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Gender Feminine
Usage English
Pronounced Pron. SAY-brə  [key]
Other Forms FormsSabrah, Sebra

Meaning & History

Origin unknown - not the same name as Sabre (Sabrina). In the 13th-century 'Golden Legend' this was the name of the daughter of Ptolemy, king of Egypt. She was rescued by Saint George from sacrifice to the dragon, or giant, and later married him. Used occasionally in England as a girl's name, especially in the 19th century, when it was sometimes spelled Sabrah. Allegedly its use in the United States can be found as far back as the mid-1700s. Also occurs in the U.S. in the 1940s.

It coincides with an unrelated modern Hebrew name.
Added 4/3/2011 by babycrookston
Edited 7/30/2021 by Frollein Gladys, LMS and SeaHorse15