When I first heard the name Redmond, I really disliked it but I love it now. It's so unique and strong. An updated version of the dated Raymond. I have a nephew named Redmond, we call him Red.
More commonly a surname. In the United States, "Redman" is common as well.
An interesting mix of [exclusively irish] people with this name: a judge [Redmond Barry], a travel writer and an outlaw [both Redmond o'Hanlon] and the adventurer Redmond Barry from the Thackeray novel.
I think this is a very interesting option as a name for someone wanting something with Irish roots but that the rest of the world can pronounce. A similar sound to the better known but jaded Raymond and Desmond and "lighter" than Edmund. It also ties in to the surname as name trend, while having a proper history behind it.
I agree that this is a better name than those you listed, Eoin, but it isn’t a surname? People may mistake it as one, but Redmond is (thankfully) only a first name.
I like the sound of this name. It's an Irish version of my own name. I'm considering it as a name for a son.
Also, Redmond Barry was the original name of Barry Lyndon, title character of The Luck of Barry Lyndon by William Makepeace Thackeray and a Stanley Kubrick film version.
Ryan O'Neal played Redmond Barry/Barry Lyndon in Kubrick's movie.
In addition he and Farrah Fawcett used this name for their son.

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