This name can also be a Masculine name in various countries, making this name Unisex. the UK Office for National Statistics census of England and Wales, 24 boys and 17 girls were named Rikki in 1996.'s a Wikipedia article containing several bearers of the name.
Surprisingly, there are Masculine bearers on this page. [noted -ed]
This is a nice name. Also, someone in the Atlas of Beauty who likes vintage clothes.
Longer names for Rikki could be Ricarda, Riccarda, Richardine, Richelda, Richenza, Richenda, Ricberta, Africa, America, Enrica, Henrica, Hendrica, Ulrica and Frederica.
Rikki Patil is a supporting character in the 2019 action-horror zombie game, Days Gone. She is a headstrong survivor who works hard to ensure the safety of those who reside in her home encampment, and is one of a few designated quest-givers for the protagonist.
Rikki Poynter is a Deaf YouTuber and activist.
I prefer the "Ricki" spelling but it's okay.
I absolutely love having this name, and I would never want another. My mom named me after "Rikki Don't Lose That Number" by Steely Dan. I think it's a "fun" name. Youthful, bright, cheerful, and unique. Whoever has this name will not be faint of heart, as she will probably face some teasing; most kids do. I don't think that should dissuade anyone from naming a child "Rikki", though. No one will ever forget your name, that's for sure. Nor should they; Rikki is awesome!
The name Rikki was given to 68 girls born in the US in 2015.
A good nickname for a girl?
The name Rikki was given to 51 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
Means "sulfur" in Finnish.
I think this spelling makes it feminine and cute. I also like Mikki (Mikayla) and Nikki (Nikola). :)
Never as a first name! As a diminutive, spelled "Ricki" for a female, is fine.
I like the way Rikki is spelled, but why does it have to be feminine? I think you should be able to name a boy Rikki but not have it be short for Richard like Ricky is.
Reminds me of the mongoose in the book and the spelling is awful anyways.
I think this is a good nickname for someone called Larisa.
Rikki is one of the main characters in the TV show "H2O: Just Add Water." She is a mermaid who has the power to boil water and start fires with her mind. Rikki is played by Cariba Heine, and she is a really cool cat, though I don't particularly care for the name Rikki.
I associate this name with insects for some reason.
I hate this name! I totally dislike how it's a kreatyv spyllyng of Ricky made feminine. Some names are good enough without any feminine forms. This name is demeaning in many ways. First, it's a total cheerleader name. Second, names like Mikki, Nikki, Rikki, and Vikki look downright juvenile. Third, they just look ugly and that's all I can possibly say!
The presenter Rikki Lake is a famous bearer.
The bearer's name is RICKI Lake, not Rikki Lake.
Rikki-Tikki-Tavi is the title of the 1975 movie about a mongoose.

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