I really like Rachel and when I first saw the Rachael spelling I thought it looked made up and kind of artificial. Even though it's clearly not the original spelling and I am usually partial to original spelling of classic names, my opinion on Rachael has changed and now I think this extra A makes it look kind of fuller and adds some extra character. I still prefer Rachel, but Rachael no longer feels made up or somehow a lot worse to me.
The standard Polish form of this name is Rachela, which is quite rare and, as far as I'm aware, has mostly been used by people with Jewish connections, Rachel is also used but even more sparingly. However, in January of this year, there were 16 women in Poland with the first name Rachael. 13 women had it as a middle name.
― Anonymous User 8/13/2021
It looks weird and misspelled.Rachel is a classic name, why stick the extra A in there? It doesn't make any sense at all.
― Anonymous User 7/3/2021
Although both "Rachel" and "Rachael" are great, I think "Rachael" kind of looks more complete!
― Anonymous User 4/12/2021
This spelling is much softer and prettier than the original one. Rachel just looks too scruffy compared to this.
― Anonymous User 3/22/2021
I remember when I was in the 5th grade. We had a substitute teacher that day. As she was taking role she called out Richard. We had no Richard in our class and I was 99% sure she meant Rachael. It was so humiliating! I look back and think, People like to call me different things but Richard, well that's a first. :)
― Anonymous User 2/1/2021
It is a feminine form of Michael. I don't like it that way. I prefer Rachel.
Okay Folks! The name Rachel is from the Hebrew Bible, as we know. Therefore it is a Hebrew name. The Hebrew pronunciation is something like this: “RawHEYL.” Or the similar “RawKHEYL.” The emphasis is on the second syllable. It could be argued that the diphthong in the second syllable is two syllables. I wouldn’t argue that, but the second syllable is the accented syllable, and therefore should be longer and more stressed. The “R” is not pronounced like the English “R.” The name sounds quite beautiful actually. Every form of the name that we regularly use in English is a bastardisation of the original pronunciation... The English sound CH is not like the Hebrew sound KH, which is closer to “H.” If you want a typical English spelling that’s closest to the Hebrew, it would be Raquel. But that’s not quite right either! But does any if this really matter? I say go for it! However you want to spell it! There have certainly been many spellings of the name in English throughout history, other than “Rachel,” including “Rachael.” From what I have seen, the spelling “Rachael” is more common in Great Britain than it is in the States. As an aside, from Arabic, the English rendering is often “Rahel.” I like that one a lot! Anyway, especially given that the Hebrew Bible was first put down in writing over 2,600 years ago, we can safely say that “Rachel” is not the only rendering of the name in English. Do a historical search; you will see this. And if we’re looking for authenticity, “Rachel” is certainly not the “right” pronunciation. I’m not sure who “owns” names, but we might be unhappy to live in a country where you must give your child a name from a list of approved names, with approved spellings. And there ARE such countries!
― Anonymous User 10/12/2020
Personally I love the spelling. It just looks unfinished, to me, without the second A. I’m biased as a Rachael though. I was named after my great grandmother so it’s surprising to me when people say it’s a really modern spelling because she was born in the 19th century. I also think this is a more English version of the Hebrew name, although I have known a Jewish Rachael. All of that said, it is almost always misspelled unless someone even thinks to ask how to spell it. It is really frustrating. None of my teachers could ever seem to bother to get it right even when all my papers they read and emails they replied to had it very plainly in front of them, even after correcting them numerous times. And forget Starbucks. But I still wouldn’t change it.
― Anonymous User 4/22/2020
It's funny to hear that because my name is spelled Rachel and people always want to spell it Rachael. People really need to ask and listen to how people spell the name if a person spells their name Rachael, it is correct. If someone spells it Rachel, it is correct.
I very much like this name. In fact, I default to this spelling variation rather than the common one.Personally, I prefer "Rachael" over "Rachel". Rachael has a bit more of a flair to it, and it is very elegant and aesthetically pleasing.
I feel sorry for all the Rachaels and other people with misspelled names. If you misspell your baby’s name to make it unique, all you are doing is sentencing that child to a lifetime of having to correct people’s spelling.
― Anonymous User 5/8/2019
I knew I was different from every Rachel that’s out there. My mom said when I was born she pronounced my name RayChole, she said that’s how it sounds to her. I can say I’m very unique and different. I love my mom for spelling my name correctly and God for giving me life as RayChole.
I love this name! This looks much more beautiful and better than the incomplete Rachel.
― Anonymous User 12/5/2018
My name IS Rachael. It is very annoying because people are constantly misspelling my name or telling me I spell it weird or wrong. Personally, I love my name. I thing it is different and that's definitely me.
― Anonymous User 9/13/2018
Looks prettier than Rachel, although the name in general doesn't roll off the tongue that well.
― Anonymous User 9/5/2018
I honestly really love this name. I feel that it is elegant and classy and not common in the slightest. It honestly looks much better and prettier than "Rachel", which looks plain and like it is missing something. I know only one Rachael, and she is a wonderful person.
I find it very irritating and offensive when people misspell my name. When I reply to email on auto text, I take the time to ensure I’ve spelt their name right..
When I was in 3rd or 4th grade, the teacher conducted a class specifically about the spelling of "proper" names. Since there were 3 students named "Michael" in the class, we spent quite a bit of time making sure everyone knew how to spell, and pronounce, our Mikes' names. Anyway, although I was also a student and another "Rachel" was attending as well, no attention was paid to our names' spelling. Later that month when Valentine's Day rolled 'round, I recall receiving several "RachAEL"-addressed cards. Huh? Since then, I've always (silently, not necessarily publicly) thought that those parents who named their child 'Rachael' must have learned well how to spell Michael, and transposed that knowledge to Rachel. Thus (in my mind) lives Ray-kull - rhymes with Michael - rather than - - "Rachel".
Being a Rachael is not an easy life. When people write your name they will put "Rachel" or my personal favorite "Racheal". People don't really ask how to spell it so I always say "Rachael with an ael" and sometimes that works and sometimes they still write "Rachel". Throughout my life I have never been able to find a personalized key chain with my name on it. I personally really like my name. I was given the extra 'a' because my mom liked it. Also my brother is "Aaron" and she thought it would be cute for us to both have 2 a's in our names. How my mom found the name was from a name book from the 70's and it had "Rachel (or Rachael)". So no, I don't think this name is ugly and a stupid mess up. I think that a Rachel with an extra 'a' would still be as sweet.
Rachael is a beautiful name and spelling. It's a shame it gets criticized when there are so many other differently spelled names. Especially when people can't choose how their names get spelled when they are born. Rachael/Rachel is a very unique, old name that is not as common as so many other names. I'm proud to have it, no matter the spelling.
My name is Rachael. I think it's a good name, and I'm used to seeing it spelled with the extra 'a'. I don't find anything wrong with adding the one extra letter. My parents thought it was the 'right' way to spell it. When I write 'Rachel', it looks weird and a little boring, and like it's missing something, but that's probably only because it's not the way I spell it. I think people just don't like it because it's not how they are used to seeing it, and the other way is more common. I would never pronounce it 'Ray-chay- el', though.
― Anonymous User 11/25/2015
I am "Rachel" and I have always been irritated by that extra "a". It looks weird, but I assume a "Rachael" would think her name looked weird without it. Always ask how it is spelled before you assume wrong and write the wrong spelling. Most of the Rachels I have known in the northeast USA are spelled without the additional "a". I wonder if "Rachael" is more common in other parts of the country.
To spell Rachel as Rachael is like Hansael and Gretael. Fathaer and Mothaer. Utterly pointless.Rachel is a Hebrew name. It has two syllables, one vowel sound in each syllable. Michael has 3 syllables: Mi + Cha + El. Raphael as well: Rafa + El I've read recently that some people believe the misspelling (Rachael) to be somehow Biblical, either Old or New Testament. It is neither. The misspelling is actually quite recent.My name is Jeff. Maybe I should add some extra letters to it, like "Ojaxefafla", and tell everyone it's the original, correct, Biblical way to spell it. But it's pronounced Jeff. If people believe that about Rachael, maybe it's worth a shot, no?
My name is Rachael and I love the spelling of it. I don't like it when people misspell is Racheal though. That to me is not a correct way of spelling Rachael. I've seen it spelt Rachell and Raychel before too. To me Rachael is more common than Rachel as I know a lot more people with the same spelling as mine. I love that I can have some many nicknames, people usually call me "Rachie" or "Rach" but I sometimes get "Rae". I also love that my Dad is Michael and it looks similar to my name. Also people going on about the extra A, what about the name "Aelrad" the "Ael" is the start of this name.
My name is Rachael and I think it is a pretty name. The extra 'A' doesn't bother me a bit, I like it better with the second 'A' because it seems more unique. It does bother me, though, that people constantly spell my name wrong no matter how many times I tell them that it is the wrong spelling.
There is no PROPER way to spell a name, as someone has already said. So quit wining about the spelling. Personally I think this name is beautiful either way!
My name is Rachael. And I think the name both sounds and looks pretty. Though, I don't like when people spell my name without the extra "a". Yet after a while, I got used to it.I'd rather my name be feminine like Layla or Rosalie. But I like my name as is.
I don't care how anyone else spells it, I spell it Rachael. If you spell it Raychell or Rachel, I don't really care, it doesn't make me angry at all. But reading you guys fighting over it it pretty funny:)))))
I absolutely ADORE the name Rachael! I have a very close friend named Rachael, and she's really made me love the name. I think it looks so much prettier than Rachel, even if it IS pronounced the same (hers is). I can definitely see myself naming my daughter Rachael.
Personally, I am extremely fond of my name. When I was younger it bothered me that people always spelt it the more common way, but now looking back on it I laugh. This way of spelling my name is original.
Rachael Flatt is an American figure skater. She is the 2010 US National Champion, the 2008/2009 US National Silver Medalist, and the 2008 World Junior Champion. She will represent the US at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics.
I would just like to clarify (because of a previous comment) that Israel is not at all pronounced like Michael or Rachael. You pronounce it like Is-rye-ehl. Comparing Michael and Rachael will do just fine.
― Anonymous User 6/19/2009
I like this spelling much better than Rachel, but someone with this name would probably always have people misspell her name, so I'd use this for a character only. Heck, I am using it for a character!
No, no, no, no, no. This isn't the worst spelling of Rachel (which happens to be my name), but it's the most annoying. It's R-A-C-H-E-L, not R-A-C-H-A-E-L. It's murdering Rachel.
I've always liked the pronunciation of Rachel, but whenever I looked at the name, it seemed to be missing something. Then I came across this spelling, and was hooked on Rachael.
― Anonymous User 11/24/2008
Israel and Michael are actually pronounced with three syllables in Hebrew. Rachel is not. Spelling Rachel as Rachael does make it look as if it should be pronounced with three syllables. Maybe not in English, but in Hebrew so it just looks weird to me. I think Rachael looks just plain ugly and makes no sense at all, sorry.
― Anonymous User 11/16/2008
The 'a' irritates me and drags the name down.
― Anonymous User 9/1/2008
The A makes it prettier, I think. A lot more elegant, even though some people might think it's pronounced differently. Kind of like Nathanael and Nathaniel, but the -ael just sounds more classic instead of like someone learning about phonics.
The name is detestable enough without the unnecessary 'a'. Every Rachael (and Racheal) I've met have had nothing but bother with their "interesting" spellings.
― Anonymous User 6/3/2008
Gorgeous, isn't it? The spelling must come from some form of Irish. There are broad vowels (a, o and u) and slender vowels (i and e). If there is a consonant after the vowel, it must be followed by another broad/slender vowel. For example, the spelling of the word 'age' would be unacceptable. It would have to be something like 'aige' or 'agoe'.
My name is Rachael, and I love the spelling. My parents spelled it this way because my father's name is Michael, and they wanted it to look like his name. Sometimes, people mispronounce it, but it doesn't happen that often; most people know it is pronounced "Rachel". Curiously, older people tend to appreciate the spelling more than younger people.
This is my name. I like that it is spelled Rachael. I like to be unique. I like the name Rachael. It isn't one of my favorite names but I don't hate it either.
My name is Rachael and I love the way it is spelled, with the extra a, it makes it more complicated, one of the characteristics of the name. But it also looks prettier that way. When I was younger, I tried spelling without the a for awhile, but I didn't like it that way, and most of my friends thought it was better with the extra a, becuase it was different and uniquie, which I am.
This is my name! ^o^ I have a teacher who pronounces it as "Rochelle" though. But then again, she calls my friend Sage "Sarah", so we think she might be senile.I think it's a bit plain and I don't like it a lot, but then again, my ideal name would be Noel, Lucia or something along those lines, so you never know.
We spelled our daughter R-a-c-h-a-e-l for two reasons. First - we did not want people thinking we named her for the character on Friends "Rachel Greene" (played by Jennifer Aniston) and second - her father's name is Michael. Without the a in her name, it didn't look "right" to us.
There is no proper way to spell Rachael, if you are the parents, you can choose. Some people are just to narrow minded. You can spell a name any way you want!
― Anonymous User 9/14/2006
I like this name very much. The extra "a" at the end makes it very beautiful, and adds a bit more to it than the, in my opinion, plain "Rachel". I would never pronounce it "Ray-CHAY-el". It makes the same sound as "Israel", or "Michael" (as stated in an above comment), and that's what I'd assume. It's not THAT unusual of a spelling. As for it being too "masculine", give me a break! I've never heard a more feminine name than this lovely "Rachael".
Famous bearer: contemporary Christian singer Rachael Lampa.
― Anonymous User 6/23/2006
My name is Rachel. People often misspell my name into Rachael. I honestly think it looks odd with the extra 'A', but I also am used to seeing "Rachel" every day of my life.
― Anonymous User 6/7/2006
I don't like the way "Rachael" is spelled. The extra "A" just makes it look ridiculous compared to the proper way to spell it - "Rachel".
Famous bearer is Rachael Ray from the Food Network.
― Anonymous User 2/27/2006
The second a in this name is unneccessary and should have never been put there. I don't like the name at all, because it sounds too masculine and has a hard sound to it.
― Anonymous User 2/20/2006
I strongly prefer this spelling over the other. I think the "ael" looks more feminine and delicate. Additionally, I like the nickname Rae; it *looks* more befitting a moniker with this spelling. IMO, it makes less visual sense with the other (more traditional?) form of this name.
― Anonymous User 2/18/2006
My name is Rachael and I never really liked it until I was an adult. I'm ok with it now. I never liked how I sounded when I said my name.
It seems the main problem with this spelling of Rachael is that people think it looks like it should be pronounced in a different way - like RAY-chay-el. To me, this argument just seems like a bias against a spelling that is not the "original" and most familiar. Otherwise, why not argue that Michael is improperly spelled because it looks as though it should be pronounced mih-chay-ul? The spelling Rachael was used by Charles Dickens for a character in his novel "Hard Times."
I think that Rachael is the best name ever! It has 7 letters and is pronounced Rachel. Rachael is by far is the best name ever.
― Anonymous User 5/25/2005
My name is spelled Rachael and I originally thought that it could be spelled either this way or Rachel. But I am very happy to think my name is quite a weird way of spelling it and I think it is pronounced right as it's spelled the same as Rachel except one extra letter.
Just wanted to add that this spelling of Rachel looks really wrong to me. It looks as if it should be pronounced "Ray-chay-al" or something. Rachel is much better, in my opinion.
― Anonymous User 4/14/2005
It does not look like it should be pronounced that way. I think this is a beautiful spelling of Rachael, even though it's not as popular
― Anonymous User 10/23/2005
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