The name day for Petko in Serbia and the Serbian Diaspora is commonly taken as the Slava day for Saint Petka - the 27th October according to the Gregorian calender.
Really? In any English speaking country the poor kid would never stop hearing about the store PetCo.
Yes, "really". No one cares what it means in English speaking countries. In fact, I have the name and I am proud of it but also, I do take the jokes about the Pet Store because Balkan people are not as sensitive like little kids as the "English speakers". At least this name directly implies the person is a male unlike the many variations of English names that don't and one should really be careful when addressing someone else with that kind of name.By the way, Petko does not mean "Friday". It is a variation of „Параскев“ или „Параскева“ (Paraskev/ Paraskeva) coming from the Greek Παρασκευή which is Friday or the preparation for the Sabbath).

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