Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I know a lot of people think it’s ugly and weird but I just love it! It’s my dad’s name, he goes by Ron though, but it’s a very special name to me! My dad is also an adult so the name was more common in his time! His best friend was even named Ronald, a funny coincidence!
Ronald just sounds really goofy and dweeby to me. (Not because of the clown)
Ronald MacDonald ruined this name!
I'm so sick of this name, I've kept seeing this ugly name for long, not attractive not cool and not nice!
This name is an old person name. NEVER name a child this, that will get them bullied.
Reminds me of Ronald McDonald.
Ronald Reagan comes to mind. You know, the guy which ruined America.
Sounds mature.
Twins could be Roland and Ronald because they are anagrams of each other.
I feel a bit neutral here; Ronald in Sis v.s. Bro is awesome, but it reminds me too much of the name Donald, which I deeply despise. I guess you could name your son Ronald, I have no problem with it.
Technically speaking, based on my name preferences, Ron Weasley did have a good intention on the name, but with Ronald Mcdonald, this really isn't a name at all. Seriously, don't name your child after a clown.
I agree and disagree with you, Anonymous User. I love Ron Weasley, and yes, there is Ronald McDonald, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't consider it as a name, or use it. People have their own opinions. But it is a name, it even exists here in the main-name database!
Take Ronald McDonald out of the picture, and it's a really handsome name. It kinda sounds regal. A bit better than Donald.
I love this name. It is old fashioned but it sounds nice and I like the nicknames “Ronnie” and “Ron”.
All I can think of is Ronald McDonald.
Reagan is a very unfortunate association, but Ron is decent. My then mid-20s middle school teacher was Ronald, and he pulled it off despite being super young. It's a usually old-man name but it's definitely salvageable.
This name is not old-fashioned at all. It's great! The nickname Ron is also very pleasant.
Terrible. Reagan was a awful president, as he funded terrorist groups and fascist regimes such as Pinochet's Chile, and messed up the economy and paved the way for capitalism as it is today, also he is responsible for the extreme bias in news responsible for indoctrinating many. Besides, it rhymes with Donald.
I like this name. I'm going to use it as a middle name for any future sons I have after my Dad, everyone calls my Dad Ron.
I like Ronald. I prefer Donald (And no I'm not a Trump supporter) but Ronald is a nice name. One of my favorite comedians is called Ronald "Ronnie" Barker.
I think this is a very strong masculine name. Many historic figures, athletes and successful people bear this name. It is not a name easily mocked. Aside from Arnold and Donald, no other name rhymes with it.
An ugly old man's name that has the ghastly associations with annoying Ronald McDonald and racist, homophobic prude Ronald Reagan.
This name is just slightly better than Donald. Possibly because of the nickname Ron, which isn't that bad. However, the name does make me think of Ronald Reagan, who I despise (as a president, at least). The nickname Ron makes me think of Ron Paul, who I also dislike, but the actual name doesn't sound as hideous. Ronald is definitely not a name I like.
I really like how my name means powerful ruler/King's Advisor. My full name is Sir Ronald Hamlet the 4th. (NOT JOKING!)
Ronald is my maternal Grandfather's name and my little brother's middle name. I think it's a strong, masculine name that is suitable and fitting for a newborn baby, a little boy, a teenager, a grown man, or an elderly man. This name is very handsome and solid!
I think Ronald is a good solid name.
This is an ok name, but I can't really say I'm a big fan of Ronald or Donald. I do, however, really like the nicknames Ron and Don.
This name means a lot to me.
Ronald was my grandfather's name, and he died when I was six. It is the middle name of my favorite author, J. R. R. Tolkien, and the name of my favorite president, Ronald Reagan.
It's also the name of a very wonderful charity home, The Ronald McDonald House, which housed my family for free when I was hospitalized.
I very much like this name.
This is my brother's name so I like it. It has a mature, old-fashioned, classic feel to it. It fits my brother to a tee, though he has gone by Ronnie all his life.
I like this name, but it reminds me of Ronald McDonald.
I don't care for this name. It makes me think of Ronald Reagan and Ronald McDonald - not very good namesakes in my opinion.
I'd rather think of Ron Weasley (not going to lie, he's my third favorite Harry Potter character) than Ronald Reagan. His policies make me sick. Although, I heard some really cool stories about when he was a teenager. The local hotel wouldn't allow anyone but whites to stay there, so he would take them to his house and his parents would let them stay the night and have breakfast. I suppose it goes to show that despite someone's politics, they can (at one point) be a good person.
I can't say any positive things about this name, but hey, this is the comments section, and it's for honest opinions, right? First of all, it's harsh-sounding name. Secondly, it sounds quite old-fashioned by now. And, most importantly, it reminds me of Ronald Reagan and Ron Paul.
I agree that this name is a bit old-fashioned, but there's nothing wrong with that.
My brother never liked his name. There weren't a lot of "Ronalds" when he went to school. He goes by the nickname Ron.
You wouldn't expect this name to have a fantasy story sort of feel to it, except that the first things I think of, even before Ronald McDonald, are Ronald Weasley and John Ronald Reuel Tolkien.
Ronald Weasley is a great character, and only adds to my liking of the name. I love all the Weasley boys' names. Ron is my 2nd favorite, and 3rd name for a boy.
Completely old-fashioned, BUT I LIKE IT!
Unfortunately, the first image that comes to mind is Ronald McDonald, McDonald's famous clown.
Ronald McDonald is for babies anyway, so don't let him put you off liking the name.

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