To me, this spelling is actually MORE familiar than Reese, and it works just as great for girls. I have a friend with this name in my school, in my grade.
I think Reece is a wonderful name. It means 'enthusiasm' which I think is a beautiful meaning. And many famous people are named Reece even a candy brings good vibes wherever they go! Please comment if your name is Reece.
This is my last name, and it gets misspelled as Reese A LOT. It's happened with people I've known for years, administrative things, and it's even been flagged by autocorrect a few times. Whenever I'm asked for my last name, I just automatically spell it out. It might be different as a first name (especially in places like the UK where Reese barely charts as a first name), but that's just my experience.
― Anonymous User 8/5/2023
Reece is a pretty cool name. I also love the spelling Reese.
I agree with the comment above. I LOVE Reece for a girl, and Rhys for a boy. They are both pronounced the same way, but to me, Rhys gives off the more masculine vibe.
― Anonymous User 10/22/2014
I love the name Reece as the middle name for a girl. I think that Reece looks and sounds feminine, but the spelling Rhys sounds masculine.
I love this name Reece :D. My beautiful little boy is Reece John. I love this name for my baby, it suits him! I named him Reece after a very special little boy I knew.
― Anonymous User 8/6/2007
Laird Hamilton and Gabrielle Reece named their daughter Reece Viola and call her Viola.
My name is Reece. I was named after my mom's maiden name. I was the only person I knew of that had that name when I was younger, but when I got to high school I find three or four, most spelled Reese, though. It's a good name, unique, but if you name your child just know that they won't go a day in their [at least early] life without being called Reece's Peanut Butter Cups, or asked if they were named after candy. Oh, and know that people will always spell their name 'Reese' upon first writing.
Reece (or Reese) look greasy and chav. Rhys is the appropriate spelling and the pronunciation should be a no brainer by now. Not to be used on girls unless you like ultra masculine names in the vein of Ralph, Hugo or Dick McPeter.
I love the name Reece for a boy. I am not too sure of it for a girl.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2006
I named my son Reece after his grandmother Anna Reese. I think the "S" is used more for girls and candy. It is also a great name to go with a twin girl or sibling named Annalise.