I think Rishi is the most sigma name ever. My best friend is Rishi, and he pulls all the girls and is so hot.
Makes me think of Rishi Sunak.
Rishi is your friendly neighbor kid who knows a million Pokemon facts and would always hand you the broken Wii controller.
#RishiTheSnake was trending on Twitter a couple of weeks ago.
Surprised nobody has mentioned Rishi Sunak, who used to be the UK Chancellor and is running for Prime Minister.
I dislike the tone of the name. The meaning doesn’t appeal to me. In fact, when I was little, the only kid that I met was the one who was really hyper and always took a pencil poke in my eye thinking he’d be friends with me. Personally I wouldn’t use it, as it would remind me of the worst memories of my life again.However, to all you Rishis out there, love your name, you’re a great person! Be proud of your unique name.

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