Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Feminine
Usage Japanese
Scripts リリカ,りりか, 璃理香, 梨里佳, 麗里加, 梨里果, 莉々果, etc.
Pronounced Pron. ṘEE-ṘEE-KAH  [key]

Meaning & History

From Japanese 璃 (ri) meaning "glassy, lapis lazuli" or 麗 (ri) meaning "lovely, beautiful, graceful, resplendent" combined with 梨 (ri) meaning "pear" or 理 (ri) meaning "reason, logic", and then combined with 果 (ka) meaning "fruit, reward, carry out, achieve, complete, end, finish, succeed", 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada". Other kanji combinations can form this name as well.
Added 7/10/2017 by cutenose
Edited 12/10/2024 by ShioTanbo1 and cutenose