I personally don't think of Corona, no one here has ever called it Rona, maybe it's a very country specific or regional thing?In any case, I doubt that many people will still speak about Corona much in about 5 years time or so (probably before that). Life is pretty much back to normal and the news is full of other stuff, at least here. Also, it's Rhona and not Corona I find that quite different. I would also not think of Corona if I heard Cora.
― Anonymous User 4/14/2022
Wouldn't Rona be the original then and Rhona the variant? Given that the Scottish island is Rona.
― Anonymous User 4/14/2022
Rhona is lovely. *However*... I'm afraid it might be ruined by the Coronavirus / COVID-19 Pandemic. This is because a lot of people are calling the virus "the Rona." :-(
― Anonymous User 6/16/2020
Reply to the Anonymous user who commented on 16/Jun/2020 I've not seen anyone calling the virus Rona, so I don't think it's "ruined".
I'm not sure about Scotland, but the root "rhon" means "spear" in Wales. Given the geographic proximity, the Welsh root may have a place in the name Rhona.
― Anonymous User 6/10/2007
North Rona is an island up the top of Scotland and in uninhabited.
Rhona could be a feminine form of Ronan meaning little seal but as St Ronan lived on north Rona the names are connected anyway. I hope Rhona is a form of Ronan but it probably means rough island.