Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine
Usage English

Meaning & History

Transferred use of the surname Rustin.

However, in the present-day English-speaking world, Rustin as a given name can also be a combination of two existing names. For example, it is not inconceivable that there have been parents who decided to blend a name starting with R- (such as Ronald) with either Dustin or Justin. In some cases, Rustin may even be a variant form of Rusty.
Added 1/20/2015 by Lucille
Edited 5/14/2021 by LMS

Rustin 3
Gender Masculine
Usage Persian
Scripts راستین(Persian)

Meaning & History

It is a Persian/Farsi name meaning genuine, true or honest. The word is the combination of "Rust"+"in" where "Rust" means true/genuine and "in" is emphasizing on the adjective, here Rust.For example "Rustin friend" is referring to a genuine friend who would help and support you in any condition.
Added 4/12/2016 by Bayat