My name is River and I chose this name for myself (I am non-binary, and wanted a gender neutral name) I honestly love it very much and wouldn't change a thing. I don't understand the people who hate on it and don't think it's a good name.
I had a neighbor years ago whose name was River. Most of the comments for this name say they've known Rivers who were female, but I think of the name as being masculine simply because the only person I've known to have the name was male.
This is my name and I love it (I'm a girl btw)! Many people who have met me have said it's unique and fits me well! I also know a guy named River. I think it's a gender-neutral name that fits well for all genders.
This is so awful! I work in HR and cannot imagine this on a resume!
― Anonymous User 1/23/2024
This is an awesome name. I imagine a wise young man with this name. I don't really think the person who works in HR's comment makes sense; what is considered a "resume appropriate" name is pretty subjective and will surely change in the next 20 plus years anyway. I wouldn't bat an eye at a Dr. River [last name] or a Judge River [last name]. It's a really cool name.
― Anonymous User 2/12/2024, edited 2/12/2024
River is a name I love for a country boy. It could be feminine or masculine. I named my son River BUT, I made it his middle-name because it isn’t a good title name. It wouldn’t be great for resumes or strength. I chose a more sophisticated masculine first, and made River the short fun middle name. If they choose, they can cut it short, or initial it. A name for the family. Not a serious first name. Unless your really invested in that country sound. In my case we wanted long strong trusted names with that elegance, that were both Spanish & Italian. So as that is difficult, we found another name which fit both cultures, and added a country name as middle. Husband is Hispanic, and my family is Italian & American. Everyone has a name they can pronounce this way.
Sure, it may be a name from “modern” English, but it seems like it would age rather well, as opposed to names such as Poppy or Kaylee, both of which I have met adult women with the name. Not sure why people think it won’t look good on a resume. I can picture Grandma/Grandpa River, Dr. River, etc.
― Anonymous User 6/13/2022
I'm a girl and my name (and middle) is River Hope! I honestly love my name even if some people see it as weird or more masculine. I also get a lot of compliments about it which is nice.
― Anonymous User 4/27/2022
This is not at all the sort of style of name I'm usually into, yet I really like it... I would actually use it on a boy, and it's nice on a girl too!
I think it should be noted that the popularity of this name is possibly contributed to River Phoenix. Especially noting the name hit the charts in 1994. Right after River’s 1993 death.
I think of a River.. there are so many better names!
― Anonymous User 2/7/2021
Dislike. Awful personal associations!
― Anonymous User 1/17/2021
I’m sorry but I really don’t like this name at all!
― Anonymous User 1/2/2021
I’m sorry, dislike!
― Anonymous User 12/31/2020
My name is River, and I love it (I'm a girl by the way). Of course, it is MY name so it doesn't really seem weird to me, but I can see how other people find it weird. I've never actually had someone personally say that my name was weird though, and most people don't even comment on it. I can also see it very well as a boy's name.
― Anonymous User 12/28/2020
It can be cute. I think it works on a boy or girl. It sounds very hip.
Not a fan at all especially for a girl! I can't imagine going through life being stuck with such an AWFUL name!
― Anonymous User 12/6/2020
My name is River, and I chose it myself, as it was a nice, strong masculine name. I don't really see how it could be 'hippy' or anything. I have not regretted choosing it, and I have been using it for a year now, I love it. It's a perfect name for me, and it fits me well, and I am not a particularly outdoorsy person.
River Phoenix is the name of Joaquin Phoenix’s son. In honor of Joaquins older brother, River Phoenix who died back in 1993.
― Anonymous User 9/27/2020
River is a nice name. That’s the name of one of my favorite actors River Phoenix. This is pretty much a unisex name.
― Anonymous User 9/10/2020
I named my daughter River. I love nature and wildlife. Turns out she loves to be outside and explore too! She is a beautiful girl who goes straight to read books in the morning, sings songs throughout the day, wants to be outside exploring new things, loves animals (patting dogs and walking to visit the goats down the path are key right now for toddler River), and wants to cuddle with Mama at night. She is very smart, observant, and a graceful little dancer as well. She brings us great joy. We love her so much!Oh yes and we sometimes call her Riv as a nickname. ;)
I named my son River in 1994, way before the 'wave' hit. I named him that for his strength, as a tiny preemie. Funny thing, his girlfriend now, at 25, thousands of miles from where he was born- her name is Rivers. I have a River & Rivers. How odd is that?
This name is not female or male! It is unisex. Get over it all you traditionalists. This the the time we live in, embrace it. It’s only older generations that seem so strongly opinionated with the entire male vs female names. Kids don’t care unless YOU put it in their head that it's a strictly “male or female” name, then they go to school and make fun of their classmate for having a girl/boy name. Stop it. Be a better role model.
― Anonymous User 2/26/2020
I really like the name River for a boy, it’s strong and I think of a man that loves nature called River. My future son will be called River Bear.
Sounds like the name of a radio station. Don't like it.
― Anonymous User 7/14/2019
I really think it’s a lovely name, River Phoenix was a real nice dude. My middle name is River, and I like it very much.
― Anonymous User 3/9/2019
People seem to think that only nature names belong to females only, but I find that absolutely sexist! River is a very beautiful name and personally, I think it suits girls and boys very well, and I do like it better for a boy and would name my son River Jordan, it’s so handsome and it will age well. River as a girl’s name is also a lovely idea, River Julia is very elegant! Just because I love this name more for a boy doesn’t mean I hate it for a girl, it just sounds slightly more masculine than feminine to me.
― Anonymous User 1/26/2019
I fell in love with this name when I was pregnant with my son. I didn't like it when I was a child (e.g. River Phoenix) because I thought it was "weird." But that was during a time when there were always 3 or 4 Chris's in my class, a couple Roberts and the rest of the boys had common names heard everyday. It has a beautiful ring to it, yet strong. Very cool to his peers. But for older generations, it's memorable and noticeable, yet easy to spell and pronounce (obviously), which I think may help when he's networking for jobs (now in his 20s). He seems to get whatever he applies for. Scholarships, internships and jobs, not necessarily because of the name, but I have wondered if it helps just a little. He has always liked his name as well with a slight pride in it.
― Anonymous User 8/17/2018
LOVE this name so much. Our first son is named Harrison, and I'm trying to sell my husband on the name River, for our soon to be born second son. I think it's such a unique, strong uncommon boys name.
I don't really like River. I love the French name Oceane, but never liked River. Maybe because my dad drowned in a river. As an alternative, maybe Riva? It's a form of Rivka, a form of Rebekah.
― Anonymous User 12/1/2017
We have a boy in our family named River. I thinks it's a good name for a boy who loves hunting, fishing, and the outdoors.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2017
Country singer Granger Smith has a son, River Kelly. Jeff Goldblum and Emilie Livingston have a son, River Joe. Golfer Dusin Johnson and model Pauline Gretzky have a son, River Jones. Megan Fox and Brian Austin Green have a son, Journey River. Chefs Jamie and Jools Oliver have a son, River Rocket. River is a great name for a boy!
― Anonymous User 7/19/2017
River Delfín Canomanuel Viiperi is a Spanish male model. He has been in several advertising campaigns, including those for American Eagle, Bershka, Calvin Klein, Armani Exchange and Versace for H&M.
Another known bearer of this name is the Finno-Spanish model River Viiperi (b. 1991), who is also the ex-boyfriend of the American heiress and socialite Paris Hilton (b. 1981).- (in Spanish).
These days, River is both a feminine and a masculine name.
― Anonymous User 4/19/2017
AHEM... River: What in the name of sanity have you got on your head? Doctor: It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezzes are cool. ~ From that one Doctor Who episode that I can't remember off the top of my head Anyway, because of River Song, I can only see this name on a girl. River was cool.
I've named my daughter River Casey, I believe River covers all aspects of a name. It's strong yet calm. Refreshing and natural, whilst very youthful. I love it.
River is a nice name but I personally prefer it for a male (thought it does sound nice on girls too). The reason is, I think it is strong yet sensitive and I think it would be well suited for a male who is connected to nature and also has a strong personality. The reason I don't like it on a female is because it makes it sound delicate and it takes a strong and adventurous girl to pull it off. Regardless, it is beautiful and powerful and props to whoever can pull this off.
I have a daughter named River Olivia :) It's adorable on her and I think it could be cute for either sex!
― Anonymous User 12/19/2015
Willow and Lily are beautiful names for girls and River is a great name for a boy! River makes you think of a very outdoorsy boy/man who likes to go fishing and hunting in the woods.
― Anonymous User 11/2/2015
In addition to the names listed in a comment farther up the thread I can think of several more celebrities who have named their sons River - the actor Thomas Ian Nicholas has a son Nolan River. Dallas Cowboy quarterback Tony Romo has a son Rivers and Natasha Henstridge has a son Tristan River. It is indeed a very popular name for celebrities to name their sons.
― Anonymous User 11/2/2015
I like the name River, especially for a boy, but when I tell people this they often say that it's stupid to name a child after a commonplace thing, but aren't there girls named Lilly? Willow?
River is a popular male name among celebrities. Singers Jackie Jackson and Taylor Hanson have son's named River. Actors Sean Harland Murray, Keri Russell, Blackie Chen and Christie Fan, Jeptha Robertson, Megan Gale, and Daniela Ruah have sons named River. Survivor tv show winner Aras Baskauskas' son is River. Also, there is the actor River Shields and model River Viiperi who are male. River was the name of a boy on the old soap One Life to Live. So while it is technically a "unisex" name it seems much more masculine to me.
― Anonymous User 8/20/2015
I LOVE the name River. I have just named my new red eared slider River as her shell looks like the marbling of pebbles in a shallow part of a riverbed...
I just had a daughter, she is 11 days old. And me and my partner have called her River. I love the name- it is pretty like my little girl and suits her perfectly :).
I think River is a lovely, refreshing and beautiful name. It suits both genders perfectly fine. This is a fantastic nature name and don't let others put you off from using this name. :)
― Anonymous User 2/16/2015
The name River is most definetly a masculine name. It's a males name. Enough said.
― Anonymous User 10/27/2014
I have a daughter named River... she's 3yrs old & I adore the name River. River is a name for a girl or boy. It is a beautiful name. I didn't know just how popular the name River is... I have a son age 5 called gage... what do you all think of that..x.
― Anonymous User 10/10/2014
My Grandson was named River, born January 8th, 2014 by my daughter and her hubby, because they first met at the Missouri River, so it has a lot of meaning for them. River is their first born. I feel it is a very masculine name and not at all Hippie. Their next son's name will be Creek.
Looking at the United States popularity of this name, I notice that it hit the top 1000 for the first time in 1994, right after River Phoenix's 1993 death. I'm guessing that's not a coincidence. As for whether River makes a better boy's name or a better girl's name, I wonder if opinions about this fall along generational lines - if Generation X people associate it more with River Phoenix and think of it as a boy's name, whereas millennials might associate it more with River Tam from "Firefly"/"Serenity" and think of it as a girl's name.
My son's name is River. I don't think that by giving him that name I was overly trying to be different and I don't think it makes me a "hippie" whatever that classification may be. I love his name and I love the fact that I don't see it used all of the time. I think it works both ways; however, I can't imagine my daughter having the name River, now. When I chose this name I didn't know that mainly girls had this name, but now when I hear others talking about the name "River" it is usually in association with a girl. My son's name is River Lee Hart and he is a boy who loves to play with trucks, jump off couches and do everyday normal things boys do! I wanted my son to have a strong, not so common name and I feel like his father and I accomplished that. I couldn't picture his name being anything else!
― Anonymous User 6/28/2014
Kelly Clarkson and her husband Brandon Blackstock have a daughter named River Rose, born on June 12th, 2014.
I gave my child this name in early 2005, so we have been living with it for quite a while (over 9 years as I write). He is a boy, and is a quirky, messy haired intelligent thing and really suits his name. Oh, and a vegetarian. Does that make us 'hippies'? I don't know the criteria... is it bad to be a hippy? I don't wear flower crowns or own a camper van, though that sounds like fun! I am a teacher, I was looking for a name I had not already known in a school. He loves his name, so do I. A tiny amount of negativity perhaps but surely all names can be criticised? Nobody forgets him, and I have never regretted it for a moment. I did like River Phoenix, such a sad loss, but he wasn't named after him. I like his name being unusual so I discourage anybody from using it!
River is the main character in the book Falling Fast written by Sophie McKenzie. (This was the first time I had heard of "River" being used as a name of a person. In the book, River happens to be a female.)
― Anonymous User 4/7/2014
River is an awesome boy's name! I think it will age well even though it's a newer name.
I can really only see this as a girl's name, mostly because of River Song from Doctor Who. I don't know if I would use it but I think it's really cute. No nicknames that I would use, but there are lots of names like that I like.
The only two people called River that I'd heard of (River Song from Doctor Who, and River Tam from Firefly) were female, but I wasn't too shocked to see this called masculine. It's a word, and doesn't have a definite color or character as most names do in my mind.On a girl I guess it does sound kind of hippie-ish, though I don't really dislike it as I do "Flower". As a boys' name it sounds kind of 19th-century American, the same style of name as Irving or Emmett.
I can't believe I'm the only one who thinks its strange to name a child 'River'. It's beyond me why this is in the top 1000 for both genders.
― Anonymous User 6/17/2013
This is a unisex name. No matter how you try to change it. The fact is this has a calm, mellow feeling and it goes well for both so this is totally unisex. And names like Ashley and Madison had today's girly feel to it. But this doesn't and it's just perfect.
My first son is called River. He suits it well and it's a beautiful yet "cool" name for a boy. His father chose the name and he chose well. I got compliments for his name when he was younger. And where I live, it's quite unlikely he'll find another River, unless it's blue and consists of water! It's a great name and has aged well with him. He doesn't get bullied but there's the odd "Riverbed" or "Stream" from his relatives!
My son is named River middle name Paul. We chose it because of the beautiful River that winds behind our home and unites us as a family. We are not hippies, but are outdoor people. I find it to be a masculine and strong name with a nature connotation, which will be perfect for our little guy growing up in a wooded community next to the "River". We wanted a semi-unique name because we have a very common last name. Some people (mostly older folks) look at us like we are crazy when I say his name in public, and others comment on what a cool name he has. We love it, he I'm sure will carry it well in life.
I find this name to be very unisex. River sounds like a strong name for a boy and gorgeous name for a girl. My female dog's name is River and it suits her so well. She is so gentle and nurturing and I love calling her "Riv."
― Anonymous User 8/14/2012
I love the name for a boy or a girl but personally I thinking it is more suited to a girl. Like a river a woman is always changing- that's why they call it a woman's prerogative. I've never heard of the actor or the TV show/Movie you all have mentioned. I'd never do this to my child, but I love the combo River Krystal.
I'm surprised this name isn't listed as unisex on this site, considering that it is used on both boys and girls. I think it suits either gender, though it probably has more of a male legacy due to River Phoenix (great actor, died way too young). However, the character River Tam from the TV show "Firefly" and the movie "Serenity" has also lent the name feminine qualities. I would be more inclined to use River on a female, since that association is stronger for me.
― Anonymous User 1/2/2012
I like this name. I don't know what people are talking about that it is overused. I have never even met a River!
I looove this name! It's much nicer for a boy than a girl, I really hate how parents are insisting on giving their daughters boy names, I mean come on there are hundreds of beautiful girl names and if we keep on naming our daughters Ashley and Jackson, there are gonna be no names left for boys. But anyway I love this name, it is very masculine and very English, love it.
― Anonymous User 10/14/2011
There was a guy in my 6th-grade class named River. One day, we changed our names (guys would get the girl equivalent of their name, and vice versa). I (Colleen) was Collin, Andrew was Andrea, and River was... Brooke. We thought we were sooo clever :D
I'm all for uniqueness and whatnot, but this just sounds hippyish to me. It also gives me the impression that the parents are trying too hard to be unique.
River sounds like a feminine name to me, probably because it reminds me of River Tam from Firefly. It's a nice peaceful and serene sounding name.
― Anonymous User 10/12/2010
I'm surprised someone hasn't complained about this being a word name, since River is a regularly used word in the English language, along with names like "Ruby" and "Comfort", which are also words. What hypocrites.
― Anonymous User 9/26/2010
When I was younger I didn't really like this name so much, because I thought it sounded strange. But now it's grown on me quite a bit.
I don't think there is anything "hippie" or particularly strange or unique about this name anymore. It's just a normal name which won't excite any more attention than the next one. I think just base it on whether you like the name or not.
I've only ever heard this name on a girl other than River Phoenix, I actually prefer it on a girl. I think most nature names are better suited to females. :)
― Anonymous User 12/9/2008
River is horrible name for a boy and a girl. I dislike names giving from English words.
I don't like this name for a boy, this is a nice name for a girl. I'm thinking of naming one of my female characters in my next story River. It's much less common than Brook or Brooke, which is a wonderful thing for me and my love of uncommon names.
Professor River Song is a character in Doctor Who, episodes "Silence in the Library" and "Forest of the Dead". She is a female, even though the name is supposedly masculine.
I don't like this name either way, but I hated it more on girls than on guys. River is a (horrible) guy name and Brooke is a girl name.
― Anonymous User 7/28/2008
I love the name River. I don't mind that people associate it with hippies, because I am a nature lovin' hippy myself. Maybe that's why I love it! I think it's youthful, and natural. I get a lot of compliments on my choice, and have had a few weird looks, but who cares?!
This name sounds pretty normal by now. I've heard weirder stuff. It isn't exactly some type of unique or highly unusual name, so if you're looking for something really unconventional, this ain't it. It doesn't really sound like a hippie name on boys anymore, but on girls it might. The name is quite masculine, and thus somewhat boyish, for girls and women. I don't care if nature words sound better on females in general, as this one has a masculine-sounding ending.
River was used in the tv series "Firefly". The character, named River Tam, was a slightly psychotic escapee and fugitive from a sort of medical centre. This, as a result, has affected my feelings of the name; even though it is a lovely name I can never stop thinking about insane teenagers with gifts for assasination.
― Anonymous User 5/15/2007
My name is River and I love it. I'm female. I always get a comment about how pretty it is or how unique. I was not named after River Pheonix, nor do I have any connection to him whatsoever. I absolutely love River! However, it is very unique and very hippyish, so it can't be carried by everyone. Make sure you want to use this name before you use it.
My sister has an obsession with MyScene, something I get really annoyed about. Anyway, Barbie's boyfriend is called River, and it gave me a really bad impression. Even if I DIDN'T know that, I would think River would be a pretty cool name, along with a middle name.
I love love love this name. It's so powerful sounding and yet calm. Everytime I have told someone that I like this name they think that it sounds too "hippie" so I am torn between giving the name to my child. I adore the name. =)
― Anonymous User 6/22/2006
Singer Corey Hart has a daughter named River.
― Anonymous User 4/19/2006
Summer Glau played a charachter in the show Firefly called River Tam. :D.
River Phoenix was a young talented actor who threw away his life on drugs. He was known for his work in the movies "My Own Private Idaho" and "Stand by me." He died in 1993.
One of my favorite actors was named this. River Phoenix played in "Explorers" and "Stand by me." He died from heart failure due to drugs in 1993. He was 23 years old.