This name is mostly pronounced in English as ree-AN-ə, and then much less often as rie-HA-nah, as the entry currently states. There's confirmation from Rihanna herself in this video, minute 2:01: should be corrected in the entry. (Thank you). [noted -ed]
― Anonymous User 4/29/2023
It's nice. And I think the name Drihanna would be super cute with the D in front of it!
Rihanna Quinn is one of the Quinn Sisters on YouTube and is a dancer known for starring on “Dance Moms” with her sisters, Kaylee and Coco and her mom, Jeannie.
― Anonymous User 5/21/2019
I think this name is lovely and I would love to use it if I have another daughter (my first is named Yasmine). However, the association with Rihanna the singer makes it a little corny. I'm not a huge fan of hers, I like a couple tracks, but it might seem as though my daughter is named after her.
― Anonymous User 4/3/2019
I do think this is better than the overused Brianna.
I'm a fan of Rihanna's music, but obviously, the name is heavily associated with her and people would probably assume you named your daughter after her.