This isn't a baby name site; this is a catalogue of names. It's not strictly for prospective parents. In listing this name the website is not suggesting that people have named or should name children Popeye.
It may look good on the character and restaurant. But someone else named Popeye might get teased. I would suggest something else instead.
I think of the restaurant. But this name is okay...I guess.
An appropriate name for a toothbrush LMFAO!
Popeye is a terrible name because:It's Pompous
It's very childish
A lot of pornstars use this name
A lot of strippers use this name
You will get teased
No one will take you seriously
You may miss out on a lot of job opportunities
It's more fitting for a snake/spider
People will think you're entitled.
Reminds me of the restaurant.

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