I swear there was a kid who went to high school with me and pronounced his name "REE-gən". In my opinion, it sounds a little nicer than "RAY-gən".
― Anonymous User 9/1/2024
Reagan was given at a noticeable though infrequent level as a male name in the American South, especially Texas, in the late 19th and early 20th century, probably in honor of John H. Reagan (1818-1905), who was the Postmaster General of the Confederacy during the Civil War and later became the only former Confederate cabinet member to serve in the United States Senate.
Asian-American child actress Reagan To is known for starring in the popular TV show "Young Sheldon" as Mei-Tung Chen, appearing in Sijipeuseu: The Myth as Young Seo-Hae, and starring in more movies and television shows. See https://www.imdb.com/name/nm8738974/
I despise any connotations with the ex-president Ronald Reagan. However, I still love this name for both a girl and boy. I see it more as a girl name, since I only know girls called Reagan. However, I think Reagan is a handsome, attractive name for a dude. Seems to be somewhat popular where I am, for my age group. Nothing like Hannah, Emily, Hailey, or Madison, but still well-known. 10/10 name, overall.
This name is so boyish, what's with this trend of naming girls surnames or male names. There are plenty of great female names out there, stop using boys.
― Anonymous User 4/9/2023
In my personnel opinion I think the name Reagan is beautiful, it also means little ruler.
I have an older female cousin named Reagan, who was named after Ronald Reagan. I'm reading some of these nonsense comments about the name Reagan. One comment said "Please don’t do this to a poor child. I would absolutely hate being stuck with this name! Nothing annoys me more than president names!". First of all, it is not illegal to use a surname as a first name, at least not in the United States. I can easily think about how someone named Reagan would feel if he or she read that comment. Labeling people to their names is never okay.
My oldest daughter is named Reagen. When I was pregnant, I was finishing college and reading Shakespeare’s King Lear, who had a daughter named Regan. I liked it, but wanted to change the spelling. She is not named after the president. I was too young to care about presidents when he was in office! Her nickname is Raybug and sometimes just Bug. Reagen is insanely intelligent and very beautiful. She is such a head turner. As the oldest of 3 girls, she is mature, loving, and caring. She is also a very good cook. She had a wild streak in high school, but settled down quickly after. Now she is extremely goal oriented and very successful. She’s a great girl with a great name.
Aside from only Americans probably using this name I think it’s cute. I wish there were more nicknames for the name as the only one I can think of is Rae.
I really like this name! I know the association with RONALD REAGAN. I don't care for that, but I think this is so beautiful, and I would use this. I only like it for a girl though.
Please don’t do this to a poor child. I would absolutely hate being stuck with this name! Nothing annoys me more than president names!
― Anonymous User 9/26/2020
In the U.S., this name may be associated with a polarizing president from the 1980s or the main character from The Exorcist (the possessed little girl was named Reagan). Outside of the U.S., you can probably avoid those connotations. As we get further away from the 1980s, the Reagan association is going to disappear, but your child still may have people making judgments against them. It's up to you if you want to burden them with that, even though there's nothing inherently wrong with the name, it's ultimately your child who is going to have to endure the comments of others. Personally, I don't think it sounds feminine in the least, but that's a matter of personal taste.
― Anonymous User 8/15/2020
My parents used the name and they are Australian. Not everything has stuff to do with America so please stop thinking everyone named their child this based off a president, my mum just liked the name a lot. Although my name is pronounced as "ree-gan" and not "ray-gan", it is spelt the same as Reagan.
― Anonymous User 7/10/2020
I am a guy who has this name. I really like how it sounds but it's kinda annoying how everyone gets it wrong. I wish more guys had the name so I don't feel like I have a girl's name. Please make this name more common.
― Anonymous User 7/10/2020
Sounds like a boy name because it’s a surname and everyone thinks of the male president when they hear it. What’s the appeal in naming a girl this? Why did anyone start? Because it sounds like Megan but more unique? Well, now Reagan is ranked as pretty popular on girls, so it’s no longer unique. Might as well just go with Megan.
I think the name Reagan is cute. (Ree-gan) Just because there was a president with that name doesn't mean that person is good or bad. Anyone with the name Reagan, I love your name and I wish my mom and dad named me that!
I have no idea why people would give their little daughters such a politically charged name.. one with so much death and despair attached. This is another white trash name to me.
― Anonymous User 5/11/2020
Teagan sounds more feminine to me while Reagan sounds more masculine, due to the tee sound compared to the ray sound. I like Regan for a girl, pronounced Ree-gan. This name reminds me of the punk band Reagan Youth too, drawing a parallel between Young Republicans and Hitler Youth. They were very left wing and anti fascist.
I absolutely ADORE this name for my daughter. I am not one for super unique names, but I couldn't get past this name and my husband fell in love with it. I like the "American" theme that our children's names are following: Mason (Freemason - some of our Founding Fathers were Freemasons) Madison (James Madison - Father of the Constitution) Reagan (Ronald Reagan - as a Christian, conservative family we absolutely believe Reagan was one of the greatest presidents)If my children are not interested in American history, or are non political, I do believe that their names are still wonderful and fit their sweet little faces and personalities! If we have another daughter she will be Eleanor (Eleanor Roosevelt- longest serving First Lady) a boy would be Kid Rock.
― Anonymous User 3/14/2019
I'm not from an English speaking country and I know nothing about the American President Reagan, but I love this name. I think it sounds so cool. It's like Megan, but more modern and edgy. I like it for girls, not boys. Reagan sounds like an independent, confident girl who isn't afraid to take up space and speak her mind. I would totally name my daughter Reagan if it would work in my country, which it sadly doesn't.
― Anonymous User 3/5/2019
My name is Reagan and I personally think it's a beautiful and unique name. I'm sorry if that sounded braggy. But if any of you are out there with the name Reagan, hello. (RAY-gin)
In 2018, 5 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Reagan who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1, 209th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens. In 2018, 6 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Reagan who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 3, 195th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
― Anonymous User 10/16/2018
While it's not an inherently bad name, president Reagan was a polarizing political figure so at least half of people you meet will hate your kid for it. It's also associated with The Exorcist which is one of the most popular movies of all time, and is still enjoyed to this day. Due to the associations alone, it would be unfair to burden your child with this name.
― Anonymous User 10/10/2018
Way too many girls are given the name Reagan. It is not attractive at all and belongs firmly in the surname category.
― Anonymous User 9/16/2018
I’m surprised by all the hate this name gets, and I’m surprised by all the comments saying it’s a secret way to worship Ronald Reagan. C’mon, I find it a normal name like Carter, another name that is associated with a U.S. president, yet no once seems to be saying it’s a secret way to worship Jimmy Carter, which both statements are outrageous, can’t believe how much anti-Republican sentiment is on this name. Anyway, as for the name itself, it’s not a favorite but not terrible. Because of Ronald Reagan, I really only picture a man, and its meaning is also masculine. Not as bad as other names for girls, but better for a boy. Overall, not terrible but it’s not a first pick.
I have have this name, and I LOVE it :D I am from generation Z, so I didn't know the president, but that was part of the reason I was named Reagan. Also, my family is Irish and so the name connects to my roots. I don't know very many other Reagans, and as a child I loved my name. Paired with Rose as the middle name, so feminine and pretty.
The association with Ronald Reagan is too strong and too negative for me. The man spent a trillion dollars (no exaggeration) on defense and had us on the brink of war with the USSR multiple times. He had the opportunity to begin to scrap ours and the USSR's nuclear arsenal at the Reykjavik conference and chose not to. He put a ton of money into 'Star Wars,' a program that was supposed to survey and intercept Russian activities in space but ultimately became an unnecessary waste of money. I think he's incredibly overromanticized as a president and I don't think his legacy will age well. So just think about that if you decide to use this name.
My name is Reagan and my mom calls me Reaggie for a nickname. I feel like it is more of a girl name. The only thing I am scared of is when substitutes literally pronounce it REE-Gun.
My son is named Reagan, pronounced and spelled the same as the president. I did not call him this after the president, I just loved the name :) it does worry me that it's used more for girls, but his middle name is Paul which funnily enough is after my mum who is called Pauline, I lost my mum when Reagan Paul was 1 year old, made me love his name even more! We call him Reagan usually, I have had good comments and bad comments. You can do this with any name so I don't worry about it too much! It means little King or little ruler and that's exactly what my boy is :) and there's lots of unisex names used today, Alex, Aubrey, Taylor, Tyler, Jamie, Ashley, Carson etc :)
The name "Raegan" is of Irish origin, and it means "Spiritual strength". It's a name commonly given to girls.I've also read that the name "Regan" is derived from an Irish surname which means "impulsive." I personally think this is a beautiful and strong name for a girl. To me, it sounds like someone who would grow to be smart, successful, and independent.
― Anonymous User 8/20/2016
I have this name. I've been told Reagan means little king. I hate that this is what it means because I'm a girl. I hate my name so much. This name is for boys.
Sounds a bit more masculine than feminine to me, but I have no problem seeing it on a female. It's the name of one of my favorite YouTubers, so I've grown rather fond of it, and have grown to associate it with a cute, funny person with a lot of quirks. Cute name.
First off, King Lear's daughter is named Regan and, as a fan of literature, it's perfectly okay to name your daughter Regan. Anyone who judges you because of how you named your kid is clearly ignorant and unworthy of your time. I don't care what your political affiliation is or what you think of Reagan as a president. Unless I had Ronald Reagan physically inseminate me and I have a little shrine to him in my home, he's probably low on the list of reasons I've chosen the name. Ree-gin, Wray-gen, whatever - it doesn't matter. I'm pronouncing it Ray-gun and decorating my nursery in steampunk and all you mommy-know-betters can shut up because no one's asking you. Honestly, if you love your kid and you love the name, go with God.
Surnames are names OK! Examples of president surnames that are actual names and some quite popular are: Madison, Jackson, Tyler, Taylor, Carter, McKinley, Monroe, Harrison, Lincoln, Grant, Arthur, Wilson, Kennedy. So what is wrong with adding Reagan to the list? Just because Reagan was Republican doesn't mean the name is bad.
I named my SON Reagan, who was born this past October. I was born during Ronald Reagan's term as president, but can't say much since I was born in '85 and don't recall much. My boyfriend and I were both born during Reagan's term, so since we have that in common, we named our son Reagan, pronounced the same as the president. We love it, and I have seen in most places it means "heir to the king" or "little ruler" which to me means it's meant to be a boy name. But to each their own. If my son decides he doesn't care for it, he can always go by his middle name (James), RJ, Reggie, etc. I love this name for a boy!
I was born in 2001 and my parents named me Reagan. They thought that the president was a great one and they wanted me to grow up to be great as well. I have always loved my name and couldn't imagine being something else.
In 1985 I was named after the president. My parents had a passion for giving their children unusual names (Juanita- female 73, Loni- female 83, Sawyer- male 92). I had never heard of another girl named Reagan (I had once met a boy though), Until my early 20s when a customer at my work told me that her niece had just had a baby girl and named her Reagan. A few years ago I worked at an elementary school and there were 2 Reagan's (one Regan and one Reagan) both girls. This year for the first time EVER I was able to find a Christmas decoration with my name on it! I can't believe it is ranked #106 for girls!
An ugly and harsh masculine surname. I don't see the appeal of this name whatsoever. More fitting for a boy, but even for a boy the name is still awful.
This is my name! I used to really hate it because people would sometimes call me Ronald Reagan but once I was out of middle school this wasn't a problem. I get a lot of compliments on it. The nickname I use is Rea (pronounced Ray). I don't get why people pronounced Rea as Ree-Uh, because the name is RAY-gen not REE-UH-gin.
Nope. Come on people - EXORCIST?! Arguably the scariest movie of all time!? All I think of when I hear this name is that scarred up face, green glowing eyes, and vomit. Sorry. This name and all of the different variations of spellings are oddly popular where I live in Texas. I looked through my daughter's elementary school yearbook with her and there were 8 or 9 girls with this name. It's terrible.
― Anonymous User 10/7/2015
The president association has completely ruined this name for me, if it was ever good in the first place.
― Anonymous User 9/28/2015
My name is Raygan and I love how uncommon it is. People do call me ray gun and regin a lot but I still love the name. My nickname is Ray and that as well is uncommon. I think this name is great for little girls. Not too fond of it as a boy name.
― Anonymous User 9/9/2015
I would love to understand why some of the commenters have such a strong opinion as to how letters of the alphabet are put together as someone's given name. My sister is a pediatric nurse, and there are way worse names.. ie Ho'Nasty (pronounced Honesty) La-A (pronounce the DASH, seriously, so Ladasha) and many more I could name. These are names in 2015 people! My sister chose a normally masculine name for her daughter and the world has loved it. It's not about what you would name your child or what you don't like or like. I can't wait to name my daughter Reagan. I just can't believe how controversial some of you are making it out to be. It's almost infuriating. Reagan is a beautiful name. And I may be only 30 but I can tell you that we are purposely spelling it like the president, because some of you are failing to realize what he did for this country. This is not why we chose this name, but it doesn't bother us one bit. If I could, I would wear my Reagan/Bush '84 shirt to the delivery room!
― Anonymous User 8/24/2015
My 19 year old son is called Reagan, pronounced and spelt the same as the president. But hang on, before you think I named him after the American president, I did not. I was only born in 1980 and can't really remember him, plus I'm English, too! I simply just loved the name, I still do, everyone compliments him on such an unusual name, plus he is in a rock band, and lots of people think it's a cool rock name, lol. My son also loves the name too.
*strums a guitar* this one goes out to all the people who will never find a keychain with their name on it.
― Anonymous User 3/19/2015
I absolutely love the name Reagan. It is my name and I think it is gorgeous! My parents chose my name right after they found out I was a girl, and then coincidentally, I was born on President Ronald Reagan's anniversary with Nancy Reagan! I have only met a few other Reagan's but all of us have it as their middle name. My name is Maura Reagan, but I go by Reagan. I love the name on either gender! I think it is equally masculine and feminine. I love it on me because I am not really that girlie. I suggest this name!
― Anonymous User 2/22/2015
I love my name. For me it's a family name. I don't associate with Ronald Reagan even though people compare it a lot. As a female I get a lot of compliments on my name. I wear it proudly and I'm not an individual who would ever judge someone by the name their parents chose.
My parents named me Reagan 19 years ago, and as a young lady, I have never really found any issues with being named after a president my father admires very much. Growing up, because of the multitude of different spellings that could be found, my name was always spelled wrong, but it never phased me, I rarely met another Reagan and that made me proud of my name, even though I could never find any little souvenirs with my name on it, unlike my sister Amanda. It is also fun, because I can go by Rea when I so chose, and I believe that seems feminine (even though I'm not the most girly person on earth). I don't understand why so many people have hatred towards this name.
This is one of my pet peeve names. I don't understand the appeal of this name for anyone, let alone a little girl. It just sounds so masculine and it has that connotation to the president. I pity and poor little girl saddled with this so called modern name.
I named my daughter this in 2011 because in the name book we had it said it meant, "little ruler." My husband's name means "brave ruler" and my name means "princess." It really had nothing to do with the president. I love the way it sounds with her middle name too. Reagan Jo. It is cute and fun, just like she is.
Super dislike this name. It sounds to me like an ugly noise. Girl or boy it's just an ugly name.
― Anonymous User 9/3/2013
My daughter is named Reagan. Pronounced 'Ray-guhn'. Although it's definition is 'little king', the argument could be made that it is a variation of the Latin origin, Regine, or Queen, making it a suitable name for both boys & girls.
I know a little girl named Reagan and she is super gorgeous. I just think it's a shame she doesn't have a name as pretty as she is. She's stuck with a boyish and unfeminine sounding name (in my opinion.)
― Anonymous User 6/6/2011
I wouldn't name a girl Reagan, but I would name her Regan (Ree-gen) in a heartbeat. It means regal and royal and as others have pointed out, it was used by Shakespeare in King Lear. I hadn't heard the name until recently when I ran across a young lady who is the current Miss New Hampshire and her name is Regan Elizabeth. I fell in love with the name and began to research it for my sister-in-law who is looking for a unique name for her baby girl.
I love this name. I named my daughter this 3 years ago and I have never regretted it in the least! I spelled it the traditional way REAgan to avoid it being misspelled as much as possible. If I have come across people that do not like it they have kept their opinions to themselves! All I have gotten are compliments! Ironically I also named my son Ryan and I've learned they seems to have a shared meaning.
Stop saying this name is a secret way to 'worship' Ronald Reagan! It's a beautiful name that means 'queen' for women, not 'little king'. Who cares if it was used (almost) for the little girl in The Exorcist or as King Lear's daughter? The girl given this name will be their own person, not the president or a possessed spirit.
― Anonymous User 8/4/2010
This name is pronounced ray-guhn, with a long A sound. Female names pronounced ree-guhn, with a long E, are spelled Regan.
Horrible, horrible name for either sex. Ronald Reagan was our worst legitimately-elected president ever, and his worshipful followers scare me. It also sounds like "ray gun." But for those who insist that Reagan could do no wrong, the kind of people who seriously wanted to add his smirking face to Mt. Rushmore and put him on national currency, it might be the perfect name to show off your ultra-conservative politics.
I personally would never name a child this name. To associate him or her with one of the most anti-labor and little guy presidential administrations is unethical in my view. I caught a lot of Hell just for my Slavic name and appearance in part because of Reagan's "Evil Empire" rhetoric.
I can't stand this name because of the ghastly conservative president Ronald Reagan. Sounds like something that Republican parents would use on their sons and white trash would use on their daughters.
Since this is a variation on Regan, which was one of Shakespeare's "King Lear's" daughter's, this is definitely a female name. It also explains it's meaning. Also, King Lear was based off of real people and used most of the same names.
I personally love this name, for a boy or girl. I only know 1 girl with this name, but she spells it 'Raegan', and I am not particularly fond of that spelling. It can also be a wonderfully masculine name as well. :)To me, Reagan was one of the best Presidents in the history of the United States, and naming your child after him would be spectacular.
― Anonymous User 11/15/2008
I dislike it due to the association with an insane US president. Reagan smash - Reagan smash - Reagan smash! Reagan sleepy.
If this is what you like for your child, I'll know to avoid you, so I honestly don't mind if people just say they have a daughter (because it's always a daughter) named Reagan, as I can skip making guesses about the person while having pointless chit chats with them. Or that is what I could say if I was unfortunate enough to live anywhere near people who name their daughters Reagan. The only people who are wacky enough to use this surname-y name on their poor children are huge fans of Ronald Reagan who look back on 1980s America with a lot of nostalgia. They like to ignore the fact that many people ended up homeless and unemployed, as at least the wealthy people were doing fine, and they're quite happy to remember that the man pretended aids didn't exist because it seemed to hit gay men only at that time. This name is for all those obnoxious people who have questionable morals and bad taste, and who think this name seriously sounds okay on a grown woman despite its boyish sound, and despite the fact that St. Ronnie hardly would have cared about the reproductive rights and sexual health of their daughter.
This as a first name is modern, trashy, and way too trendy. As a surname, it belonged to one of America's worst presidents. A variant of it (Regan) was the name of a girl who was possessed in The Exorcist. There's no excuse to use this name.
― Anonymous User 4/26/2008
I've considered using this as a boy's name in honor of the late president. Hard to believe people would be against linking their child's name to the man who freed half the world.
My cousin wants to name her child this, if she's a girl, and she pronounces it RAY-gin, which I think would be the more feminine way to say it. REE-gin is more masculine. But personally, I can't say I really like this name on a girl. I agree with dmforsythe; think of something prettier for a girl. Or do a similar name, like Logan or Rogan or something.
I have an 8-year-old daughter named Raegan. My husband and I loved the name, and had it picked out two weeks after we found out we were pregnant. We intentionally changed the common spelling from Reagan to Raegan to avoid the president association and to make it look more feminine. In my research, the name is of Irish and Celtic origin and means "child of the small ruler." I personally don't like it for a boy name at all, but that's just me.
I adore this name for a girl and plan on naming my daughter it, though, I think it's better if you nickname her Rae. Reagan is to much of a mouthful.
― Anonymous User 10/24/2006
Reagan for a girl appeared on the top 1000 list in 1990. Its most popular year was 2005 where it ranked 136. For a boy Reagan appeared in 2003. Its most popular year was 2004 where it ranked 597.
― Anonymous User 9/25/2006
I see Reagan/Raegan as a more feminine spelling and Regan more masculine spelling.
― Anonymous User 8/30/2006
Nice name, I only know of a girl with this name. For me, boy or girl it doesn't matter.
― Anonymous User 5/28/2006
I know of one lady with this name, she would be 28 years old and she spells it Raegan. I am neutral on this name.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2006
It means descendent of the little king. I like it for a girl better than a boy.
Great name for girl or boy. Not too trendy or overused. Its connection to one of America's greatest presidents, Ronald Reagan, makes it a very noble name as well.
― Anonymous User 1/29/2006
This is a boys name meaning little king. I don't like it as a girls name. Think of something a little prettier for a girl.