Sabrina Carpenter, born May 11, 1999, is an actress and songstress. Carpenter starred in "The Long History of the Short Road" (2019) co-starred in "Girl Meets Word" (2014-2017), and played a supporting role in the "Tall Girl" films (2019 and 2022 respectively). However, she is better known for her musical endeavors, with "Billboard Global 200" number one hits "Espresso" and "Please Please Please", the latter of which was number one on the "Billboard Hot 100" as well.
Pretty. It’s not one I would consider at all for a kid as there are a lot I like more, but I would be very happy to have a niece named Sabrina or something.
― Anonymous User 5/16/2024
I think Sabrina is a gorgeous name. I love its beautiful meaning: “Legendary princess.” I admire its modernity, feminine charm, and pleasing aesthetics. I also like the similar names Sabina, Serena and Selena. Overall, I think Sabrina is a wonderful moniker.
Per Wikipedia, “Perhaps from *samaros (“summer fallow, fallow land”) + *-īnā (usually indicates a relationship of position, possession, or origin).” It comes from a Proto-Celtic base & is related to the name of the River Severn in England & Wales. It was supposedly named after an ancient British or Welsh princess who drowned in the river by her stepmother or grandmother, depending on the tale.
My name is Sabrina and I’ve grown to love it a lot:) and yes, I'm named specifically after Sabrina the teenage witch. I was born in 2002 and it was my mom's favorite show. I actually don't mind people making the connection/the joke, because it's just the honest truth of my name hahaha I've never met another Sabrina, I like how it's not very common. I feel more people will use the name because of its recent popularity in tv shows. My dad calls me Brina, I love it. I've had friends call me Sab and I've immediately shut it down bc I hate it, it's so harsh sounding. It feels very timeless but not an old person name like Karen lol :)
Because of the association with the TV witch, I always felt like no normal person would ever have this name. Like you must be some kind of weird freak to be named Sabrina. It is very unusual sounding. I have never known anyone with this name IRL.
― Anonymous User 8/29/2022
I love love love the name Sabrina. It's my favorite girl's name ever. It's charming, beautiful and Witchy. I love the Sabrina the Teenage Witch association. Sabrina is still somewhat of a unique name as well. Not overly used which is a plus. Also, I love the nickname Brina.
Sabrina is a name that I’ve always found myself liking. Yes, I enjoyed Sabrina The Teenage Witch. However, this name just sounds very melodic. Plus, every Sabrina that I’ve met has been a vibe.
I love this name, it's very pretty. It sounds a bit old fashioned, yet cute. Good nicknames like Brina, Bina, Ina, Rina, Riri, Sabri, and Bri are cute as well.
Also means niece in Spanish, a good association for Hilda and Zelda in Sabrina the Teenage Witch, with them being aunts to her, even if they speak English and not Spanish.
I don’t like the spelling but I like the pronunciation. It sounds feminine and mature and a bit rare. I love the pronunciation!
― Anonymous User 11/3/2020
I love my name, My name is Sabrina. My beautiful mother named me this name, and it fits me very well... I am the only Sabrina I ever met... I am social, funny, I love people. Yes, I do have long black hair, I guess like a witch and I do not like being compared to Sabrina the teenage witch, & if I did have magic powers I definitely would be using them, lol & people who say they don’t like my name please... Most Sabrina’s are beautiful... I won’t say I’m bad looking. My mother was beautiful. Anyways had to put this out there♥️.
― Anonymous User 10/13/2020
Bad name.
― Anonymous User 9/30/2020
Also used in Romania. You'll find bearers on social media.
Beautiful, sophisticated, magical name. I see what the user below meant about the name sounding like confetti! It does to me too.
― Anonymous User 7/22/2020
My name is Sabrina. My mother named me after one of the characters in the tv show, Charlie's Angel's. It was the 70's and one of her favorite shows I guess. I like my name because it is different without being strange or stupid. I get compliments on it all the time. It is a very feminine name but it suits me well. Good job, mom. It can be annoying when people say, "like Sabrina the Teenage Witch." It doesn't bother me unless they are annoying about it as if they were the first person to ever come up with it. Otherwise, I embrace the comparison if that's what someone needs to think of to remember my name. Even then, people forget and call me Samantha. It's similar so I can see how they would confuse the two UNTIL someone calls me Sam. The other thing people say all the time is "like Sabrina on Bewitched" which would be okay except there is no Sabrina on Bewitched. Elizabeth Montgomery played Samantha on Bewitched and she had a cousin named Sarena. I have a lot of nicknames that are shortened variations of Sabrina, used by different people at different times. When I was little it started with Brina but I couldn't pronounce it and it came out as Bina. I've heard it all: Brina, Bean, Bina, Brie, and Sab. I hate Sab. I don't want anyone calling me Sab. These days, I have 3 stepdaughters with small children. I'm only 41 years old as of 2020 so I didn't want to be called Grandma or Nana. I have the little ones call me Bina.
I really like this name, and my favorite nickname/shortened version would have to be Bri rather than Brina. I love how unique and uncommon it is in comparison.
I have a friend called this. I love this name and think it is beautiful! The Brina part reminds me of celeBRATION so this name always makes me think of confetti :)
There's something about this name, I love it. I used to love Sabrina the Teenage Witch but that's not why. I don't know if it's because of the witch but I think of a crisp October night and the color purple comes to mind. And I think of brownies with that purple color frosting and October Halloween sprinkles. I don't know, I'm just weird. It sounds pretty and serious, good for anyone. I think of a girl with black hair pale skin and dark blue eyes who is shy and quiet but has a bubbly personality and loves to talk to her friends and read books. I only know one Sabrina and she is mixed and doesn't have that personality. She is nice though. Well, that's my opinion.
I once read a book that detailed the history of the Isle of Britain. It explained, that Sabrina, was the Romanized version of Zavren, a Danish name, meaning "fuzzy like a bear cub". Zavren was the daughter of Locrin (sometimes called Locrinus) a leader on the Isle of Britain, and Estrildis, a Danish princess he married, to sign a peace treaty. The Roman Emperor that changed the name to Sabrina was Claudius, who had epilepsy, and he said some letters wrong, because of it. Z, became S. And V, became B. And, because she was a girl, he did the Roman thing, and put an A on the end of her name. Zavren, became Sabrina. Roman maps name the river Sabrina, and the bay it empties into, the Sabrina Estuary. Angles and Saxons, not being Danish or Welsh, changed the name of that river to, Severn...
Meu nome é Sabrina, eu amo meu nome e todos que conheço também acham meu nome lindo.[trans: My name is Sabrina, I love my name and everyone I meet also thinks my name is beautiful.]
― Anonymous User 2/19/2019
Sabrina é um nome clássico, super feminino e simplesmente lindo, com certeza colocaria esse nome em uma filha.[trans: Sabrina is a classic name, super feminine and simply gorgeous, would certainly put that name on a daughter.]
― Anonymous User 2/19/2019
When my mother decided to name me Sabrina, she did it because it was her best friend's name. I'm glad she didn't name me after my father, Henrietta would have been a horrible choice.
Sabrina é um nome lindíssimo e meu favorito, tem uma qualidade que eu acho muito importante: é facilmente reconhecido internacionalmente e o fato de não ser comum nessa geração é ótimo.[trans: Sabrina is a beautiful name and my favorite, has a quality that I think is very important: it is easily recognized internationally and the fact that it is not common in this generation is great.]
Netflix Series: The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina.
― Anonymous User 11/12/2018
Sabrina, sounds so classical and whimsical. It's a name that chimes well and is very crisp like past commenters have pointed out. I do love Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Sabrina is a name I would consider. Victoria Lauren is my ultimate favorite and I think Victoria Lauren & Sabrina Faith sound beautiful. But I also love the name Charlotte.
In 2018, 13 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Sabrina who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 417th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/17/2018
Sabrina is the nymph in John Milton's 'Comus':The spirit sings:SABRINA fair Listen where thou art sitting Under the glassie, cool, translucent wave, In twisted braids of Lillies knitting The loose train of thy amber-dropping hair, Listen for dear honour's sake, Goddess of the silver lake, Listen and save!
― Anonymous User 10/3/2018
I think Sabrina is one of the most beautiful names ever. This is probably a strange way of describing a name, but it sounds very green and crisp to me, like a Granny Smith apple. I don't like the "bree" sound in any other name, but I love it in Sabrina. It also makes me think of the Audrey Hepburn movie, which I love.
― Anonymous User 9/26/2018
Actually, I didn't really like my name before. Because it's Sabrina. Others will find it hard to spell my name. So they call me, 'Brin', 'Sabrin' or just 'Ibrin'. And it's so annoying sometimes. And then I started to realize when I was googling my name everywhere, every meaning behind, and every history. Now I think it's rather a cool name. Thank you, Mom.
― Anonymous User 7/27/2018
This is another gorgeous name I really love! :) It's so pretty, if I ever have a child and it's a girl in the future this is another name I'd use.
― Anonymous User 2/24/2018
CHARACTER NAMING ALERT! I personally loved the name. It had a perfect pinch of mystical mystery and beauty. Until everyone started using it as a witch name, for many witch character designs. You can't search for witch themes without a Sabrina name in it. I still see the beauty in it but man, once you read/hear the name billions of times, you go insane when someone mentions it.So valuable information. There are many Sabrina witches already, so if you came on this site for it to inspire you to name a character you will not be so original with this name, if you intend on using it as a name for your character, be it in art or story writing alike. But I am not here to tell you what to do. It is your decision to do whatever you want! If you want to name your character Sabrina, you do it! But bear in mind this information I wrote. It may not be so favored in audiences when it's used regularly in many stories already. So here's a TIP: For many of my witch or cursed characters I use some mutation of my own coming from the dead language- Latin or plain Latin. It is even best when it has the meaning behind it as I searched for. Such as Florentia- meaning flourishing and add some surname Aiman- meaning "beauty of the moon" in the astrological, zodiac theme and you got yourself a fabulous name for a witch. Florentia Aiman.In real life with real persons (which is sad, I love story people. Hehe get it?) I haven't heard it at all to be used and it is a very unique and beautiful name for a baby girl. Especially if she has that magic twinkle in her eyes. ;)
My mother's name is Sabrina. I like it very much because it has a floral meaning.After that it is commonly related with witches and this theme is so fascinating in my opinion.Maybe I would use it as a middle name for a future daughter. I like it very much, also without the link with my mother's name.
One of the possible origin of this name is from the Hebrew language.In fact it comes from the Hebrew word "sabre" which is the cactus's fruit so it generally means "thorny but sweet".
They write that it has an English origin but it also has a strong middle eastern origin... Many Arabs, Pakistani's and Indian's have the name Sabrina/Sabreenha/Sabreena since Sabr in Arabic is Patience and in Hindu and Punjabi Sab means everything (I think).
― Anonymous User 2/2/2017
Sabrina Sato Rahal is a Brazilian comedian and television personality. She was a contestant on Big Brother Brasil 3 and is a current comedian on comedy program Pânico na TV.
The origin is actually Irish and the nymph's name was actually Sabrina she was not the girl being drowned by the king/her dad- I would know, my name is Sabrina.
― Anonymous User 12/14/2016
I have loved Sabrina for a long time. The name has magical qualities to it ("Sabrina the Teenage Witch," Milton's "Comus," etc.) that I always find welcome. And, of course, there's "Sabrina Fair." :-)I admit, though, that I have vacillated between loving this name enough to name a future daughter Sabrina, and thinking it might be too heavy for a real person (I have similar thoughts regarding Anastasia). But it appears that at least 355 new parents in 2015 didn't find it too "heavy" - and I love Morgana, too, so what am I doing, judging a name to be too "heavy"...?
For me, the only Sabrina I know is the Archie Comics character but, as I love Archie Comics, I wouldn't mind giving this name to any future daughter's. It is a medieval and melodious name, and sounds nice on anyone.
The name Sabrina comes from an old story of a King who had a daughter named Sabrina, that is why you hear the meaning Sabrina as "princess", she was the product of his and his mistress. He left his wife, the queen and she in turn declared war upon him and when she won she ordered that his mistress and their child (Sabrina) be drowned in the river... Sad but this is what the legendary meaning of the name Sabrina is derived from.
My daughter is called Sabrina. Her father chose the name, he's Portuguese. I wasn't fond of the name at first. I thought teenage witch, but I relented and I now am so pleased I did as it suits her. My youngest daughter calls her Nina, I call her Beenie. I found it to be a very well known name, but not often used, no other children in her school have the same name.
My name is Sabrina, and I love it! I would not change it. I see it as spunky and medieval, and yeah I get comments like "Omg! Look, it's the teenage witch!" or "How does it feel to be a witch?" but whatever, you live with it, and I wouldn't change it.
Sabrina is a spectacular, brilliant, sophisticated name. It's so gorgeous and beautiful sounding.
― Anonymous User 8/1/2014
I like Sabrina! :) It sounds spunky and witchy. It also gives me some medieval vibes. I think a Sabrina would make a beautiful sister to a Fiona and an Aurora.
@kvpp88 Yes, it is an Arabic name. Sabrina is related to the word Sabr which means "patience" in Arabic.
― Anonymous User 7/13/2014
There's something about this name I don't like... I don't like the French name Sabine or Spanish name Sabina and Sabrina is almost identical to them. Not a pretty name to me at all.
I like the name Sabrina. I doubt I would consider using it though. It seems like the only thing people think of when they hear this name is a goofy TV show. It's practically been stigmatized.
Sabrina is a beautiful name, and I wouldn't worry too much about the "Teenage Witch" connection because that'll be a faded memory by the time a baby Sabrina born now gets to school. Sabrina and Serena are among the prettiest names for girls.
― Anonymous User 9/23/2012
This is the kind of name someone trying too hard to give their daughter a unique name would use, only to find out that it's actually quite popular.
Sabrina Weckerlin (born 8 February 1986) is a German musical theatre actress. Amongst her best-known roles are Magrid Arnaud in "Marie Antoinette", Elphaba in "Wicked", and Elisabeth in "Elisabeth".
This is just an all around good name in my opinion. It's pretty, classy, elegant, with an air of mystery around it that I love. The world could use a few more Sabrinas.
'Sabrina the Teenage Witch' is one of my favourite programmes! I like the name Sabrina though, but I'll always think of 'Sabrina the Teenage Witch' when I hear it!
Sabrina was the stage name of Norma Ann Sykes (b. 1936), who became a blonde and buxom British TV star around 1960, but has long since faded from view. The name is seldom used in Britain otherwise.
This name is simply beautiful, how can anyone not love it?! It's got everything you could want in a name; it's unique without sounding forced, can be considered casual and formal, trendy yet classic and super feminine. I have a sister named Sabrina and everyone calls her Sassy or Nina which are also cute nicknames.
My name is Sabrina. I love it and always have. When I went to school I only met one other Sabrina, so I liked the uniqueness of it. However, people do often say, "Oh, Sabrina, like the witch?" They used to refer to the old TV series "Bewitched" that had a Sabrina in it, but now they mostly refer to the current show "Sabrina The Teenage Witch." You might want to think that over before naming your child it. Oh, and for the record I was named after one of the original "Charlies' Angels", not a witch.
― Anonymous User 7/9/2008
Sabrina was a minor character in the first generation of Pokémon games.
― Anonymous User 6/6/2008
Sabrina is my name and I love it. I would never ever want to change my name. I am very proud to be named after a princess.
― Anonymous User 5/18/2008
It's a pretty name, but a bit too girly for my taste, and by ''girly'', I don't mean ''like the name of a little girl'', but rather that it's an ultra-feminine name. I almost see pink when I even think about this name. It sounds like the name of a girl who dresses up like a princess as a child, and grows up to wear frilly, pink skirts and has long, curled, blonde hair. The name also unfortunately reminds me of the dumber-than-a-box-of-rocks Sabrina Salerno, who had an annoying hit in the 80s.
I think Sabrina is a beautiful name, I think "Sabrina The Teenage Witch" won't even be remembered by the time I have children, and the film "Sabrina" is so beautiful and elegant. It's a lovely name.
From John Milton's Comus: Sabrina fair, Listen where thou art sitting Under the glassy, cool, translucent wave, In twisted braids of lilies knitting The loose train of thy amber-dropping hair; Listen for dear honour's sake, Goddess of the silver lake, Listen and save.
Sabrina is an Assyrian (Near Eastern) name meaning "hope" or "waiting". It is the feminine form of the male name Sabre or Sebre, which is derived from the word for patience, waiting and hope.
Sabrina Salerno - In 1987 she recorded her first album, Sabrina, which soon became her stage name in the 1980s. It spawned the smash hit singles "Boys (Summertime Love)", "Hot Girl", and "All of me (Boy Oh Boy)"
I like this name. It's not overly used, old, or anything like that. One of the cheetah girls has this name, Sabrina Bryant. It also has a great meaning: princess.