Qasim Al-Khafaji is an Iraqi Paralympic swimmer who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
I like this name because there's not many "Q" names (i.e. names starting with the letter Q) in this world.
QASIM is my given name and my kids have their last names QASIM, which means the one who distributes good things to help society and humanity. A beautiful name and I hope my name QASIM will bring good to America as a country and have better representation in western society.
Can also be a surname: Qasem.
Unique name.
This is my name and it's a great one. I'm proud my father had gifted me with this name rather than an overly-common such as Muhammad or Ahmed.
This is a fantastic name. :D.
Pronounced KAH-sim in Arabic.
Other English transcriptions of Qasim are Qassim, Qasam, Kasim, Kassim, Casim and Cassim.The Turkish spelling is Kasım. [noted -ed]
In the Disney movie, Aladdin and the King of Thieves, Aladdin's father's name is Cassim. I would assume that this is an anglicized version of the name Qasim.

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