Rheas also known as ñandus or South American ostrich, are moderately sized South American ratites (flightless birds without a keel on their sternum bone).
A gentle splash in a pond, produced by the swift, nimble water nymph who goes by the name of Rhea... how pretty! Her name is a life-giving river of the sophisticated literary works which cascade through a terrain as rough and as fresh as Greece. Each teal-shaded letter causes a gentle collision with water and earth, nourishing the roots of the imagination. In this mythic tableau, Rhea stands at the confluence of realms, a divine tributary where these heavenly waters converge. She mirrors the fluidity of the stories which flow through time, the seeds nourished by humanity's desire to tell a story. A sensational dream! Few things are quite like it.
RAY-ə sounds so much better, I've always pronounced it that way :) it is also closer to the Greek pronunciation (which is beautiful).
― Anonymous User 1/21/2021
My name is Rhea. I haven't had any silly nicknames since I was at school, and even then, doesn't everyone encounter some kind of nickname? I live in the UK and pronounce it REE-YA which is common here. Lots of people think it's short for Rhiannon/Rhianna which I think is quite nice. I do get quite a few compliments on it and as I've grown up I've found I really love it. Hope that's useful background for someone anyway.
No, it's named after the Greek Titan Rhea. She is the wife of Kronos and the mother of Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Aides, Poseidon, and Zeus. She also is the titan of female fertility, motherhood, and generation. So no, she has nothing to do with a river!
Rhea Seehorn plays attorney Kim Wexler in the Breaking Bad spin-off Better Call Saul.
― Anonymous User 3/8/2020
I am Greek and I have fought my husband to name this second baby to keep my heritage. I chose Rhea which is a beautiful strong Greek name. It goes back to ancient Greece. Only ignorance will tell, you people make up horrible nick names. The correct spelling is Rheia but either way my daughter is gonna be named it.
― Anonymous User 2/10/2020
I think this should be pronounced Rey-uh. If I wanted it pronounced Ree-uh, I would just name her Ria!
The genesis of this name is nice, but that’s true for a lot of names. That’s the only positive thing I can say about Rhea. I agree with the other comments, diarrhea instantly springs to mind when I read Rhea. You can’t spell diarRHEA without Rhea. Good remembering trick. Every substitute teacher is bound to mispronounce this name as Ree-yah, you can count on it.
This is that kinda name that you can give to a little kid, and to a grandma. It ages very well and sounds beautiful. Those undisciplined people thinking it sounds like diarrhea, please, the name is beautiful. Definitely goes in the "maybe column".
― Anonymous User 12/19/2018
Rhea is the name of a titan in Roman mythology, Jupiter's mother, and as far as I know she has a pretty positive association overall. I pronounce it "RAY-a" and it's one of my favorite names, especially because of the mythological background. However to avoid the whole "diarrhea" nickname even if you pronounce it the other way I suppose you could spell it "Rheya" like someone suggested or "Rheia" which is actually an alternate spelling of the mythological name anyway. That way there isn't as much ambiguity on the pronunciation.
I personally wouldn't name my baby Rhea because it sounds like Diarrhea. My friend and I make jokes all the time and instead of diarrhea we say Rhea. When ever we hear someone call to someone in public named Rhea we are trying our hardest not to laugh. Do not name your kid after diarrhea no matter how funny it may seem- your kid will be angry with you.
Rhea Litré is an American singer and drag queen. He is a fixture in West Hollywood nightlife. After graduating from high school, Miller moved to Los Angeles to audition for the second season of American Idol. He first performed in drag at Oasis Nightclub's Drag Idol in 2004 in Upland, California. Raja and Mayhem Miller are Litré's drag mothers.
The name Rhea was given to 285 girls born in the US in 2016. More than 99.9 percent of people with the first name Rhea are female.
― Anonymous User 6/6/2017
I immediately think of Perlman and I like it.Mmakes me think of Reba, too... but, I kind of would like it better pronounced "Ray-uh" instead of "Ree-uh?" Maybe tack an accent mark on the e?
Rhea is a surname in my family, commonly given as a middle name to the daughters of Rhea women who marry into other surnames. We pronounce it, as both a surname and a given name--RAY. The Rhea branch of my family is originally from Ireland, having moved to America several hundred years ago, and the name has been pronounced this way as long as anyone can remember.
This is my grandfather's name and I am proud to have such a beautiful and unique name. We represent more than a gray bird or diarrhea. Rhea has history. The comment that Rhea makes you think of a tall woman with blonde hair- all the Rheas I know are barely 5'5 in height, lol, and we are of Creole origin- at least all my relatives are Creole. Caroline Rhea was the first white lady I knew of that had our last name, other than the one who came knocking on our door seeking answers about her family tree.
I really like it. I prefer it pronounced REE-ah, though RAY-ah wouldn't be a bad sound, either. When I think of someone named Rhea, I think of a tall, beautiful woman with long blond hair, amber eyes, and caramel-colored skin wearing a long gold dress standing in the sunset. I always think of gold whenever I hear this name.
Etymologists have also suggested that it comes from ερα meaning ground—with metathesis (switching) of the first two letters to get ρεα. It has also been suggested that the name is related to the Greek "pomegranate" (ροα) and is Indo-European in origin.
Excuse me, but I have the name Rhea for my middle name. Yet, I pronounce mine much like the name Rae, for it's also short for Rachel. My name was meant to honor my grandmother who holds the name Rachel. Yet, my family has the most unique combinations of names, we spelled my name R-H-E-A, Rhea, or Rae.
I love this name if it is pronounced "Ray-ah", mostly because it sounds prettier this way but also as a way of avoiding that awful "diarrhea" nickname.
I first heard of this name in the movie Solaris and have loved it ever since. It is one of my favorite female names, though I have always thought it was pronounced ray-ah. It is extremely feminine without being fluffy, pretentious or airheaded sounding. To me it sounds almost mysterious but delicate.
My grandma's name is Marie. But she went by Rhea when she was a teenager. My fiancee says he doesn't like the name Rhea because he thinks it's a name that can be teased easily, i.e. Rhea has diarhea. Yeah gross. But I think this can also be spelt Ria, and be short for Maria, Gloria.
In the film Solaris (both Tarkovsky and Soderbergh versions), the troubled but beautiful wife of the protagonist is named Rheya. I think that's a lovely variation of this beautiful name.
Yes, it's probably something that has to do with rivers because in Portugal we have a word "ria" which means river and it's pronounced the same way as Rhea. And since Portuguese language has its roots in Latin and Greek...