Fun Fact: This name is being used on baby boys in the US, albeit rarely, with 2022 having 5 boys named Quetzalcoatl.
I think it's cool, and the best part is, there is a very helpful pronunciation tab that helps you pronounce it! Love this name!
I... have... NO... IDEA... how... to... pronounce... this.
Nobody here is talking about Quetzalcoatl from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid.
This name is mad cool.
So cool!
Anyone who names their kid Quetzalcoatl is a bada**!
He'll be the last person in his kindergarten class to spell his name.
Sounds like a great name for a newly discovered species of dinosaur.
Just because a name is on here doesn't mean it's actually used on people, remember! I can't imagine this mouthful on a person!
I like this name and all. But I can't imagine knowing an actual person with this name and having to go, "Hey, Quetzalcoatl!" every time I saw him. I'd probably shorten it to just Quetzal. Even if it does sound like pretzel.
I've actually known one girl with this name. She went by the nickname Kiki.
I've always heard it as "Kw-ets-el-kw-ah-tel." Very fun to say, not so much fun to have.
I've always heard it as ket-sul-koh-AH-tul in English.
I like this name. I think I'll name one of my boys this name. I don't care about the god Quetzalcoatl, because I just like the name for how it is spelled. It's so unique! If you make fun of this name you just don't know what cool is.
Good luck to my fellow anglophones with managing to say this name without actually getting a tongue cramp!
Pronounced /ke-tzal-co-Atel/ or /ket-sal-kwattle/.
When Cortez arrived in Mexico, Montezuma called him Quetzalcoatl, the name of their sun god. It is pronounced GWAHT-sell-GWAHT-tay.

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