It feels like the modern version of Teresa/Thereese.
My name is Reese, I got it back in March 1982. Maybe it’s because I am a guy but Reese is a masculine name. I can tell you growing up from the time I was in kindergarten, until honestly just as of recent I was the only Reese around. Went to school in Flint Michigan never met another Reese, Tennessee, California, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Florida, I never met another Reese nor did I meet anyone with Reese as a nickname either. I remember all of my friends had nicknames, everyone except me. People simply just really like my name. The meaning behind the name for Reese is ardent:firery, gift of God, God gift, a gift from God, Reese also means Love. My entire name means Gift of God, Gift from God, Gods gift, And love. My middle name means God Gift, Gift of God, Grace of God, The best Gift from Heaven, and cute. My last name is the name of a female TITian/Greek, it means to flow. Anyway just thought someone else might like the short read.
Reese is the name of a character in Rory Power's novel "Wilder Girls", she is protagonist Hetty's friend and love interest.
I know of two people named Rhiannon who went by Reese as a nickname.
I have a close friend named Reese, and ironically she’s allergic to nuts so no Reese’s for her! I LOVE THE NAME REESE! It’s so cute, but strong, and I love the spelling!
I like Reese for boys and girls, slightly more for girls though.
Reese is an awesome name, I love how it sounds. I also love the spelling Reece.
I love the name. I think the nicknames Reeses Pieces is cute.
This reminds me of the candy.
Reese is an awesome name. A totally cool name any way you slice it.
I love Reese for a name, I think it's an awesome one! The “Reece” spelling is super cool, too. Although I'd probably slightly prefer it for a guy, I think it would suit a girl beautifully, as well! For a boy, I think it's got a really nice, laid back, surfer-dude vibe, and for a girl, I think it's got a cool, sporty tomboy vibe to it, which I love! I think ReRe would be a really cute nickname, especially for a girl.
For a girl, I think Reese Jean, Reese Nicole and Reese Autumn would be really pretty; for a boy, I like Reese James, Reese Alexander and Reese Wyatt; for unisex names, I like Reese River, Reese Dakota and Reese Skyler.
Lastly, I think its meaning: “Fiery” is very cool, and adds to the name's awesomeness!
Overall, I think Reese is a great name!
I really like this name! I think it's cute on a boy or girl, and the spelling Rhys is cute too.
I happen to love my name and I’m a girl and I love it. So be quiet.
I think this spelling is best. I love this, and I also LOVE Reese's candies. This is adorable for a boy or girl, and ages well.
Some youtubers I watch have a daughter named Reese Sienna, she is adorable and so is her name.
I hate the Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, and this name isn't much better.
What... the... heck? Why not stick to Reece?
Really cute.
I know lots of people called Reece and Rhys but I’ve never met a girl or boy named Reese.
I like it for a girl's middle name and the boys who I’ve met with variants of this name are tough which is a good thing in a way.
Am I the only one who honestly doesn’t like the name Reese on a girl?Anyways, it reminds me of Reese’s Peanut Butter cups. One of my favorite candies.
I like Reese as a girl's middle name.
Reese is a character in the Animal Crossing games. She is a female alpaca who owns the Re-Tail store with her husband Cyrus.
Looking at the popularity of this name, it began gaining traction in the 2000s when Reese Witherspoon became popular. I don't think that actress-inspired names are always a good idea. Otherwise, it's not terrible because it reminds me of peanut butter cups. Mmmmmm... chocolate...
It's alright on either gender, but I wouldn't use it.
Prefer the spelling ‘Rhys.’.
DO NOT NAME YOUR CHILD THIS IT IS A TERRIBLE NAME. I will never forgive my parents for this crime.
I am a proud owner of the name Reese. It is my trademark and it was shared to me by my father (yes, I am a Jr.). We also have a whole bunch of family members with the middle name “Reese”.
I absolutely love running into others named Reese and even had a babysitter named Reesa growing up.
Spell it however you like, the name is strong and proud, it’s an adjective “ardent” or “fiery”, and just like those definitions it builds character. Those who OWN IT represent.
-Did I get teased? I still do.
-Do I care? Not at all. Those who meet me, or tease me, remember me. Just like my father before me.
Damn Rubyhater, you got the whole squad laughin'.
I know a horrible girl with the middle name Reese. She is terrible, absolutely terrible. She is destined for hell. God told me so in a dream, so I know it must be true. Everyone who is named Reese, has named their child Reese, or is even positively associated with the name Reese should be sent away to a desert island to protect us normal folks. If your name is Reese, you should change it immediately so that the devil will not take your soul. You should also be aware of the consequences that come with the name Reese. Every person with the name Reese is cold-hearted, manipulative, and an out-right devil worshipper.
For non-reeses out there, remember to protect your soul.
That's not true. What you said was extremely rude and disrespectful. No two people named Reese have the same personality. There is no way the devil will take someone's soul just because their name is Reese. God did not tell me in a dream that everyone named Reese should be sent to a desert island. Your name does NOT affect your personality. I read your comment on the name Elizabeth and agreed with the repliers. People who name their child Reese (or Elizabeth) are not unaware of the consequences of their actions. Just because YOU hate the name Reese doesn't mean everyone should. It is not okay to insult someone just because of their name.
In my opinion I like it for boy. It sounds very handsome but sounds too boyish and masculine on a girl. This is by far the best spelling of this name. The others are all unappealing.
I am a proud owner of the name Reese. It is my trademark and it was shared to me by my father (yes, I am a Jr.). We also have a whole bunch of family members with the middle name “Reese”.
I absolutely love running into others named Reese and even had a babysitter named Reesa growing up.
Spell it however you like, the name is strong and proud, it’s an adjective “ardent” or “fiery”, and just like those definitions it builds character. Those who OWN IT represent.
-Did I get teased? I still do.
-Do I care? Not at all. Those who meet me, or tease me, remember me. Just like my father before me.
I’m a female teenager who was given the name Reese. I’ve hated this name all my life up until only recently. One part because of the “Reese’s pieces” name teasing (disgusting candy), and another because it sounded too plain and childish to me. I know two males both named Rease, and Rhys. But I’ve started to love the rarity of this name, and the unpredictability of someone who has it, unlike a Jessica for example. Give this name to a child, and they’ll be incredibly resilient.
Definitely feminine. Probably because of Reese Witherspoon.
I'm not sure why this isn't listed as a name for males and females. In the U.S. in 2017, 1748 baby girls were named Reese. Only 358 baby boys were named Reese. Certainly it's mostly due to Reese Witherspoon, and I don't think it's a great name for a girl either, but it seems like the name page on this site should reflect the reality of how a name is being used. [noted -ed]
If I could have any name for a girl, I would pick Reese. I got the name from a show, and I immediately fell in love with it. I might even name one of my kids this if I have any, and it would be a girl name for me. I understand it started out as a boy name, and that is perfectly fine on a boy, no hate here. I just don’t understand what people have against these type of names on girls. Snotty brats are always complaining about a few unisex names TREMENDOUSLY, and it’s getting on my nerves.
-Kris or Chris
-Camryn or Cameron
When I think of more, I will put them down, but my point is, there are waaaayyyy too many haters for these names.
Although it's more popular for females nowadays, I still prefer it for a boy as I feel that Reese sounds too masculine for a girl, but it could be a cool nickname for Therese or Clarisse.
I love the spelling Rhys, I don't really like Reece or Reese. Reese and Reece look too anglicized to me.
I have a friend by the name of Reese. I personally don't understand why people find this to be a masculine name... Well, that's probably since said friend is female and I've heard of Reese Witherspoon (I know her real name isn't Reese, but still) so I'm used to it being used on females.While it's a pretty nice and simple name, I wouldn't recommend using it since it's easy to be teased because of Reese's candy. I called my friend "Reese's Puffs" but not in a mean way of course, but some kids may be cruel and use it as a mean way. (Always be careful when naming your kid, make sure it's not easily teasable...)
There is a girl called Reese in the kids show 'The Spartical Mystery'.
I like it on girls, short for Therese. I personally like Rhys on a boy.
Reese is a popular middle name for girls in my circle. Our daughter was born in March and it is her middle name and we know two little girls with the same middle name.
One of the main characters from the film, The Terminator, is Kyle Reese. He was sent back in time to protect Sarah Connor from being terminated.
I had a minor character in my series named Reese, but she was female. So I gender bent her and now she is ♂Reese due to the fact that it didn't suit her.And is Rhys pronounced the same way or what? It looks pretty, but a bit too confusing.
Being a personal bearer of the name Reese, I can tell you that you will definitely get the candy bar slur, but I never got offended growing up. There are plenty of worse things. But it's really not bad. I was born in 1990, it's 2016 now and I still get the "Reese's" once in a while, but over time I've grown to like my name. It's unique, rare, and liked by many and I never negative feedback. Reese seems to be a favorable first name for African American males. It's a great name, uncommon and favoured by women.
I feel that Reese is feminine AND masculine. I have a friend named Reese, and she is female.
Funny how it's not unisex because almost 75% of all Reese's are female.
I love the name Reese. I think it is a beautiful name for a girl. I would definitely consider it for a future daughter. I would not use that spelling for a boy. I would use the Rhys spelling for a boy as a middle name only.
I am currently in the early stages of my first pregnancy and should this baby be a girl, my husband and I are already set that her name will be Reese Elizabeth. Both of our names are strong, common-but-not-too-common, one-syllable names so for us it's an added bonus that the name we like for our child is too. I love that Reese is cute but not too feminine, and is just a good, strong name.
Reese is a Welsh name for boys, a derivative of Rees or Rhys. I was named Reese in honor of an uncle named Reese Jinkins. It is defined as 'A stream or brooke.'
Reese Hoffa (born 1977 in Evans, Georgia) is an American shot putter.
My name is Reese. I just spell it Rhysse. I love being called it, it's a great nickname for Theresa. As I am also called Tess on occasion I like Rhysse the best. It's more original than Tess to me, but it's something people have heard so it's almost never mis-pronounced. I like Rhysse as a nickname for girls, but probably not a full name. If Rhysse (or Reese, however you want to spell it) was used as a full name, I think it would be better fit for a boy, but as a nickname it's great for a girl! I love it!
We call my friend Reese, short for Teresa, but only because her parents wanted a boy named Rhys.
This name is sooo girly! I don't know how anyone can see it as a boy name. (though the Rhys spelling looks masculine)
It is way more popular as a girls name for a reason (It's number 136/1000 for girls and 492/1000 for boys in 2010).
I like this name, but only on a boy. I can't picture it on a little girl.
Reese is my name; it was my mother's maiden name. I will leave out whether I am male or female because I don't think that it matters at all. I have always liked my name, even though I was always called 'Reese's Pieces' in elementary school - for about 2 days, I might add, until it got old. I was proud of my name's history, meaning, and connection to family, even at a young age. Do not bother commenting on the spelling - it is probably spelled the way it is due to my family's immigration to the US in 1907. Not a bad reason at all. It saddens me that I have to get so defensive about this name on this site, since I have never faced such derision around my name... at least not since kindergarten.
I love it. Personally I think it's best on a guy, but I can tolerate it for a girl. If I ever have a boy this will be a middle name for Elliott.
Love the name for either a boy or girl.
Although it's very close, I don't think it should be associated with the candy because the candy is actually Reeses or Reese's. Not just plain Reese.
I despise it when girls are named this. It's pretty nice on a boy, though.
I think this name is kinda strange. Reese's Pieces, anyone? But I actually don't mind it on a boy. It's on a girl that I hate. It doesn't sound feminine. It's probably because of Reese Witherspoon, but Reese isn't her real name (I think it's actually Laura).
I used to love this name for a girl, but I think it is very nice for both sexes. I don't really get the hostility towards the idea of gender-neutral names. How does the use of a name on girls that's been used for boys ruin the name? It doesn't turn it girly, necessarily, unless you're talking about Ashley, maybe, ha ha. It's an utterly sexist view. Some names don't sound particularly masculine or feminine, and Reese is one of those. This spelling looks a tad more feminine, though. It's too common, though, and quite plain, and it reminds me of Reese Witherspoon too much.
I like this name for a girl, but it could work for a boy too. I wouldn't use it for my son though.
I think of Reese more as a feminine name opposed to a masculine name. I also have a friend who spells it Reece. I like both ways, but I think Reece is more masculine.
A feminine name? LMAO. Seriously? Why is it always the Welsh, Irish and Scottish names that get messed with?
I personally love the name Reese, although I like it better when it's spelled RHYS. It's been my family's tradition for years that the oldest child (which, until I was born, was always a boy) be named Reese. As a result, I have known many guys named Reese - a grandfather, a great-grandfather, an uncle, and most recently two cousins.My grandfather and great-grandfather were wonderful men. Both were highly intelligent, hard working, physically and emotionally strong, and considered extremely handsome when they were young, and the whole family misses them greatly. But, even though they aren't with us, we still have my uncle and cousins, who received not only a name from those great men, but those positive traits, as well. If I ever have a son, I would want to name him Rhys. It's an awesome name that has a lot of sentimental value for me.
I always thought this was a nickname for Theresa or Therese.
This name reminds me of Reese Peanut Butter Cups.
My son's name is Reese Emmanuel Lebens. When I was looking for a name, hurridly in the labor room I might add, I came upon the name Reese. In the 100 books or so that I have looked in these are the meanings I have come across: enthusiastic, river-stream unwinding and Prince. Initially, when I picked it, it was because I thought it meant Prince, because he is my little Prince. It is a masculine name and since naming him this back on Nov. 26th, 2002, I have come across several other Reeses, all boys. I like the name very much, although I wonder whether he will be taunted and called Reese's Pieces or Butter Cup. He is a mixed race child, very handsome and quite intelligent; however, kids are cruel. He will be somebody famous one day though!
Ugly spelling. Rhys is lovely.
Reese is a great name for a boy, I wouldn't use it for a girl myself.
Cute name, there is a friendly feel about it. I would name my daughter or son Reese!
Reese is a candy brand owned by Hershey's and makes lovely peanut butter and chocolate candies! I believe they pronounce their brand's name ree-sees.
Reese is the name of one of Malcolm's brothers in the popular TV programme 'Malcolm in the Middle'.
A famous bearer of this name is the actress Reese Witherspoon. Best known for starring in the movie Legally Blonde.
Reese Witherspoon's actual name is Laura Jeanne Reese Witherspoon. Reese was her mother's maiden name.

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