Radovan Karadžić is Bosnian Serb politician and war criminal. He led Republika Sprska (region of Bosnia) during the Bosnian War. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radovan_Karad%C5%BEi%C4%87The name is pronounced /râdoʋaːn/ in Serbian, which is in the article about Karadžić.
Radovan Vlajkovic (18 November 1922 – 12 November 2001) was a Yugoslav politician who served as Chairman of the Collective Presidency of Yugoslavia from 1985 until 1986.
It's so bitterly ironic that the root of Radovan is apparently "care." Although I am not from the Balkan Peninsula, I would imagine that this name is as unusable there as Adolf is in Europe and America. All I can think of is Radovan Karadžić and the atrocities he committed in the name of "ethnic cleansing."
To me, the second element easily looks like the Slavic passive voice suffix. So, the name Radovan is actually from the passive voice of the verb "radovati" meaning "to joy, gladden, make happy". The meaning of Radovan would be "one who brings joy".
Radovan Krejčíř, businessman Radovan Lukavský, actor and pedagogue Radovan Myslík, DJ and moderator Radovan Karadžić, politician Radovan Zogović, poet Radovan Jelašić, economist
The name is pronounced /râdoʋaːn/ in Serbian, which is in the article about Karadžić.