Petunia Dursley gives this unnecessary bad rap. I think it's a very lovely, natural name for women and girls of all ages!
Who can resist the playful charm of Petunia?
Pronounced puh toon yuh. Like it for pets. Specifically cats. Some cute nicknamesTunia (pronounced toon yuh) Tuni (pronounced too nee)Nia (pronounced nee uh)
Penny could work as a nickname.
Pia, Tia and Una could be nicknames.
This name is definitely bottom tier to flower names.
I despise it! The first thing that comes to my mind is petulant Petunia.
I don’t love it. But Nia is a cute nickname.
Also Galician:
Petunia is a character in the series Happy Tree Friends. She's a blue skunk.
Reminds me of the Harry Potter character. Other than that, it sounds quite old-fashioned.
I don't know why but this name is funny to me.
It sounds fine but it’s a bit too cutesy for my taste.
I think of the lovely flower in my garden when I hear the name Petunia. Nothing wrong with that.
I don't like this name. It sounds dowdy and old-ladyish. It also reminds me of Petunia Pig (Porky Pig's wife or girlfriend if I recall correctly). If anyone is considering this name for their daughter- no, just no. It might be okay for a small dog, though.
This is an okay name.
I feels sorry for Petunia Evans Dursley. She isn't SO bad but almost everyone hates her.
Harry Potter ruined it.
My only problem with this name is the way I pronounce it: Pet-choon-ia.
I really like this name. It sounds sophisticated and quite sweet in my opinion.
Sounds like a slave name to me.
It sounds too similar to 'spitoon' for me. Then there's Petunia from Harry Potter. A lovely flower, a horrid name.
Yuck, yuck, yuck. This isn't a good name at all. It's so sour and pompous sounding.
I hate this name. Reminds me of Harry Potter's cruel aunt, one of my least favorite characters.
Irish people pronounce Petunia pə-CHOON-yə.
The name Petunia comes from the South American word "petun", which means "tobacco", in the Tupi language.
968 Petunia is the name of a minor planet [asteroid] orbiting the sun.Many of these asteroids have fantastic names, actually.
I doubt people are going to be put off this name by the children's 'Harry Potter' series. Not everyone cares for that book enough to know the names of all of the characters. Petunia is a fine name.
I dislike this name and the way it sounds, and because of Harry Potter's aunt, I don't think anyone will be using this name for their child very soon.
Makes me think of a sad, lonely person who has a rotted bouquet of flowers in the middle of her dining room table and she wears the same old wrinkled blue dress everyday.
Petunia reminds me of a plump cheerful woman with a cheerful desposition. There was a lady like that I knew. Offered me cookies everytime I went to her house.
I think this name is too comical and unattractive for a person. In my opinion it would make a good name for a pet. I picture a little yippy dog or a pet rat when I hear this name. :)
I always imagine a pinched, pointy person when I hear this name - no doubt because of the Harry Potter influence.
Petunia Pig is Porky Pig's girlfriend in the Looney Tune cartoons.
Petunia is the name of Harry's aunt's in the Harry Potter series.

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