantha.
I know a couple of Sams. I know one whose full name is Samuel, one whose full name is just Sam, and Samantha, (who is a girl). We call her Sam.
Boring. A similar-sounding name, Sem, is much better.
Perfect nickname for Samantha.
Horrible nickname for Samuel. Don't ever think about using it as a nickname or first name.
I think this name is plain but if you want to name your child this name him Samuel and people can call him Sam.
Effortless lad's name.
Love as a nickname for Samantha.
I think it's a strong, timeless name for a male. It's awful for a female though.
Way too short.
I like it! Goes good for either gender.
Nice name for a boy. It only suits a girl if it is a nickname.
Good for either boy or girl. Normally for me it sounds better on a boy but it depends on the full name itself.
Sam is a very common name for both male and female. But I kinda like it.
I am pregnant. This is anonymous as my secret has not been released yet apart from my husband Mike and my daughter Lily. I did the test today. Over dinner, we were discussing names as we want to get them over and done with as soon as possible. We thought a multi sex name as then it wouldn't matter what sex the child will be. We thought Sam as it is sweet for both a boy and a girl. It is a lovely classic name that Mike and I both love. It is wonderful to be pregnant as it has been ten years since Lily who I gave birth to at 16. She thought of Sam which is amazing!
It is a very simple name by itself, and good for girls.
I was named Samantha, but my mother is the only one that ever calls me that. I stopped going by Samie at age 8 because everyone I knew had a dog or cat named that (or seemed like it). I have gone by Sam since then. All my friends and family agree that Sam suits me much more than Samantha or Samie. My biggest issue is when I introduce myself to someone as Sam, they for some reason feel the need to ask if it is short for Samantha. I doubt that they would ask a male if it was short for Samuel or Samson. I've come to the point of saying that it is short for Saaaaaaaaaaaaaam or Samalamadingadong.
I like this name for both boys and girls. I have a friend named Sam and she is very nice. But I also think of Sam (Samuel) Roth from the Shiver series by Maggie Stiefvater.
I like this name on its own, for a boy!Samuel or samson doesn't do it for me /:
It's an endearing name, but seriously don't like it for a girl. When I hear the name I think of an old man in overalls with a harmonica and a coon dog.
I don't like it because it's a Croatian word for "alone" pronounced SAHM.
I've always thought Sam was such a warm name, for a guy or a girl. I've known some annoying Sams, but they didn't ruin it for me. I still love this name.
Personally, I find it to be a rather sweet and youthful name, that would suit girls as much as it suits boys.
I prefer this name MUCH more for a girl than a boy! For a girl it sounds trendy and stylish! For a boy it sounds like a computer nerd.
I like the name Sam, only as a nickname though. I might call my daughter Samantha and use Sam or Sammy as nicknames.
I adore Sam for a boy, I will almost definitely use it one day. However I really, really dislike it for a girl, it's far to masculine!
I think this is a great name for guys and girls. My best friend (girl) is named Samantha, and is called Sammie, sometimes Sam.
It's a great name for girls when it's a shortened form of Samantha. It's an okay name for guys, but it just seems kinda common. However, I like a guy named Sam, so believe me, my impressions of the name are overall good.
I really love this name. It's short yet nice. If I will ever have a son I'll get Sam/Sem into his name somehow.
I only like this name for a boy. In my opinion, it's ugly for a girl.
I frequently call my niece, Samantha, Sam because when she was younger she was a tom-boy, and it also suits her so much better. Almost everyone calls her Sam now. We also sometimes call her Sammie or Sam'r. I absolutely love the name Sam by itself, but I guess my sis beat me to using it.
I love the name Sam for a girl (not short for Samara or Samantha or whatever). I like the nickname Sammi. :)

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