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Ronnie, Rory, Rorie, Riri, Ree, Nola, Allie, Ally and Alda could be nicknames.
Ronalda Jones is a Canadian actress and writer. Predominantly a stage actress, she gained wider notice for her performance in the 1981 film Alligator Shoes, for which she received a Genie Award nomination for Best Actress at the 3rd Genie Awards.
There's a character in the Loud House franchise named Ronnie Anne, whose full first name is Ronalda.
I actually kind of like this name. It's strong and unique.
Unattractive and forced.
Ugly feminine form. Can the creativity get any worse?
I'm part Scottish, and the name Ronalda is really growing on me! It's the middle name of my pen name, in order to honor my grandfather, Ronald.
I love the name Ronald. I guess Ronalda isn't bad for a feminine form.

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