Most likely to mean "serpent's mouth" due to (1) the Hebrew words "Peh" (mouth) and "Nachash" (serpent) - with the Hebrew letter change from "shin" to "samech" to emphasize proper pronunciation. (2) all Hebrew words related to "nubian" are no where close to the spelling of "Pinchas".
Phinehas didn't kill the Israelite because he married a Midianite woman; he killed them both because they blatantly disobeyed Moses' order not to take Midianite prostitutes into their tents.
Can also be spelled Phinnaeus like Julia Roberts' son.
― Anonymous User 3/5/2006
Phinehas / Phineas has been ruined by Oscar winner Julia Roberts butchering of the spelling. Phineaus Walter was born in 2004, but at least gets to enjoy the lovely nickname Finn. Will its popularity rise? Time will tell.
― Anonymous User 2/19/2006
Butchering the spelling? I much prefer the Romanized spelling. Phineaus is the only way to spell it in my book, lol. It obviously isn't a Roman name, but I do prefer the spelling if we're not going to pronounce it the way its 'mother language' does anyway.