Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I have the name Ryder (which is quite obvious). I personally love this name (rolling the Rs makes it sound even better). No one said anything sexual about my name nor have I thought it sounded sexual and I still don't. Stop being uppity idiots.
People named Ryder are the human embodiment of goat cheese. Nobody likes goat cheese. I personally think that every person named Ryder looks like if Shrek's left testicle had a twin that was a Hernia. I genuinely wish every SINGLE person named Ryder only the worst in life. I hate the name Ryder. If any parent names their kid Ryder they are most likely inbred, as the only person that would fit that kind of name would look British.
Sounds like the name of a male porn star.
Can someone tell me why this name is just starting to increase on girls!? This is just getting ridiculous.
My name is Ryder, and as a transmasc person it honestly makes me really happy to hear that my parents gave me a masculine name at birth.
My name is Ryder and I am Police/Fire/EMS dispatcher. I absolutely love the Paw Patrol thing. It's hilarious and (pre Covid) always made little kids laugh when they did station tours and came through the comm. Center!
Ryder is an amazing name. So much hateful comments, but I respect everyone's opinion.
I have a crush named Ryder and I like the name very much. I mean I don’t care what you guys say about it but I think it is very cute on boys. My crush was very cool and he had long hair and I think the name Ryder fits him perfectly because I think he’s super cute. And I think it’s the best name I could think of.
Most of you on these comments are outright bitter nasty people for judging and making very rude comments towards people with this name and parents who like this name. There are names you all like that I am sure others would not but it's not in your place to ever make these comments. Grow up and learn how to be a decent human being. Worry about your own kids' names. Ryder is a great name don't let these hags sway you if you like it :)
This is a horrible name. Ryker is WAAAAAAYYYY worse than Ryder, but they both suck as names for a boy or girl.
Sounds a bit corny and will sound odd on anyone over the age of 16. Remember, the child will be an adult for the majority of his lifetime.
Ryder is THE WORST name in the English language. A Ryder is someone who looks like albino Donkey Kong and nobody on this earth should have to deal with being named Ryder. What kind of mother looks down on her newborn baby and says "I want to name my child Ryder." What kind of sick psychotic person names their kid Ryder. And don't get me started on the name Reaves.
I only know rich kids with this name.
I mean I guess it’s okay... yet I can’t stand Ryder on an elder.
Not a good name in general, but I in particular would never use it because the most annoying person I know bears this name.
Such a bizarre name. Definitely doesn't sound good on girls. Sounds like it would be the name of a male stripper.
Ryder would sound really cute on a girl especially paired with a feminine middle name like Rose or Christine. I’ve started to like boy names on girls, but not like Thomas or Edward. Ryder is pretty and elegant for a girl. Kinda boring for a boy, huh? Not really, it’s cute for a boy too, but I just like it more on a girl! I want to name my daughter Ryder Olivia or Ryder Liana.
Ryder is my second son's name. His older siblings (Heather and Colton) began calling him Ryder Roo from a young age. He is now 26 and the nickname has stuck- in fact it's part of his FB page name!
All you parents are overreacting, I for one bear this name and I take it with pride, heck I’m still in junior high. The sexual joke “ride her” I have never heard of until I had researched my name. Either you enrolled your child in a school with senseless jerks or you grew up knowing that dirty joke. Not saying my school is perfect, there are many jerks here and there, but overall everyone is respectful when need be. For future parents, Ryder is a fantastic name, I’m not saying you should name your child this but by no means is this name to be taken as a horrible name. Everyone has their opinion and some of you are entitled to it. In MY opinion, name your child whatever, and if people say it’s a bad name ignore them, most of them are just trolls entitled to themselves. Have a nice day everyone :3.
Ryder is an extremely strong name for a boy and it's laughable the above comments from people that are either anonymous or have a 1920's name like Faye.
I love this name and will be naming my son Ryder.
I think that whether you think this name sounds like "Ride her" is less relevant than the idea that riding (ryding?) anything at all has sexual connotations. Odds are that your child will not gain anything more from having what you think is an especially cool name. If he's cool, he's cool, and a name won't have any bearing. This post is based on the assumption that people are naming their kids "Ryder" because they think it's cool and not for particularly sentimental/intellectual reasons.
Sorry, but I seriously despise this name. It's also modern which I don't like.
I'd just like to say that my last name is Ryder and I have always been proud of that. My family is full of strong, intelligent and successful people. As some have mentioned, I have come across ignorant and immature people while I was in school who would make the comment "ride her" about my name. It never upset or embarrassed me, just annoyed me that so many people are ignorant and clearly showed their lack of intelligence and/or class. As far as the ratings go, I find it interesting that so many people view it as a modern or "new" name. Ryder is English and has been around for hundreds of years. The meaning of it means "warrior or messenger" I noticed some rated it as comical instead of serious and I disagree. I've always thought of it as a serious name. As I mentioned, I love my name and have always been proud to call myself a Ryder. My fiancé even wants to take my last name instead of me taking his when we get married. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but to say things like it's the worst name ever or it's gay kind of bothers me because I am aware of its origin and it's a part of me as well as my family. It represents our roots and there is no negativity or embarrassment attached to it.
Naming my child was not the be all end all of my life. I had no input on names from the father, leaving the decision entirely up to me. I requested, received many suggestions etc. from friends and family, books, websites... I haven't had names picked out since I was a teenager. As I began, learning the many rules and dynamics of choosing the perfect name for a child, I could see how one could go into a tailspin. It bothered, and shocked my family and friends that my son didn't have a name, for five days after he was born. My son was in the NICU after birth and I just wanted some alone time with him before I chose a name.
I remembered, a few days after my child was born, liking the name Ryder, and the actor, (I don't know, and/or care if he spelled his name with an I or Y), Ryder Strong when I was in my youth. The name, Strong, seemed to flow a little, as the name Stern. After reading the above comments I am so happy that I chose the name RYDER. It is hilarious that people seriously care if the name is spelled with a Y.
Also, the comments about people making Ride her references are literally idiotic! It will probably be your immature children who will make these idiotic jokes. Also, the anonymous comment about a gay man, feeling weird or embarrassed because another person makes a RIDE HER reference? Seriously?
I named my son Ryder and I simply do not care what anyone thinks of the name. I like the name Ryder and I named him Ryder because of the meaning of the name which is knight and he will forever be my knight in shining armour.
This name is just terrible and I will list the reasons whyIt is a word with the tacky Y spelling (Rider).
It sounds like "Ride her" as others have pointed out.
Imagine if a gay guy were named this? Ride-her? That would be awkward and embarrassing.
Male classmates will never stop with the "ride-her" jokes.
The name just doesn't work for males who are more pasty & whimpy for example. Only a heterosexual, masculine, tough & perhaps jerk of a guy would be able to pull off this name.
Does not age well, sounds like a hick name and sexual "ride her." What's the appeal?
This name is simply amazing. I have zero regrets naming my son Ryder. We get compliments on it often. For people who say it sounds dirty, well your mind is dirty and you were probably that kid in class that never grew up.
My favorite actor Rider Strong made me love this name! It sounds so masculine and cool.
You trendy moms are going to regret naming your kid Ryder if he turns out to be a wimpy nerd.
I can't believe I like such a trendy name, but darn it, Ryder is a simply divine name.
I don't like it on girls, despite the immediate thoughts of Winona Ryder.
This is just a really edgy name, and I hardly ever hear it, although I'd probably use it as a middle name.
No, no, no. I'm not even going to say how inappropriate I think this name sounds.
Ryder? Seriously? "U-Haul" would be a better name for a child.
This name is ridiculous, hideous, and the kid bearing it is going to get a lot of nasty jokes.
I love this name, but I'm not sure if I would actually name a child this. It sounds good for maybe a character in a fantasy book, but not an actual child's name. Maybe for a middle name though?
This name is trying too hard. It's as if it's saying "I'm cool. Really, I am. See, my name has a y and invokes images of warriors and cowboys."
I know... I LOVE IT. XD.
This name sounds like the name of the coolest and most attractive guy in some 1980s or 1990s high school movie. It also sounds like the name of a guy like that in real life, but now that it's become so popular, it won't have any edge to it when toddlers of today named Ryder are in their teens. The name still has that youth, energy, and spunk to it, but I think it might be a little too youthful, and a little too cool, and more like the name of a middle-aged guy who was once very attractive and fun-loving, popular with women and all, but has REALLY let himself go and has some sort of crappy job as a result of having dropped out of high school in pursuit of a career in showbiz, without success. It doesn't sound like a very serious or mature name, but cool for young and attractive guys.
WOW! Possibly the worst name ever!
Cool name for a kid but not for an older person.
I would worry of the teasing potential of "ride her" with this name. That and Ryder Trucking Co. always comes to mind.
*gag* This is a ridiculous trend name. I can't stand it.
I'm so excited that this was finally added to the site! I've loved this name for a while now, and I also like the spelling Rider, which I have also seen. I hate when I see this used on girls though; it is so very masculine. Great name for a boy.

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