Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Honestly an underrated name.
My name is Peter and I’m a 21 year old male from the UK. Growing up, I never knew any other kids called Peter and I was always the only Peter in both primary and secondary school. I am mostly known as Peter but I sometimes get called Pete by friends and family members. I don’t mind Pete but I always introduce myself as Peter when meeting new people and let them decide if they want to call me Peter or Pete. Overall, I think Peter is a great name and I am glad my mum chose it for me. It means “Rock” and was the name of one of Jesus’ disciples in the bible. I would also just like to clarify that it doesn’t mean penis at all and those of you who think it does seriously need to grow up and get a life.
I like this name a lot. Fits anyone at any age.
I like the Spider-Man association.
Peter is one of my favorites when it comes to masculine names. Strong, easy to spell and pronounce, internationally well known, timeless, and classy. If I ever have a son, his name will be Peter for sure.
I like this name and Pete is a cute nickname.
Isn't it a slang word for penis?
Sounds like the name of a whiny, spoiled "urban professional" complaining that the temperature of his espresso is two degrees off. Works a real day in the coal mines spouting drivel as a columnist, or as an "entrepreneur" because he really is just too special to work for anybody else. Probably raised by parents who thought his excrement was art.
I always think of Peter Griffin when I hear this name lol.
Timeless but a smidge too popular for me.
I used to dislike it, but now I love it, mostly because of my favourite characters Peeta from The Hunger Games and Peter “Pin” from Free Rein. Both wonderful human beings I’d love to name a son after. The meaning rock is so strong, and the name itself is just timeless. It makes me think of the two characters mentioned above, and also Peter Rabbit and Peter Pan. The nickname Pete is mediocre, but Peter doesn’t need a nickname.
Peter is a wonderful name.
Makes me think of Peter Griffin tbh.
Peter is one of those nostalgic, homely names. It sounds very handsome and I think it deserves more recognition. Pete is a cool nickname and I love its meaning.
Hate it. Boring and unpleasant.
I feel obliged to shed some light on what it is like living with this name. I like my name for its strong sound, its history, and I like the nickname Pete. I get very positive reactions from others when I share my name, and I have met only a handful of guys my age with it (20's and 30's). So while it may be an old name, it doesn't seem boring either. As for nicknames, my urban friends are inclined to call me "Petey" for some reason. Otherwise, I generally get "Pete" but they usually ask if that's ok first. I really don't care. With Spanish speaking friends, I call myself Pedro just for fun, but they usually use my English name regardless.There are a lot of character associations I get such as Peter Parker, Peter Pan, Peter Rabbit and Peter from "Peter and the Wolf". Sometimes that can get tiresome, but sometimes it's fun, too. As far as the slang meaning, I never knew it existed until I discovered it in the dictionary one day. I was confused, because I'd NEVER heard it used that way before and to this day the only times I've heard that are rare instances from people who are acting trashy anyway. So it really doesn't have any effect on me. If that is a concern of yours, be reassured that many people are not even aware of that usage.In summary, I am very happy with my name and would certainly recommend it to others. The meaning is good, the history is good, and it's easy to remember. And whoever you are, wheelbarrow4 and noisynora, I am available. Lol.
I do like this name, it's classic and is the name of St. Peter, but the fact that "Peter" is slang for a part of the male does raise concerns as to whether or not it is an ideal name in today's day and age.
Such an amazing name! A great namesake could be Saint Peter the Apostle! One of the greatest Saints ever!
Too old-fashioned, but handsome and timeless.
Has an unpleasant sound to it.
This is a bona fide classic boy's name that's relatively overlooked by parents today. Maybe a little old-fashioned on the ears still, but not really much more so than other classics that are much more popular. It's secretly a more dynamic name than most people give it credit for. Nothing really wrong with Pete either, it's aged well.
For an apparently "boring" name this sure gets people worked up! Like, ok, you don't like the name but... get a grip. It's not actively ruining your life. Anyway, I came on here to look at it because we are planning to call our soon-to-arrive son Peter, after my father who died when I was young. I find it hard to know what I'd think of this name if I didn't have that association – maybe a bit ho-hum – but in any case I too like its sweetly old-fashioned and dependable air and the way that childhood fictional characters named Peter tend always to be gentle but strong and spirited. The adult Peters I know are generally great people who display all those qualities, and I like that while it's an extremely established name across so many cultures, you don't currently find it so much among young kids in anglophone cultures. So, I think we'll go with it. Just hope he never runs into a Peter hater!
Really, really handsome. I think the meaning stone is strong and I love how classic it is. I like that it's biblical, too. It has a nostalgic feel for me. The Peter Rabbit, Peter Pan, and Spiderman associations are childhood so I don't see them as bad. The Bruno Mars association is also childhood too. Grenade and Treasure hit hard...No hate, but I'd also like to date a Peter, lol.
I think it's sad how much hate and criticism this name has received on this site… Peter is a timelessly beautiful name, in my opinion. It ages wonderfully and its meaning “stone” is very strong and solid. Also, it carries with it several pleasant associations, such as the courageous Apostle Peter, adorable Peter Rabbit, and beloved Peter Pan.
Overall, I think Peter is a gorgeous name.
Don't really care for this name, but it's not a bad name as some commenters are making it out to be.
Absolutely VILE! This was what the little boy I was a nanny for called his male part.
Peter is a wonderful name. It's my favourite boy's name and always has been. I love how enduring and timeless it is, and the meaning 'stone' is strong, sturdy and dependable, just like the name itself.
Very very unattractive! Ugh!
It's okay, I guess. Not unattractive or unpleasant probably, but it is a little plain. Definitely not the worst name in the world, but maybe choose something more...vibrant. Not offending anyone, Peter's have different personalities. :)
Trashy and not attractive at ALL. Don't get the appeal, ugh!
I hate this name it sounds so unattractive, I don't see the appeal at all.
I hate this name. It sounds so old and stuck-up, disgusting.
Boring. I DISLIKE it.
Peter is just a name. Not my favourite, but for some individuals to exclaim that they hate this one particular forename is completely
absurd. Hating is reserved for violence. Disliking a name on the other hand is only normal. Peter is an old fashioned name where I am from and is not usually given to a baby these days.
I hate, hate, hate this name! So boring, common, plain; who would like this?!
I think Peter is a solid name that can fill the litmus test of being a good name for a person of any age really. There is a reason why some names age gracefully while others might not.
Peter sounds ok to me, granted here in Germany it is a highly popular name. Whenever I think of Peter I always imagine the story, “Peter and the Wolf”, so I guess that is pretty much what I can say about this name.
Boring old fashioned name that can also be slang for penis which is a NO for me.
Classic beauty! Peter is the real deal, has class and quality. I think it was really popular many decades ago, not so much anymore, but it feels like it's still going strong. I like this name!
Very sexy name. I'd love to date a Peter.
It's okay but it does sound a bit weak and feeble in my opinion, I prefer Paul.
Peter sounds so strong and classic!
To be honest I wouldn’t mind having a girl named Peter, just saying.
My favorite boy's name. If I were ever to have a twin boy and girl, I'd name them Peter and Lydia. Both are Biblical names, and I'm deeply Christian. Peter was an amazing man in the Bible.
Peter is a hot name. I think of Peter Parker.
Peter is a name that makes me feel nostalgic, since it is so abundant in children's books (Peter Pan, Peter the Rabbit, etc), and it's my father's name. It's classic and well-known, but not as common as, say, William or James. I'm considering using it in the future.
My name is Peter. Although I may be a bit biased, I love my name and I would never dream of changing it. The immature comments about the name Peter apparently being a slang term for a male body part did offend me a little bit. The real meaning of it is "Rock/Stone" and the name belonged to one of Jesus' disciples. There is nothing that states it is another word for a male body part. Growing up, I didn't meet many Peters that were my own age, and I was always the only Peter in both Primary school and Secondary school. It probably wasn't as popular where I lived, but I am sure there were other young Peters in different towns across the UK and in various other countries. I mostly go by Peter, but a lot of people often call me Pete without asking. This doesn't bother me, but I personally prefer to go by Peter. When I am meeting new people, I always introduce myself as Peter.
What is with the hate? It’s a pretty classic and nice name.
Also, stone isn’t a bad meaning at all! Jesus told Peter, “You are my rock, and upon this rock I will build my church.”.
It's my birth name. I'm somewhere between Millennial and Gen Z, and of Asian descent. Even after I graduated and went to university, everyone would still call me "Pete" and "Petey". I hate these nicknames but it's inevitable. The inappropriate usage caught me off guard, e.g. "Like Peter Rabbit right?", or random acquaintances calling me "Peter Pan" and "Sneaky Pete" (like the TV show).It sounded terrible with my middle name. My friends were even saying that it's too English for me.I'm going by a different name now, a less-known unisex name with a more fitting connotation. I'm living in a new city, so I'm going to change to it legally soon. It's very freeing!
All I can think about is that fat moron from Family guy.
Stinky Pete from the Toy Story movies.
In the same boat as Dick, Willie, and Johnson.
This is a nice, classic name for a boy. Three positive associations stand out to me, the Biblical character, Peter Pevensie from the Chronicles of Narnia, and Peter Rabbit. This name is longstanding and timeless. It has a very noble presence about it that gives a sense of strong confidence. It's a great choice that ages well, and it will serve its bearer well with the mature and cheerful feel that it has.
Very boring, makes me want to yawn or roll my eyes, nothing special about it.
The most common name for CEOs of fortune-500 companies is Peter. So, I guess name your child Peter if you want him to be successful, and bullied in school because of the show Family Guy.
Good strong name but don't care for Pete or Petey as nicknames.
Handsome, but dreadfully boring it is.
I have 2 uncles with this name, my mom's brother and my aunt's husband. I love them both dearly, and I personally think more people should name their children this. It's a good strong name, and anyone that thinks it's inappropriate should grow up.
Very nice, classic name. I like it a lot :)
Decent but very common. No offense, but I am a bit sick of this name.
Nice classic name. Especially Peter Rabbit.
Honestly Peter sounds so wimpy on a grown man and the thought of so many serial killers with this name makes me want to throw up.
This name used to be popular, now it's a little outdated. Peter itself is an okay name, but Pete/ Petey are terrible. Honestly, I prefer the 'er' part to the 'Pete' part. Since I'm American we pronounce it "Peder" which I think sounds better then "Peter".
This is a traditional name. It is very sweet and sophisticated. It is a great name for a father. I love it!
Very nice traditional name. It may be common among older men but it's rarely used today. This name should make a comeback.
Very common name! Very plain and simple... An actor I like, Peter Sarsgaard has this name. A lot of attractive men I know are named Peter.
If I had ever had a boy, I would have loved to call him Peter. I love love love this name. It's very positive and versatile. When you think of rugged, strong, loyal Peter in the bible, then you think of brave, adventurous, charming Peter Pan, then you think of adorable Peter Rabbit who gets into trouble, you think of Peter from The Brady Bunch who is a unique kid who has the best quirky little personality, full of fun and life. It's classy and respectable. I love it. It's also WIDELY forgotten when people are naming their kids. Not many people use it so that's also why I wanted to use it. It's just a likable name.
Hmm, the name Peter has grown on me...! I actually like this name a lot now! It's a nice, classic name that ages well. ^-^
As a different opinion, though, it can be like having the name Emily if you're a girl, sort of sweet and naturous sounding.
This name is absolutely wonderful!
I really don't like the "pee" part of this name at all.
I dislike this name. I don't think the name "Peter" has much to offer to be honestly considered a WOW name for me. :/
Not too fond of this name. It's too sinister sounding, and reminds me of a scary looking policeman.
This is my REAL name. How did a great name like this fall to the 200s yet the made-up, un-intellectual, and trashy Jayden is number 7. There is no hope for society.
OMG! Peter! I love this name like nothing... it's not only because it is my name but it's because of some characters or behaviour that most of the people who are named Peter have. Peters are so stubborn, crazy, funny, charming, kind and sympathetic and lovable people. I'm really proud of my name.
I love the name Peter especially with a last name that starts with p. Peter Parker, Peter Pan, Peter Pevensie, Peter Patrelli, Peter Pettigrew... Love it :)
Why would anyone name their child this? Why would you want to name your child after a penis? Horrible parents!
To the poster above: to say that this name has anything at all to do with the word "penis" is ridiculous, ignorant, immature, and inaccurate. This wonderful name has belonged to many great people, most notably Jesus' apostle. To say that anyone who names a child this is a horrible parent is absurd. The proper meaning is "rock", and has NOTHING to do with a male body part. To possess this name is an honor. Go back to middle school.
It's a nice, classic name. You can't say that about new fad names like like Kayden and Braiden.
I had originally named my son Peter after his father (my ex). I also chose this name because of its meaning- "rock" or "stone". After all, I am a geologist by trade, and people think it's cool that I have a child whose name means "rock". My son is five now, and I am still glad I chose this name. It isn't very common for kids his age, which is also a good thing. I hate my name partly because of its sickening popularity for girls in my generation.
I really like the name Peter. It sounds masculine yet sensitive and sophisticated. If I ever have a son and name him Peter, I sincerely hope with all my heart he won't decide to go by Pete. Ugh. I couldn't stand that.
As much as many people say this is a common name, I think is it charming and kind, yet very masculine.
Hah. Peter.
I can't help but laugh every time I hear someone called this. Try Petros or something else - Peter is too funny to name your kid.
I absolutely adore this name! I hadn't thought about it as a name option for my 4-year-old Eli, until I had already filled out his birth certificate. Although we considered changing it when he was only an infant, we decided to stick with our first choice. This name always slips my mind, and I really wish we'd have name one of our sons this. I like Simon Peter. It has a sweet ring to it, although I would only call him Peter. I love this name, and if I ever have another son, this is definitely what we'll name him. It's just too cute!
Peter sounds like a nickname for a man's private part.
I've never liked this name. There's just something about the way it sounds. And then, of course, there's the slang meaning. (I'm surprised no-one has already mentioned this.)
I love the name Peter! It's such a strong name, and it does mean "rock."
This is a really handsome name, I think.
I am not a big fan of the name but I like the fact that it is my dad's name and that it has a feel to it.
Another one of the names that I enjoy, a name that's actually NOT used very often, nowadays. I don't know a single Peter.
My dad is named Peter and personally I like the name. I would like name my son Peter after him, plus I think he'd like to have the same name as a superhero.
I like the name Peter. I think it's cute. I have relatives named Peter and they really like the name.
My husband's name is Peter, and he's a Junior, but when we had a son, he did not want to name him Peter, III. I like the name Peter, Pete, Sweet Pete, whatever I call him.
This name was given to me by my mother on birth. My wife calls me Peter and it's so sweet. It has given me the strength and confidence to do a lot at my age and is a super strong name to utter. I know, following in the footsteps of Peter the disciple, many people called by this name become great and rich. It may be old fashioned but it never goes out of fashion. It's strongly modern yet a classic. In Swahili, it's PETRO or PETERO.
I like this name, I think it sounds like a preppy boys name.
I don't hear this name a lot from my generation or the upcoming one. It's sad because it's a great name! Very likeable name too!
Peter was quite popular in the past, but now it is rarely given to newborn boys. Peter is a strong, classic name with staying power, whereas some of the names given to little boys today will end up being flashes in the pan that will sound very dated in a few decades' time.
I think this name is overused. It is very common and don't like it that much, though I like the first bearers of this name but now it's just too common and popular.
I gave this name to my 2nd son, he is Peter Jordan. He is 13 and really likes his name and the fact it isn't used often. He does get called Pete sometimes but more often it is kept as Peter.

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